Senin, 06 September 2010


• Alcelaphus buselaphus, merupakan nama spesies bagi kijang bertanduk bengkok yang dapat berlari sangat kencang.
• Aletodon mellon, nama ini dibuat untuk menghormati J. R. R. Tolkien, pengarang trilogi epik, The Lord of The Rings. Tolkien berhasil menciptakan bahasa fantasi yang dikenal dengan Elvish, bahasa peri-peri. Mellon merupakan bahasa peri yang berarti teman.
• Alta, berarti tinggi atau meningkatkan.
• Altissimo, berarti yang paling tinggi.
• Amabel, berarti cantik dan ramah.Ambrosia, merupakan nama makanan dewa-dewi Olympus.
• Andrias scheuchzeri, merupakan nama spesies bagi fossil salamander yang semula diduga sebagai fossil manusia dari masa nabi Nuh (andrias = seperti manusia). Anda bisa memanggil buah hati dengan nama panggilan yang lazim seperti Andri(as), atau yang unik seperti Scheu (baca: S-choo atau Syew) atau Euchzer(i).
• Andromeda. Nama ini memiliki beberapa rujukan makna. Dalam bahasa Yunani, Andromeda berarti pemimpin para lelaki, sementara dalam ilmu biologi nama ini merujuk pada tanaman rosemary (sejenis tanaman herba yang memiliki aroma yang wangi, dapat digunakan sebagai bumbu dapur atau minyak wangi) dan salah satu jenis kumbang. Selain itu, dalam is tilah astronomi, Andromeda merujuk pada salah satu galaksi di alam semesta.
• Aloha, berarti cinta.
• Aloysius atau Alosia, berarti pahlawan merdeka.
• Alpin, berarti cantik dan putih
• Amdis, berarti abadi
• Angelica archangelica, merupakan nama spesies bagi sejenis bunga asoka yang konon mekar setiap tanggal 8 Mei. 8 Mei merupakan hari St. Michael, malaikat tertinggi dalam ajaran Kristiani.
• Anisonchus eowynae, merupakan nama spesies mamalia purba. Nama ini diambil dari salah satu karakter dalam kisah The Lord of The Rings karya J. R. R. Tolkien, Eowyn, putri dari Rohan.
• Aqua atau Aquanetta, diambil dari bahasa Latin aqua yang berarti air.
• Aracelli, berarti altar surga atau pembuat rumah yang indah bak surga. Nama ini sangat populer di Spanyol.
• Ardea Herodias, merupakan nama spesies bagi bangau cantik berwarna biru.
• Ardemo, berarti yang lebih rajin.
• Argentina, berarti perak.
• Aries, berarti domba jantan.
• Asio otus, merupakan nama spesies bagi burung hantu bertelinga panjang (yang terlihat seperti tanduk). Asia otus sendiri berarti burung hantu bertanduk.
• Astra, berarti bintang.
• Assunta, berarti pangambil alihan.
• Athene atau Athena dan Surnia ulula, merupakan nama spesies bagi burung hantu. Burung hantu merupakan hewan suci bagi Dewi Athena, dewi kebijaksanaan yang melambangkan keindahan dalam seni, kecakapan berperang, keahlian, dan kebenaran.
• Attila, berarti mirip ayahnya.
• Aurantiasya, berasal dari kata aurantiaca yang berarti berwarna jingga.
• Aurelia, berarti hidup bahagia.
• Austrin atau Androkles, berarti agung.
• Azurea dan Syerulea, berarti berwarna biru.
• Bagherra kiplingi, merupakan nama spesies bagi laba-laba vegetarian yang banyak ditemukan di hutan tropis Amazon. Namanya diambil dari kisah Jungle Book, yang ditulis oleh Rudyard Kipling. Bagheera merupakan nama macan hitam dalam kisah tersebut.
• Balaenoptera musculus, merupakan nama spesies bagi paus biru.
• Balbaroo fangaroo, merupakan nama spesies bagi kangguru.
• Balbo, berarti bergumam.
• Beelzebufo, merupakan nama spesies bagi fossil kodok dari Madagascar. Arti namanya adalah katak dari neraka.
• Bellva, berarti pemandangan yang indah.
• Benigno, berarti baik hati.
• Betelgeuse, merupakan nama spesies bagi salah satu jenis tawon. Namanya diambil dari salah satu bintang pada peta bintang Orion. Tawon yang dimaksud memiliki ovipositor berbentuk pedang, seperti bentuk pedang dari bintang-bintang Orion.
• Biagio, berarti gugup.
• Boselaphus tragocamelus, merupakan nama spesies antelope, yakni sejenis rusa yang larinya sangat cepat. Arti dari nama ini sendiri adalah rusa yang terlihat seperti lembu jantan sekaligus kambing yang berpunuk unta?!! Menarik bukan? J
• Caius, berarti kegembiraan.
• Carita, berarti yang dicintai.
• Chalicodoma Pluto, merupakan nama spesies bagi lebah terbesar di dunia yang berasal dari kepulauan Maluku. Spesimen ini dikoleksi oleh Alfred R. Wallace pada waktu kedatangannya ke Indonesia tahun 1854-1862.
• Chelonian, merupakan nama marga bagi jenis penyu.
• Catocala, merupakan nama spesies bagi ngengat yang memiliki sayap belakang berwarna merah. Terdapat pilihan nama spesies dengan nama depan Catocala, disertai dengan arti yang mengiringinya, antara lain: Catocala promissa (promissa = terikat dalam perjanjian suci pernikahan), Catocala electa (electa = tunangan), Catocala nupta (nupta = pengantin). Entah mengapa nama belakang dari spesies ini, hamper semuanya berhubungan dengan tema pernikahan. Mungkinkah karena sayapnya yang memang berwarna indah (menurut saya cukup menarik)? Ataukah karena kebiasaan hidup ngengat yang nocturnal (aktif di malam hari) sehingga spesies ini literally called ‘kupu-kupu malam’? Hmm, saya rasa semuanya tergantung perspektif AndaJ
• Cirrus, berarti segumpal awan tipis.
• Clemence, berarti belas kasih.
• Clivora dan Rupicola, berarti perbukitan.
• Clossiana frigga, merupakan nama spesies bagi kupu-kupu.
• Clove, berarti semanggi.
• Coelogyne pandurata, merupakan nama spesies bagi anggrek hitam.
• Colocasia, merupakan nama spesies bagi tanaman talas atau hewan ngengat.
• Columba livia dan Paloma, merupakan nama spesies bagi burung merpati. Burung merpati merupakan simbol kelembutan, kemurnian, kedamaian, dan kesucian.
• Concetta, berarti seorang pemikir.
• Cordelia, berarti baik hati.
• Crispin, berarti memiliki rambut keriting.
• Cyanea, merupakan nama spesies bagi bunga lonceng Hawai dan sejenis ubur-ubur.
• Cygnus olor, merupakan nama latin bagi angsa putih. Angsa putih sangat sering dijadikan lambang seorang putri karena lehernya yang panjang yang terlihat anggun.
• Decimus, berarti yang kesepuluh.
• Desider, berarti kerinduan yang mendalam, atau mendamba.
• Dziwneono etcetera, merupakan nama spesies bagi belalang daun yang memiliki warna oranye atau kuning. Dalam bahasa Polandia dziwneono berarti terlihat aneh, sementara etcetera merupakan bahasa Latin untuk ‘dan lain-lain’. Jadi jika disimpulkan, arti nama ini adalah ‘yang terlihat aneh dll’. J
• Dracania, berarti naga betina.
• Dulce, berarti manis.
• Duran dan Dante, berarti kokoh dan kekal. Nama ini juga merupakan nama band Inggris yang ngetop di tahun 80an, Duran Duran.
• Durya, berarti tahan lama.
• Erasmus, berarti mencintai.
• Erica atau Eric. Erica merupakan nama spesies bagi jenis rumput-rumputan atau laba-laba. Arti kata Erica sendiri secara etimologis adalah selamanya, sendiri, atau pengatur.
• Ekgmowechashala, merupakan nama spesies bagi fossil primata. Nama tersebut berarti manusia kecil yang kebingungan. Alternatif nama panggilannya adalah Egmo(we), Wechas, atau Chasala.
• Ekplektikos, berarti kejutan.
• Electra, merupakan nama sejenis bryozoa. Dalam bahasa Yunani, electra berarti cemerlang dan berkilauan. Kata ini merupakan asal kata dalam bahasa Inggris electric, yang berarti listrik.
• Ensin, berarti pangkat kelautan.
• Erythrina, berarti berwarna merah.
• Errol, berarti sang pengembara.
• Faust, berarti keberuntungan besar (hoki-nya gede J).
• Favian, berarti lelaki yang bijaksana.
• Felis temmincki, merupakan nama spesies bagi kucing berbulu emas. Anda dapat memberi nama kecil Felis atau Temmi atau Minckii J.
• Filiorum, berarti anak-anak.
• Fitzpatrick, berarti putra dari seseorang yang berbudi luhur.
• Flava dan Lutia, berarti berwarna kuning.
• Florida, berarti berlimpahan bunga, atau padang bunga.
• Fulqentius dan Lumina, berarti bercahaya terang, benderang, cemerlang.
• Gaudeamus igitur, berarti marilah kita bergembira. Nama ini juga merupakan judul lagu bagi para pelajar.
• Gazelle, berarti makhluk yang manis, menarik, dan luwes.
• Ginger, berarti jahe. Jahe merupakan bumbu masak yang pedas dan khas romanya. Jahe dipercaya dapat meningkatkan gairah hidup dan hasrat jiwa.
• Giustinia, berarti adil dan seimbang.
• Gladiss, berarti mustahil. Saya sangat menyukai nama ini karena terdengar begitu feminim.
• Gonzalo, berarti selamat dari peperangan atau dapat juga berarti serigala.
• Gopherus, merupakan nama spesies bagi kura-kura padang pasir.
• Greer, berarti berjaga-jaga.
• Hallucigenia, merupakan nama spesies bagi fossil cacing yang sudah punah. Cacing ini memiliki duri-duri panjang menjulang dari sepanjang tubuhnya. Bentuk cacing ini sangat aneh, dan menurut saya terlihat seperti monster, sehingga diberi nama Hallucigenia (hewan dari alam mimpi / halusinasi).
• Harpia harpyja, merupakan nama spesies bagi burung elang yang diambil dari mitologi Yunani mengenai makhluk mengerikan yang digambarkan sebagai seorang wanita yang bersayap dan memiliki cakar (harpy).
• Helarctos malayanus, merupakan nama latin bagi beruang madu, atau saya lebih suka menyebutnya nama latin Winnie The Pooh J.
• Hugo, berarti berjiwa cendekia dan intelektual, berpendidikan.
• Hyemali, berarti musim dingin.
• Ia io, merupakan nama spesies bagi kelelawar pemakan serangga yang memiliki ekor panjang.
• Ignatius, berarti berapi-api.
• Iris, merupakan nama spesies untuk jenis bunga. Dalam bahasa Yunani, iris berarti pelangi.
• Ipomopsis sancti-spiritus, merupakan nama spesies bagi tanaman langka dari famili Polemoniaceae. Arti nama ini adalah roh suci Ipomopsis. Bunga Ipomopsis memiliki warna merah yang cerah.
• Jolyon, berarti yang muda.
• Junior, berarti yang lebih muda, atau dapat juga berarti anak bungsu.
• Jupiter, merupakan dewa tertinggi dalam mitologi romawi. Nama ini juga dijadikan nama dari salah satu planet di tata surya kita.
• Justus, berarti pantas.
• Katias, berarti meruncing.
• Kenothecaster, merupakan nama spesies bagi bintang laut yang telah punah. Nama tersebut secara harfiah berarti bintang kotak yang kosong.
• Kheper aegyptiorum, merupakan nama spesies bagi kumbang kotoran. Kumbang tersebut merupakan simbol Khepera, dewa matahari terbit dalam legenda Mesir (aegypt).
• Kimo, berarti provinsi.
• Knightia, merupakan nama spesies untuk fossil ikan. Dalam bahasa Inggris knight berarti ksatria / pahlawan.
• Kolymbos, berarti jago berenang.
• Lacustris, berarti danau.
• Latimeria chalumnae, merupakan nama spesies ikan yang dilindungi pemerintah, yakni ikan raja laut.
• Lawsonia inermis, merupakan nama spesies bagi tanaman pacar (henna).
• Ledermanniella maturiniana, nama tanaman air yang sering ditemukan di perairan Kenya.
• Livistona, merupakan nama marga dari jenis palem kipas Sumatera.
• Lucerna, berarti lampu.
• Lucille, Lucinda, Lucita, Luz, keempatnya berarti cahaya.
• Lucretia, berarti sukses.
• Luscinia megarhynchos, merupakan nama spesies bagi burung bulbul.
• Magnum, berarti mega, besar.
• Mantis religiosa, merupakan nama spesies untuk belalang (mantis) sembah (religiosa). Dinamakan demikian karena belalang ini memiliki kaki depan yang posisinya terlihat seperti tangan orang yang sedang berdoa.
• Maraville, berarti keajaiban atau mukjizat.
• Maritimia, berarti maritime.
• Martialis heureka, merupakan nama spesies bagi semut.
• Maximus, berarti yang terbesar.
• Mimatuta minuial, dibuat untuk menghormati karya J.R.R. Tolkien. Minuial merupakan bahasa peri (Elvish) yang berarti senja hari.
• Mirabelle, berarti mengagumkan.
• Modesto, berarti rendah hati.
• Muilla, merupakan nama marga dari jenis lili-lilian liar.
• Naja naja, merupakan nama spesies bagi ular kobra dari Sri Lanka.
• Nemo, berarti bukan siapa-siapa. Nama ini populer lewat film produksi Disney “Finding Nemo“, yang bercerita mengenai seekor clownfish yang mengelilingi samudera untuk mencari putranya yang hilang. Wah, kalau begitu arti judul film ini adalah Mencari dia yang bukan siapa-siapa, ataukah Tidak mencari siapa-siapa, hmm? J
• Neofelis nebulusa, merupakan nama latin bagi harimau Jawa.
• Nessiteras rhombopteryx, merupakan nama Latin untuk monster Loch Ness. Hal ini sangat lucu menurut saya, karena monster Loch Ness itu tidak benar-benar ada, tetapi nama spesiesnya ternyata tetap dibuat. Alternatif nama panggilan untuk nama ini adalah Nessie, Rhombop, atau Bopter(ix).
• Nqwebasaurus, merupakan nama spesies bagi fossil dinosaurus yang ditemukan di Nqweba.
• Odora, berarti berbau harum.
• Oenanthe, merupakan nama spesies bagi seledri air.
• Orazio, diambil dari nama marga terkenal pada masa kejayaan Romawi, Horatius. Dalam bahasa Italia, orazio berarti doa atau ibadah.
• Oriole dan Topaz dan Chrysantha, berarti keemasan. Anda tentu tau Chrisye, kemungkinan besar namanya berarti emas, dan terbukti suaranya memang secemerlang emas J.
• Orsa, berarti beruang betina kecil.
• Osiris, merupakan nama spesies bagi lebah. Osiris merupakan penjaga alam barzah dalam legenda Mesir Kuno.
• Ovid, berarti penggembala yang patuh.
• Paradisaea raggiana, merupakan nama spesies bagi burung cendrawasih.
• Paraphalaenopsis denevei, merupakan nama spesies bagi anggrek bulan bintang.
• Paschal, berarti paskah.
• Paul, berarti si kecil.
• Paxton, berarti tempat yang damai.
• Peneothello, merupakan nama spesies bagi burung kecil yang dadanya berwarna merah. Nama ini berarti hampir (peneo) hitam (thello), karena spesies burung yang dimaksud hampir seluruh tubuhnya berwarna hitam, kecuali dadanya.
• Percy, berarti berhasil menembus pertahanan lawan.
• Pio, berarti saleh, taat.
• Piseinotecus divae, merupakan nama sejenis gastropoda (moluska). Piseinotecus berarti ‘Saya menginjak Teco’, Teco adalah nama anjing milik Prof. Diva Correa. Jadi, nama ini dibuat pada tahun 1955 oleh salah satu murid Prof. Diva, Er. Marcus di malam hari ketika ia menginjak anjing profesornya itu. Nama yang unik ya! Nama panggilan yang mungkin untuk nama ini adalah Pisei, Seino, atau Divae.
• Plantagenet, diambil dari bahasa latin planta genista (semak-semak). Plantagenet merupakan nama dinasti yang diberikan karena para prajuritnya sering menyematkan ranting semak di pelindung kepalanya saat berperang, untuk kamuflase.
• Poppy, berarti bunga.
• Prince, berarti pangeran.
• Proteus, merupakan nama spesies bagi sejenis bakteri (Proteus mirabilis), amfibi (Proteus anguinus), atau sejenis herba. Dalam mitologi Yunani, Proteus merupakan nama salah satu Dewa Samudra.
• Pryor, berarti pemimpin biara.
• Quint atau Pompeo, berarti yang kelima.
• Raffia ruffia, merupakan nama spesies bagi tanaman raffia, yang dapat dijadikan bahan anyaman.
• Ragnarok, merupakan nama spesies bagi fossil mamalia pada masa Palocene. Ragnarok sendiri berarti kematian dewa-dewa.
• Raina, berarti seorang ratu.
• Refugio, berarti rumah yang nyaman.
• Renanthera matutina, merupakan nama spesies bagi anggrek jingga.
• Rex dan Rexanne, berarti raja-raja atau ratu-ratu yang penuh kemewahan dan keanggunan.
• Risa, berarti gelak tawa akan kebahagiaan.
• Salacca zalacca, merupakan nama spesies bagi pohon salak.
• Sancho dan Sancia, berarti sakral.
• Secundus, berarti yang kedua.
• Septima, berarti yang ketujuh.
• Sheila, berarti surga.
• Silvia dan Silas, berarti hutan.
• Sixtu, berarti yang keenam.
• Solange, berarti bersungguh-sungguh dan memuliakan.
• Soren, berarti seorang penyendiri.
• Syconycteris hobbit, merupakan nama spesies bagi jenis kelelawar langka yang hidup di hutan lumut. Nama ini diambil dari buku The Hobbit karya J. R. R. Tolkien.
• Tahuantinsuyoa macantzatza, merupakan nama spesies bagi salah satu jenis ikan di Sungai Amazon.
• Tastavin, berarti rasanya seperti anggir (wine), memabukkan.
• Taurus, berarti benteng.
• Terra, merujuk pada planet Bumi.
• Tgifi, merupakan singkatan dari “Thank God it’s Friday” (Terimakasih Tuhan, sekarang hari Jumat). Jika buah hati Anda lahir hari Jumat, maka nama ini cocok baginya J
• Tigris, berarti harimau. Nama ini juga merujuk pada salah satu nama sungai di Afrika.
• Tinuviel, merupakan peri paling cantik dalam kisah The Lord of the Rings. Dalam bahasa peri, tinuviel, berarti burung bulbul.
• Titus, berarti seorang pembela kebenaran.
• Tranquilina, berarti tenag dan penuh kedamaian.
• Trea, berarti memiliki pengaruh.
• Trent, berarti air yang melimpah.
• Trixie, berarti pelayaran hidup atau orang yang diberkati.
• Ulis atau Ulisa, berarti pemarah.
• Ultima, berarti titik terjauh. Bisa pula diartikan sebagai pencapaian maksimal.
• Una, berarti satu.
• Usher, berarti muara sungai. Salah satu contoh tokohnya adalah penyanyi hip hop dari Amerika pelantun lagu Love in This Club, Usher.
• Vanda, merupakan nama spesies bagi jenis anggrek mini.
• Velutine, berarti halus.
• Vera, berarti kepercayaan dan kejujuran.
• Verdiana, berarti berwarna hijau.
• Veronica beccabunga, merupakan nama spesies bagi tanaman alang-alang yang dapat dijadikan obat peningkat daya tahan tubuh.
• Vini peruviana, merupakan nama sejenis burung nuri.
• Vini vidivici, merupakan nama spesies bagi burung nuri yang telah punah.
• Viola purpurea, merupakan nama spesies bunga, berarti ungu violet. Padahal bunga yang dimaksud berwarna kuning.
• Virgil, berarti tongkat tempat menambatkan surat pada zaman perang Eropa dulu.
• Vito dan Vidal, berarti pemberi kehidupan. Nama Vito sangat popular di Italia.
• Viva, berarti hidup.
• Walckenaeria Pinocchio, merupakan nama sejenis laba-laba. Nama ini diambil dari kisah Pinokio, boneka kayu yang jika berbohong hidungnya panjang.
• Wynstelle, berarti bintang yang murni.
• Xanthopan morgani praedicta, merupakan nama spesies bagi kupu-kupu yang memiliki mulut hisap nektar yang sangat-amat panjang.
• Xuxa atau Scilla peruviana, berarti lili.
• Yeneyer, berarti menghormati.
• Yuri dan George, berarti petani atau tukang kebun. Nama George sangat lazim digunakan di Amerika dan Eropa. Sementara nama Yuri, cukup populer di Jepang.
• Zelia, berarti hasrat, kecemburuan, atau buta.
• Zenobia, berarti nafas hidup Dewa Zeus.
• Zia, berarti kemegahan atau butiran padi.
• Ziziphus spina-christi, merupakan nama spesies sejenis ceri-cerian yang batangnya berduri (spina = duri), yang konon katanya merupakan bahan mahkota duri yang dikenakan pada Yesus saat penyaliban. Nama local bagi tanaman ini dalam bahasa Inggris adalah Jujube.
• Zona, berarti korset.
• Zu, merupakan nama spesies bagi ikan pelangi. Zu sendiri berarti kurang-lebih menyerupai dewa-dewi.

A bene placito.
Sesukanya atau Sekehendak hatinya.
Ab hinc
Dari sini atau dari sumber/sebab ini.
Ab imo pectore
Dari lubuk hati yang paling dalam
Ab incunabulis
Sejak dalam ayunan/buaian.
Ab initio
Sejak semula.
Ab origine
Dari asal muasalnya.
Ab ovo usque ad mala
Dari telur sampai apel. Sebuah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyatakan jamuan makan yang lengkap, mulai dari hidangan pembuka sampai penutup.
Ab urbe condita
Sejak berdirinya kota (Roma), yang menurut sejarah dimulai pada tanggal 21 April tahun 753 SM. Sering disingkat sebagai AUC untuk menandai Tarikh Romawi. Sejarawan Romawi Titus Livius, menggunakannya sebagai judul buku.
Ab esse ad posse
Dari ada menuju bisa atau Dari keadaan menjadi pengetahuan. Maksudnya ialah dari keberadaan hal, maka seseorang bisa mengetahui kemampuannya.
Absentem laedit, qui cum ebrio litigat.
Mereka yang berdebat dengan orang mabuk, mengganggu ketertiban umum.
Absit (malum) omen.
Semoga tidak ada pertanda (buruk) .
Abusus non tollit usum.
Kemungkinan penyalahgunaan tidak menghalangi manfaat.
Acquiris quodcumque rapis.
Engkau mendapatkan apa yang kau jarah
Acta est fabula.
Apa yang terjadi adalah sebuah kisah. Ini adalah kata-kata terakhir Kaisar Agustus. Bisa pula berarti Permainan/sandiwara (the play) telah berakhir. (Ing: The play is over)
• "Acta est fabula, plaudite!" Yang berarti "Sandiwara telah berakhir! Bertepuk tanganlah!"
A Deo rex, a rege lex.
Raja oleh Tuhan, Hukum oleh Raja. Sebuah argumen yang mendasari kekuasaan sistem pemerintahan monarki.
Ad astra per aspera.
Sampai ke bintang dengan jerih payah. Ini adalah motto negara bagian Kansas, Amerika Serikat.
Ad captandum vulgus.
Mengambil perhatian rakyat. Maksudnya ialah seorang politikus yang berjanji muluk-muluk terhadap rakyat.
Adde parvum parvo, manus acervus erit
Tambahkan, sedikit demi sedikit maka nanti akan menjadi tumpukan. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, kalimat ini diterjemahkan sebagai: Sedikit-sedikit lama-lama menjadi bukit.
Ad hoc.
Dibentuk atau dimaksudkan untuk satu tujuan khusus saja, atau sesuatu yang diimprovisasi.Contoh: Komisi ad hoc DPR
Ad hominem
Tertuju pada pribadi atau karakter seseorang. Contoh penggunaannya "Argumen anggota dewan lebih bersifat ad hominem ketimbang membahas akar permasalahan".
Ad impossibilia nemo tenetur.
Tak seorangpun berkewajiban melakukan hal yang mustahil.
Ad infinitum.
Sampai tak terhingga. Maksudnya ialah tiada habis-habisnya.
Ad interim
Sementara. Contoh penggunaan Hari Sabarno adalah, menteri Menko Polkam ad interim.
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Untuk Keagungan Allah Yang Lebih Besar. Motto Ordo Serikat Yesus dalam Agama Katolik.
Ad nauseam.
sampai memuakkan. Maksudnya kalimat ini, adalah mengulang-ulang suatu hal berkali-kali sampai memuakkan.
Aegroto dum anima est, spes est.
Selama seseorang yang sakit masih memiliki semangat, maka masih ada harapan.
Age quod agis.
Lakukan apa yang (harus) kau lakukan. Maksudnya ialah, lakukanlah sebaik mungkin apa yang dilakukan.
Alii bella gerunt, tu felix Austria nube.
Orang lain berperang, tetapi engkau Austria yang beruntung, engkau menikah. Kalimat ini merujuk kepada siasat Austria yang pandai, dan mengkawini semua kerajaan-kerajaan di Eropa lainnya.
A mari usque ad mare
Dari Laut ke Laut. Kalimat ini adalah motto negara Kanada.
Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur.
Seorang kawan sejati dapat dikenali pada saat yang penuh ketidakpastian. Kalimat ini ditulis oleh Cicero
Amor patriae nostra lex.
Cinta Tanah Air adalah hukum kita.
Amor vincit omnia.
Cinta mengalahkan semuanya.
A posse ad esse non valet consequentia.
Penalaran tak berlaku dari sebuah kemungkinan menjadi sebuah kenyataan / keberadaan. Artinya seseorang tak dapat memastikan keberadaan suatu hal berdasarkan kemungkinannya.
A pedibus usque ad caput.
Dari kaki sampai kepala.
A posteriori.
Secara harafiah berarti dari yang terakhir. Frasa ini digunakan sebagai sinonim untuk metoda penalaran Induktif.
A priori.
Secara harafiah berarti sejak yang pertama. Frasa ini digunakan sebagai sinonim untuk metoda penalaran Deduktif.
Aquila non capit muscas.
Seekor elang tidak menangkap lalat.
Aquiris quodcumque rapis
Engkau mendapatkan apa yang engkau jarah.
Ars est celare artem.
Diperlukan sebuah keahlian/seni (yang tinggi) untuk menyembunyikan sebuah keahlian/seni sesungguhnya. Maksudnya karya seni yang sejati tidak memperlihatkan teknik yang digunakan/dimiliki oleh seniman penciptanya.
Ars gratia artis.
Seni untuk seni. Moto perusahaan film Metro Goldwin Mayer.
Ars longa, vita brevis.
Seni itu panjang, sedangkan hidup itu pendek. Ini adalah kalimat terjemahan Horatius dari Hippokrates yang sering dipakai di luar konteks. Yang dimaksud dengan seni di sini ialah ilmu kedokteran di mana seseorang membutuhkan waktu seumur hidup untuk mempelajarinya.
Audaces fortuna iuvat.
Nasib baik menolong mereka yang berani. Kutipan dari karya Vergilius, Aeneid 10:284.
Audi, vide, tace, si tu vis vivere.
Dengar, lihat dan diamlah jika engkau ingin hidup.
Audi alteram partem.
Dengarkan pihak lain. Kalimat ini merupakan sebuah ungkapan dalam bidang hukum demi menjaga keadilan.
Audiatur et altera pars.
Dengar semua sisi. Ini adalah sebuah ungkapan yuridis atau hukum.
Aurora musis amica est.
Fajar adalah teman para muse, Muse adalah semacam dewi dewa pelindung seni, dari mana kata musik diambil.
Beati hispani, quibus vivere bibere est
Orang-orang Spanyol yang beruntung, bagi mereka hidup adalah minum-minum. Ejekan untuk aksen orang Spanyol yang mengeja huruf v sebagai b, sehingga kata Latin vivere (hidup) terdengar bibere (minum).
Beati pauperes spiritu.
Berbahagialah mereka yang rendah hati. Kalimat ini diambil dari Kitab Suci Perjanjian Baru Injil Matius 3:5. yang lebih dikenal sebagai Khotbah di atas bukit.
Beatus, qui prodest, quibus potest.
Berbahagialah ia yang mendapatkan keuntungan dari mereka yang bisa ia pengaruhi.
Bene diagnoscitur, bene curatur.
Sesuatu yang didiagnosa dengan baik, bisa diobati dengan baik pula.
Bene qui latuit bene vixit
Ia yang tak menarik perhatian orang lain, hidup nyaman.
Bis dat, qui cito dat.
Barangsiapa yang dapat memberikan dengan cepat, ia memberikan dua kali lipat. Dikutip dari ucapan Publius Syrus.
Bis repetita non placent.
Pengulangan dua kali tidak menyenangkan.
Bona diagnosis, bona curatio.
Sebuah diagnosa baik adalah sebuah obat baik.
Bona valetudo melior est quam maximae divitiae.
Kondisi badan yang sehat lebih berharga daripada kekayaan yang berlimpah-limpah.
Boni pastoris est tondere pecus, non deglubere.
Adalah tugas seorang gembala yang baik mencukur dombanya, bukan mengulitinya. Kutipan dari karya Suetonius, De Vita Caesarum – Vita Tiberi:32. Dalam buku ini diceritakan bahwa Kaisar Tiberius menasihati para bawahannya agar jangan menarik pajak berlebihan dari rakyat mereka.

Carpe diem
Petiklah hari (ini). Kalimat lengkapnya adalah: carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero yang artinya ialah: "petiklah hari, dan percayalah sedikit mungkin akan hari esok.". Kutipan dari karya Horatius Carminum I:9:8.
Maksudnya ialah orang dianjurkan untuk hidup dari hari ke hari.
• "Carpe noctum."

Carthago delenda est.
Kartago harus dihancurkan. Kalimat yang diucapkan oleh Senator Marcus Cato ini menegaskan bahwa bila Republik Romawi ingin mengukuhkan kekuasaannya di laut Tengah, maka Kartago, ibu kota Funisia, harus dihancurkan. Rencana ini akhirnya terwujud di tahun 149 SM dalam Perang Ketiga Punik.
Casus belli.
Aksi atau insiden yang memicu peperangan.
Ceteris paribus.
dengan hal-hal lainnya tetap sama. Dalam ilmu ekonomi, istilah ceteris paribus seringkali digunakan, yaitu sebagai suatu asumsi untuk menyederhanakan beragam formulasi dan deskripsi dari berbagai anggapan ekonomi.
Cibi condimentum est fames.
Rasa lapar adalah bumbu setiap hidangan. Maksudnya ialah bagi orang lapar, semua makanan rasanya enak.
Civis romanum sum.
Saya adalah seorang warga Romawi. Kutipan dari karya (Cicero), Orationes in Verrum II.5:147
Cogito ergo sum.
Aku berpikir maka aku ada. Ungkapan yang diutarakan oleh Descartes, sang filsuf ternama dari Perancis. Maksudnya kalimat ini keberadaan (eksistensi) bisa dibuktikan dengan fakta bahwa seseorang berpikir dan menjadi dasar pemikiran aliran Rasionalisme
Concordia civium murus urbium.
Kesatuan warga adalah tembok kota. Maksudnya rasa persatuan antara warga, adalah alat pertahanan yang terbaik untuk dalam mempertahankan sebuah kota.
Consuetudinis vis magna est.
Pengaruh sebuah kebiasaan sungguh luar biasa.
Consuetudo altera natura est.
Kebiasaan adalah kodrat kedua.
• "Contraria contrariis curantur".

Contra vim mortis non est medicamen in hortis.
Tidak ada obat di kebun yang dapat menanggulangi kekuatan kematian. Maksudnya tak ada obat untuk kematian.
Corruptissima re publica plurimae leges.
Semakin korup sebuah republik, semakin banyak undang-undang.
Credo quia absurdum.
Saya percaya karena mustahil.
Cuius regio, eius religio.
Siapa memerintah, agamanya dianut. Hal ini merupakan sebuah hak istimewa raja yang ditetapkan pada Perdamaian Augsburg, 1555.
Cuiusvis hominis est errare.
Setiap orang bisa berbuat salah. Kutipan dari karya Cicero, Philippica XII, 5
Cura te ipsum.
Urusi dirimu sendiri!
Cura, ut valeas!
Berusahalah agar kau berhasil!
Damnant quod non intellegunt
Mereka menyalahkan/mengutuk apa yang mereka tak mengerti.
De gustibus non est disputandum
Tidak ada yang patut diperdebatkan menyangkut selera
De minimis non curat praetor
Praetor tidak mengurusi hal-hal yang sepele/remeh. Praetor adalah pejabat Romawi yang berperan sebagai hakim.
De minimis non curat lex
Hukum tidak mengurusi hal-hal yang sepele/remeh.
De mortuis nihil nisi bene
Tentang yang sudah berpulang/meninggal, tak ada dikatakan kecuali yang baik.
Deliriant isti Romani
Orang-orang Romawi itu memang gila. Kutipan dari kata-kata yang sering diucapkan oleh Obelix dalam serial komik Asterix.
Deo Vindice
(Dengan) Tuhan sebagai Pelindung (Kita). Motto Konfederasi Amerika.
Deorum injuriae Diis curae
Ketidakadilan terhadap dewa-dewa adalah urusan dewa-dewa. Kutipan dari karya Tacitus, Annales I:73

• "Desinit in piscem mulier formosa superne."

Deus vult!
Tuhan menghendakinya!. Sebuah semboyan para ksatria Perang Salib.
Diem perdidi
Saya telah kehilangan satu hari. Kalimat ini diucapkan oleh Kaisar Titus kala ia menyadari bahwa satu hari terlewatkan tanpa kesempatan untuk melakukan hal-hal yang baik/berguna.
Divide et impera
Pecah-belah dan kuasai! Kalimat ini konon dipakai Julius Caesar. Di Indonesia kalimat ini juga digunakan sebagai kalimat yang mengungkapkan politik kaum kolonialis penjajah Belanda.
Docendo discimus
Kita belajar dengan mengajar.
Dominus Illuminatio Mea
Tuhan adalah Cahayaku. Motto dari Universitas Oxford di Inggris yang diambil dari ayat pembuka Mazmur 27
Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus
Jangan pernah mengusik naga yang sedang tidur.
Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori
Adalah hal yang manis dan mulia apabila seseorang gugur demi negerinya. Dikutip dari karya Horatius, Carmina III:2:13
Dum spiro, spero
Selama saya masih bernafas, saya tetap berharap.
Duo cum faciunt idem, non est idem
Apabila dua orang mengerjakan hal yang sama, maka itu tidaklah sama.
Dura lex, sed lex.
Hukum memang keras, tetapi itulah hukum.
Dura necessitas
Kebutuhan adalah susah.
E fructu arbor cognoscitur
Sebuah pohon bisa dikenali dari buahnya. Kutipan dari Kitab Suci Perjanjian Baru Injil Lukas VI:44
En todo amar y servir
Dalam segalanya mencintai dan mengabdi.
Errare humanum est. Perseverare diabolicum
Berbuat keselahan adalah suatu hal manusiawi. Mengulangi kesalahan adalah perbuatan iblis.
Et ipsa scientia potestas est."
Pengetahuan itu sendiri adalah kekuasaan/kekuatan. Dikutip dari Meditationes Sacræ De Hæresibus karya Francis Bacon
Et nunc reges, intelligite erudimini qui judicatis terram....
Dan sekarang kalian para Raja, yang menjadi hakim di bumi, pahamlah dan terimalah pengajaran... . Kutipan dari Kitab Suci Perjanjian Lama, Mazmur II:10.
Exegi monumentum aere perennius."
Telah kuselesaikan sebuah monumen yang lebih kekal dari perunggu. Kutipan dari karya Horatius Odes, III, ode 30, baris pertama
Ex astris, Scientia
atau lengkapnya Ex astris, Scientia venit, berarti dari bintang-bintang, datang pengetahuan . Varian dari moto ini digunakan oleh Apollo 13 Ex luna, scientia yang menggambarkan betapa banyaknya pengetahuan yang diperoleh dari penjelajahan manusia ke luar angkasa.
Ex oriente lux.
Cahaya datang dari Timur.Maksudnya ialah bahwa kebudayaan dan kebijaksanaan, sopan santun dan sebagainya berasal dari Dunia Timur.
Experto credite
Percayalah pada yang telah terbukti.
Ex nihilo nihil fit
Tak ada sesuatupun yang muncul dari ketiadaan.
Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus
Di luar Gereja, tidak ada keselamatan.Sebuah dogma Gereja Katolik Roma yang dipertentangkan. Hal ini sudah dibahas panjang lebar pada Konsili Vatikan II.
Faber est suae quisque fortunae
Setiap orang adalah penata/perancang nasibnya sendiri Kalimat ini diucapkan oleh Appius Claudius Caecus (340-273 SM), Sensor, Konsul dan Diktator pada era Republik Romawi.
Facilis descensus Averno
begitu mudahnya turun ke dalam Averno . Averno adalah nama sebuah danau belerang di sebelah selatan Itali, dekat laut Tirenia. Karena pekatnya uap belerang yang dihasilkan oleh aktivitas vulkanik, tidak ada unggas yang dapat bertahan hidup di daerah tersebut. Legenda Romawi Kuno menganggap tempat ini sebagai gerbang neraka.
"Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas."
Berbahagialah, mereka yang dapat mengerti penyebab sesuatu. Kutipan dari karya Kutipan dari karya Vergilius, Georgicon II: 490
Festina lente!.
Bergegaslah tapi perlahan! . Maksudnya lakukan segala sesuatu dengan cepat tapi dengan cermat. Kalimat ini diucapkan oleh Kaisar Agustus
Fiat justitia pereat mundus
Hendaklah keadilan ditegakkan, walaupun dunia harus binasa. Kalimat ini diucapkan oleh Ferdinand I (1503–1564), Raja Hungaria dan Bohemia dari 1558 sampai dengan 1564, yang diadoptasi dari kalimat yang hampir mirip artinya Fiat justitia ruat coelum dibawah.
Fiat justitia ruat caelum
Hendaklah keadilan ditegakkan, walaupun langit akan runtuh. . Kalimat ini diucapkan oleh Lucius Calpurnius Piso Caesoninus (43 SM).
Fiat lux
Jadilah Terang. Kutipan dari Kitab Perjanjian Lama, Kejadian I:3
Fide, sed qui, vide,
Percayalah tapi berhati-hatilah memilih orang yang kau percayai
Fluctuat nec mergitur
Terombang-ambing tapi tak tenggelam. Moto ibukota Perancis, Paris.
Fortes fortuna iuvat
Nasib baik membantu para pemberani
Gaudeamus igitur iuvenes dum sumus
Karena itu bersukacitalah sewaktu kita masih muda. Kalimat ini merupakan baris pertama dari lagu Gaudeamus, yang biasanya dinyanyikan pada saat para Guru Besar memasuki ruangan. Menurut sejarahnya, lagu yang diciptakan pada abad pertengahan ini sering dinyanyikan para mahasiswa pada saat minum-minum, yang dicerminkan dari liriknya yang menggambarkan kehidupan mahasiswa yang bebas dan nyaris tanpa beban.
Gloria victis
kejayaan pada yang kalah.
Graeca sunt, non leguntur
Tertulis dalam bahasa Yunani, tidak bisa dibaca. Kalimat ini sering digunakan oleh kaum terdidik Romawi untuk menunjukkan keunggulannya, penguasaan bahasa Yunani.
Gutta cavat lapidem non vi, sed saepe cadendo; sic homo fit sapiens bis non, sed saepe legendo
Batu berlubang bukan karena kekuatan yang dashyat tapi akibat tetesan air yang berulangkali; Begitu pula manusia menjadi bijak bukan karena satu dua kali tapi karena kerapkali membaca.

Habent sua fata libelli
Buku-buku memiliki nasibnya sendiri
Hannibal ante portas
Hanibal (ada) di depan gerbang (kota Roma). Kalimat ini menggambarkan situasi genting yang dihadapi oleh Republik Romawi akibat invasi yang dipimpin Hanibal selama Perang Kedua Punik.
Hic Rhodus, hic saltus
Inilah Rhodes (pulau di sebelah tenggara laut Aegean, Yunani), disinilah kamu melompat. Kutipan dari karya Erasmus, Adagia 3:3:28 yang menyadur dari cerita Aesop (en). Dalam kisah tersebut seorang pembual mengatakan bahwa ia pernah membuat lompatan yang luar biasa di Rhodes dan ada beberapa saksi yang hadir saat itu. Salah satu seorang pendengarnya mengomentari dengan mengatakan kalimat di atas.
Hodie mihi, cras tibi
Hari ini aku, besok kamu. Kalimat ini biasanya tertulis di batu nisan, untuk mengingatkan mereka yang masih hidup bahwa suatu saat mereka akan mati.
Homines quod volunt credunt
Manusia mudah mempercayai hal-hal yang memang diinginkannya.
Homo homini lupus est
Manusia adalah serigala bagi sesama manusia.
Homo proponit, sed Deus disponit
Manusia berencana, Tuhan yang memutuskan
Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto
Aku adalah seorang manusia, dan aku simpulkan tak ada satupun yang menyangkut manusia asing bagiku. Asing dalam kalimat ini bisa diartikan tidak relevan. Kalimat ini dikutip dari drama karya Terentius, Heautontimoroumenos.
Hypotheses non fingo
Saya tidak merekayasa hipotesa-hipotesa. Kutipan dari karya monumental Isaac Newton, Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, Scholium Generale alinea V. Kata-kata ini ditulis untuk menanggapi tudingan bahwa dia hanya memberikan rumus matematik dari hukum kinetik tapi tidak menjelaskan penyebab keberadaan gravitasi.
Ignorantia iuris nocet
Ketidaktahuan akan hukum mencelakakan. Peribahasa ini dipakai dalam dunia hukum yang menyatakan bahwa ketidaktahuan seseorang akan hukum dan peraturan, tidak dapat dijadikan alasan di pengadilan.
Ignorantia legis non excusat
Pengabaian hukum tidak dapat dimaafkan/dimaklumi.

Ignoti nulla cupido
Tak ada hasrat akan sesuatu yang tidak diketahui. Artinya kebutuhan kita bertambah seiring dengan pengetahuan.
In cauda venenum.
Di ekor terdapat racun. Artinya taruhlah yang terburuk di terakhir.
In dubio pro reo.
Dalam kesangsian demi tertuduh atau dapat diartikan demi asas praduga tak bersalah.
In hoc signo vinces.
Kau akan menang dengan lambang ini. Menurut hikayat, Semboyan ini diadaptasi oleh Kaisar Konstantin setelah ia melihat penampakan salib di langit sebelum pertempuran melawan Maxentius, tahun 312 M.
In medias res.
di tengah perihal. Dalam terminologi kesastraan, ungkapan ini merujuk kepada adalah kisah/penulisan cerita yang bermula langsung di tengah cerita, biasanya langsung ke bagian yang penting dari sebuah cerita
In Medias Res adalah nama sebuah kelompok musik metal progresif dari Convington, Louisiana, Amerika Serikat serta nama album keduanya
In necessariis unitas, in dubiis libertas, in omnibus caritas.
Dalam kegentingan bersatu, dalam keraguan merdeka, dalam segala hal cinta atau Bersatu (unitas) dalam hal-hal penting/utama, bebas (libertas) dalam hal-hal yang tidak utama, dan cinta (caritas) dalam semua hal. Kutipan dari Rupertus Meldenius, seorang teolog Lutheran abad ke-17 dari Jerman, walaupun ada sejumlah sumber yang mengatakan bahwa kalimat ini berasal oleh Santo Augustinus dari Hippo. Kalimat ini seringkali digunakan untuk menekankan kebebasan beragama dan penafsiran teologi.
In vino veritas.
di dalam anggur adalah kebenaran. Maksudnya, orang yang mabuk akan mengatakan yang benar.
Inter arma enim silent leges
Di antara senjata undang-undang membisu.
Interdum dormitat bonus Homerus
Kadangkala Homerus yang baik pun mengantuk. Artinya mereka yang terbaik sekalipun kadang melakukan kesalahan.
Ira furor brevis est
Amarah adalah kegilaan yang singkat
Is fecit, cui prodest.’‘
Barangsiapa yang berguna, dia telah berbuat
Ite Inflammate Omnia.
Pergilah dan kobarkanlah dunia
Iura novat curia.’‘
Undang-undang memperbaharui/menghidupkan kembali gedung Senat. Curia adalah lembaga senat Romawi yang kemudian berubah menjadi lembaga Kepausan.
Iurare in verba magistri.
Bersumpah dengan mengutip kata-kata dari sang guru. Maksudnya membeo.
Ius Sanguinis
Hak berdasarkan darah atau garis keturunan. Contohnya sistem kewarganegaraan di Indonesia yang berdasarkan kewarganegaraan ayah.
Ius Soli
Hak berdasarkan tanah kelahiran. Contohnya sistem kewarganegaraan di Amerika Serikat

Justitia omnibus.
Keadilan untuk semua. Motto ibukota Amerika Serikat, Washington DC.
Labor omnia vincit..
Kerja/Usaha mengatasi segalanya.
Laborare est orare.
Bekerja adalah berdoa.
Major e longinquo reverentia.
Dilihat dari jarak jauh, semua hal terlihat indah. Kutipan dari karya Tacitus, Annales I:47
Mala herba cito crescit
Gulma/rumput liar berkembang dengan cepat.
Manus manum lavat
Tangan yang satu mencuci tangan yang lain.
Mater artium necessitas.
Kebutuhan adalah induk dari pengetahuan.
Maxima debetur puero reverentia.
Kasih sayang yang berlimpah wajib diberikan kepada anak. Kutipan dari karya Juvenal, Satura XIV:47
Medicus curat, natura sanat.
Tabib/dokter mengobati, Alam menyembuhkan.
Medio tutissimus ibis.
Kau kan berjalan di tempat teraman, di jalan tengah. Artinya ketidakberpihakan adalah yang paling aman. Kutipan dari karya Ovidus, Metamorphoses II:137
Memento mori.
Ingatlah kau akan mati. Semboyan Ordo Katolik Cistercian atau lebih dikenal dengan julukan Trappis.
Mens sana in corpore sano.
Dalam tubuh yang sehat terdapat jiwa yang sehat. Kutipan buku karya Juvenal, Satura X:356
Mens agitat molem.
Pikiran yang menggerakan massa.
Metri causa.
Demi meter. Meter adalah irama yang tersusun secara sistematik berdasarkan panjang pendeknya suku-suku kata dalam sebuah puisi. Kadangkala seorang pujangga harus bekerja keras dengan mengubah susunan kata atau mencari padanan kata demi memenuhi kaidah ini.
Morituri te salutant
Mereka yang akan mati memberi salam padamu. Kalimat ini diucapkan para Gladiator kepada Kaisar sebelum pertarungan dimulai.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
Dunia lebih suka dikelabui, oleh karena itu kelabuilah (mereka).
Natura abhorret vacuum.
Alam tidak menyukai kehampaan. Kutipan dari karya pujangga Perancis Francois Rabelais, Gargantua I:5
Natura non facit saltum
Alam tidak membuat loncatan. Artinya alam berubah secara berangsur-angsur. Kutipan dari karya Charles Darwin, Origin of Spesies Bab VI.
Naturalia non sunt turpia.
Segala hal yang alami tidak memalukan.
• "Navigare necesse est, vivere non est necesse."
• "Ne quid nimis."
• "Ne sutor supra crepidam."
Nec Hercules contra plures.
Bahkan Hercules pun tak sanggup melawan banyak orang.
Nemo me impune lacessit.
Tak Seorangpun Dapat Mengusikku Tanpa Dihukum. Semboyan dari Skotlandia
• "Nemo saltat sobrius."
• "Neque ignorare medicum oportet quae sit aegri natura."
Nihil lacrima citius arescit.
Tak ada lebih cepat mengeringkan dibanding air mata. Kutipan dari karya Cicero, De Inventione I:109.
Nil admirari.
Tak ada yang pantas dikagumi.
Nil sine magno labore vita dedit mortalibus.
Tanpa kerja keras, kehidupan tak memberikan apapun kepada manusia
Nil sine numini.
Tak ada yang dapat terjadi tanpa kehendak Ilahi.
Noli turbare circulos meos.
Jangan usik lingkaran-lingkaranku! Kalimat yang diterjemahkan dari kalimat dalam bahasa Yunani Μη μου τους κύκλους τάραττε! (me mou tous kyklous taratte), sering juga ditulis sebagai Noli tangere circulos meos.
Menurut hikayat kalimat ini diucapkan oleh Archimedes sebelum dibunuh oleh seorang serdadu Romawi pada saat penaklukan Sirakus.
• "Nomina sunt odiosa."
Nomen est omen
Nama adalah satu pertanda”
• "Non bis in idem."
• "Non cuivis homini contingit adire Corinthum."
• "Non fui, fui, non sum, non curo."
• "Non licet omnibus adire Corinthum."
• "Non nobis solum nati sumus."
• "Non olet."
• "Non omnia possumus omnes."
Non scholae, sed vitae discimus.
Kita belajar bukan untuk sekolah melainkan untuk hidup. Adagium ini berasal dari surat-surat Seneca Muda, Epistulae morales ad Lucilium CVI, 12. Seneca adalah seorang filsuf dan pujangga Romawi yang hidup antara 4 SM - 65 M.
Non ut edam vivo, sed ut vivam edo.
Bukan aku hidup untuk makan Tapi aku makan untuk hidup.
Non vestimentum virum ornat, sed vir vestimentum.
Bukan pakaian yang memberi arti pada seseorang, akan tetapi dia yang memberi arti pada pakaiannya.
• "Non vini vi no, sed vi no aquae."
• "Nondum amabam, et amare amabam."

Nosce te ipsum!
Kenalilah dirimu sendiri. Kalimat ini adalah terjemahan Latin dari kalimat Yunani γνοθι σεαυτον (IPA:gnothi seauton) yang tertulis di gerbang pintu masuk Kuil Apolo, tempat peramal di Delphi, Yunani.
• "Nulla dies sine linea."
Nulla est medicina sine lingua Latina.
Tak ada ilmu kedokteran tanpa bahasa Latin.
Nulla poena sine lege.
Tak ada hukuman tanpa adanya undang-undang.
Nulla regula sine exceptione.
Tak ada aturan yang tidak mengenal perkecualian.
Nulla res tam necessaria est quam medicina.
Tak ada hal yang begitu penting melebihi ilmu kedokteran.
Nunc aut numquam.
Sekarang atau tidak sama sekali. Terjemahan dari bahasa Inggris Now or never.
• "Nunc est bibendum."
• "O fortunatos nimium sua si bona norint, agricolas."
O sancta simplicitas!.
O sebuah kesederhanaan nan kudus.
• "Obscuris vera involvens."
Oculi plus vident quam oculus.
Dua mata menyaksikan lebih banyak daripada satu mata'.
• "Omne tulit punctum, qui miscuit utile dulci."
Omne vivum ex ovo
Semua kehidupan berasal dari telur. Kutipan dari pernyataan Francesco Redi, ahli biologi dari Italia yang menegaskan bahwa kehidupan berasal dari sesuatu yang hidup, bukan dari benda mati.
Omne vivum e vivo
Semua kehidupan berasal dari kehidupan. Kutipan dari pernyataan Louis Pasteur, ahli biologi dari Perancis yang menegaskan teori Franscesco Redi di atas.
Omnes homines sibi sanitatem cupiunt, saepe autem omnia, quae valetudini contraria sunt, faciunt.
Semua orang mengidamkan dirinya sehat/waras, akan tetapi seringkali, mereka yang sehat/waras melakukan sebaliknya.
Omnia mea mecum porto.
Kubawa seluruh milikku bersamaku.
Omnia vincit amor.
Cinta mengalahkan segalanya.
Omnium artium medicina nobilissima est.
Setiap cabang ilmu kedokteran adalah mulia.
Optimum medicamentum quies est
Obat yang terbaik adalah ketenangan.
Ora et labora.
Berdoalah dan bekerja. Kalimat ini maksudnya ialah supaya seseorang tidak hanya meminta tetapi juga berusaha.
Orare labora est.
Berdoa adalah kerja/usaha.

Pacta sunt servanda.
Perjanjian wajib dipertahankan.
Pars pro toto
Sebagian untuk seluruhnya.
Pax melior est quam iustissimum bellum
Perdamaian lebih baik ketimbang perang yang beralasan.
Per ardua ad astra.’‘
Melewati tantangan menuju bintang. Variasi dari Ad astra per aspera di atas.
Per aspera ad astra.
lihat Ad astra per aspera di atas.
per capita
per kepala/orang.
Per fas et nefas.
Melalui yang benar dan yang salah. Artinya dengan menggunakan apa saja yang diperlukan.
Per scientiam ad salutem aegroti.
Dengan ilmu pengetahuan untuk kesehatan pasien.
Periculum in mora.
Bahaya (mengintai) dalam sebuah penundaan.
Persona non grata.
Orang yang tak disukai. Orang-orang yang dipersona non grata-kan biasanya tidak boleh hadir di suatu tempat atau negara. Apabila ia sudah berada di negara tersebut, maka ia harus diusir dan dideportasi.
Plenus venter non studet libenter.
Perut yang penuh enggan belajar. Artinya kelimpahan materi cenderung membuat orang berhenti mengembangkan diri.
Plures crapula quam gladius perdidit.
Lebih banyak orang binasa akibat minuman keras daripada pedang.
Poeta nascitur, non fit
Pujangga dilahirkan, bukan diciptakan.
Post cenam non stare sed mille passus meare.
Setelah makan malam janganlah berdiam diri saja, tapi berjalanlah sejauh satu mil.
Post hoc non est propter hoc
Setelah ini bukan berarti karena ini
Potius sero quam numquam.
Lebih baik terlambat daripada tidak sama sekali. Terjemahan dari bahasa Inggris Better late than never.
Pro aris et focis.
Untuk altar dan hati. Artinya demi keluarga. Kutipan dari karya Cicero De Natura Deorum, III:94
Proximus sum egomet mihi.
Aku paling dekat dengan diriku sendiri. Artinya kemurahan hati dimulai di rumah. Kutipan dari drama karya Terentius, Andria IV:1:12
Praesente medico nihil nocet.
Dengan kehadiran tabib/dokter tak ada yang membahayakan.
Praevenire melius est quam praeveniri.
Lebih baik mendahului daripada didahului.
Primum non nocere.
Pertama-tama janganlah menyakiti
Principiis obsta.
Lawan/Atasi sumbernya
Pulvis et umbra sumus.
Kita hanyalah debu dan bayangan. Kutipan dari karya Horatius, Carminum IV:7:16.

Quæ communiter possidentur communiter negliguntur.
Sesuatu yang dimiliki bersama, biasanya diabaikan.
Qualis rex, talis grex
Seperti hal rajanya, demikian pula rakyatnya.
Quem di diligunt, adulescens moritur
Seseorang yang disayangi oleh para dewa, mati dalam usia muda
Qui bene cantat, bis orat.
Ia yang bernyanyi dengan baik sama dengan berdoa dua kali. Kalimat ini diucapkan oleh Santo Augustinus dari Hippo, uskup dan pujangga gereja.
Qui dormit non peccet/peccat
Barang siapa tidur, dia tidak berdosa.
Qui habet aures audiendi audiat
Barang siapa yang bertelinga, hendaklah dia mendengar. Kutipan dari Kitab Suci Perjanjian Baru Injil Matius XIII:9
Qui rogat, non errat.
Barang siapa bertanya, dia tidak akan melakukan kesalahan. Mirip dengan pepatah dalam bahasa Indonesia, Malu bertanya sesat di jalan.
Qui scribit, bis legit
Barang siapa menulis, ia membaca dua kali
Qui tacet consentit
Barang siapa diam, berarti ia setuju
Qui tacet, consentire videtur
Barang siapa diam, dianggap menyetujui
Qui vult dare parva non debet magna rogare
Seseorang yang hanya ingin memberikan sedikit, tidak pantas meminta banyak.
• "Quia suam uxorem etiam suspiciore vacare vellet.."
• "Quid Saulus inter prophetas?."
Quidquid agis, prudenter agas, et respice finem!
Apapun yang kau lakukan, lakukanlah dengan bijak dan pertimbangkan hasil akhirnya.
Quidquid discis, tibi discis
Apapun yang kau katakan, kau mengatakannya pada dirimu sendiri.
Quidquid id est timeo puellas et oscula dantes
Apapun hal tersebut, saya takut akan para gadis terutama kala mereka memberikan ciuman.
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur..’‘
Semoga apapun yang dikatakan dalam bahasa Latin, dipandang tinggi.
Quieta non movere.
Sesuatu yang diam tidak menggerakkan.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?.
Siapa yang akan menjaga para penjaga. Kutipan dari karya Juvenal, Satura VI:347
• "Quod licet Iovis, non licet bovis.."
• "Quod medicina aliis, aliis est acre venenum.."
• "Quod non est in actis, non est in mundo."
Quot capita, tot sententiae
Begitu banyak pendapat/opini, sebanyak orang yang ada
Quo Vadis.
Kemana engkau pergi? Kutipan dari Kitab Suci Perjanjian Baru, Injil Yohanes 16:5.
Semenjak dahulu, kalimat ini seringkali dipergunakan. Salah satu contoh yang sangat terkenal ialah judul buku dalam bahasa Indonesia: Quo Vadis NU Setelah Kembali ke Khittah 1926, karangan Kacung Marijan (Jakarta:Erlangga) pada tahun 1992.
Radix malorum est cupiditas
Akar dari kejahatan adalah nafsu.
Reddite ergo quae sunt Caesaris, Caesari.
Berikan apa yang menjadi milik Kaisar kepada Kaisar. Kutipan dari Kitab Suci Perjanjian Baru, Injil Yohanes 22:21.
Repetitio est mater studiorum.
Pengulangan adalah induk dari seluruh pelajaran.
Requiescat in pace.
Semoga ia beristirahatlah dalam damai. Seringkali disingkat menjadi RIP dan ditulis di batu nisan seseorang yang beragama Kristen.
• "Rete non tenditur milvio."
Risus abundat in ore stultorum.
Gelak tawa yang berlebihan ada di mulut orang-orang bodoh. Artinya kegembiraan yang berlebihan menandakan kebodohan.
• "Romani ite domum."
• "Rustica progenies semper villana fuit.."

Saepe morborum gravium exitus incerti sunt.
Pemecahan untuk penyakit-penyakit yang gawat seringkali tidak pasti.
Salus aegroti suprema lex.
Kesehatan pasien adalah azas tertinggi.
Salus populi suprema lex esto.
Hendaklah keselamatan rakyat menjadi hukum yang tertinggi. Semboyan dari negara bagian Missouri, Amerika Serikat.
Sapere aude.
Beranilah menjadi bijak. Kutipan dari karya Horatius, Epistulae II:40
Si decem habeas linguas, mutum esse addecet.
(Bahkan) jika engkau memiliki sepuluh lidah, sebaiknya engkau tetap diam.
Si quaeris peninsulam amoenam circumspice.
Jika kau mencari sebuah jazirah yang indah, lihatlah sekelilingmu. Semboyan dari negara bagian Michigan, Amerika Serikat.
Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses.
Andaikan kau tetap diam, mungkin kau akan tetap menjadi seorang filsuf.
Si uno adhuc proelio Romanos vincemus, funditus peribimus!.’‘
Seandainya kita harus menaklukan orang-orang Romawi dalam sebuah pertempuran semacam ini lagi, kita akan sama sekali binasa . Menurut Plutarch, kalimat ini diucapkan oleh Pyrrhus, Raja Epirus, setelah kemenangannya yang memakan banyak korban.
Si vis amari, ama.
Jika kau ingin dicintai, cintailah!. Kutipan dari karya Publilius Syrus, Sententiae
Si vales, valeo
Jika kau dalam keadaan baik, demikian pula aku. Kalimat ini sering digunakan dalam surat menyurat.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.
Jika kau mendambakan perdamaian, bersiap-siaplah menghadapi perang. Kalimat ini sebenarnya merupakan penyederhanaan dari kalimat aslinya yang berbunyi, Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum (Oleh karena itu barangsiapa yang menginginkan perdamaian, hendaklah ia bersiap-siap menghadapi perang). Kalimat ini dikutip dari karya seorang ahli strategi militer, Flavius Vegetius Renatus, Epitoma rei militaris buku ketiga.
Si vis pacem, para iustitiam.
Jika kau mengidamkan perdamaian, tegakkan keadilan.
Si Deus pro nobis, quis contra nos?
Bila Tuhan beserta kita, siapa yang berani melawan kita?. Kutipan dari Kitab Suci Perjanjian Baru, Surat Rasul Paulus kepada Umat di Roma 8:31
• "Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc."
• "Sic semper tyrannis."
Sic transit gloria mundi.
Demikian pula berlalunya kemuliaan dunia. Kalimat ini diucapkan pada saat pentahbisanPaus
• "Similia similibus curantur."
Sine labore non erit panis in ore.
Tanpa usaha tidak akan ada sepotong roti untuk dimakan.
Sol lucet omnibus.
Matahari menyinari semua orang. Kutipan dari karya Petronius, Satiricon Liber alinea 100.
Soli Deo gloria.
Kemulian hanya untuk Tuhan.
• "Stat sua cuique dies."
• "Summum ius summa inuria."
• "Sutor, ne ultra crepidam!."

Tarde venientibus ossa.
Hanya tersisa/ada tulang-belulang untuk mereka yang datang terlambat.
Temet nosce.
Kenalilah dirimu sendiri. Mirip dengan Nosce te ipsum di atas.
Tempora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis.
Waktu berubah dan kita pun berubah seiring dengannya. Kutipan dari drama karya Edward Forsett, Pedantius babak I adegan 3
Tempus fugit.
Waktu berlalu. Penggalan dari kalimat aslinya yang berbunyi, Sed fugit interea, fugit inreparabile tempus (Sementara waktu yang tak tergantikan berlalu). Kutipan dari karya Vergilius, Georgicon III:284.
Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes
Kutakut akan orang-orang Yunani dan hadiah yang mereka bawa. Kalimat ini diucapkan oleh Laocoon, yang khawatir bahwa patung Kuda yang terbuat dari kayu hanyalah sebuah tipu muslihat orang Yunani dalam rangka menaklukan kota mereka, Troya. Dikutip dari karya Vergilius, Aeneid II:49
Tres faciunt collegium.
Tiga (orang) menjadikan sebuah perkumpulan.
Tunc tua res agitur, paries cum proximus ardet.’‘
Hal ini akan menjadi pertimbanganmu, kala dinding yang paling dekat terbakar.
Totum pro parte / Totem proparte
Pengungkapan keseluruhan objek padahal yang dimaksud hanya sebagian.
Contoh: Thailand menang atas Indonesia dalam pertandingan sepak bola di Jakarta kemarin sore. Di sini disebutkan Thailand dan Indonesia (keseluruhan negara Thailand dan Indonesia, namun yang dimaksudkan adalah tim kesebelasan negara Thailand dan Indonesia)
Lihat pula Pars pro toto
Ubi bene, ibi patria.
Di mana seseorang merasa betah, di sana tanah airnya.
Ubi concordia, ibi victoria.
Di mana ada keselarasan, di sana ada kemenangan.
Ubi dubium, ibi libertas.
Di mana ada keraguan/pertanyaan, di sana ada kebebasan.
Ubi fumus, ibi ignis.
Di mana ada asap, di sana ada api. Mirip dengan peribahasa Tak ada asap kalau tak ada api.
Ubi mel ibi apes.
Di mana ada madu, di sana ada lebah. Mirip dengan peribahasa Ada gula, ada semut.
Ubi tu Gaius, ibi ego Gaia.
Di mana ada kau Gaius, di sana ada aku Gaia. Pernyataan ini sering diucapkan dalam upacara perkawinan
Ultra posse nemo obligatur.
Tak seorang pun berkewajiban melampui kemampuannya.
Ulula cum lupis, cum quibus esse cupis.
Melolonglah bersama serigala-serigala, bersama merekalah yang kau inginkan.
Una salus victis, nullam sperare salutem.
Satu-satunya harapan akan keselamatan untuk para pecundang, adalah dengan tidak menaruh harapan akan keselamatan. Kutipan dari karya Vergilius, Aeneid II:354
Unum castigabis, centum emendabis.
Satu kesalahan kau hukum, seratus kesalahan yang harus kau perbaiki.
Usus magister est optimus.
Pengalaman adalah guru yang terbaik.
Ut ameris, amabilis esto.
Ramahlah agar kau dicintai.
Ut desint vires, tamen est laudanda voluntas.’‘
Bahkan pada saat kekuasaan tidak ada, kemauanlah yang layak dipuji. Kutipan dari karya Ovidus, Ex Ponto III:4:79
Ut sis nocte levis, sit cena brevis!.
Bila kau menginginkan tidur malam yang tenang, makan malamlah secukupnya!.
Unus testis nullus testis.
Satu saksi bukanlah saksi.
• "Vae Victis."
• "Vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas."
• "Varium et mutabile semper femina."
• "Varitatio delectat."
• "Veni, Vidi, Vici."
• "Ventis secundis, tene cursum.."
• "Verba docent, exempla trahunt.."
• "Veritas odium paret."
• "Vestigia terrent."
• "Vincere scis, Hannibal, victoria uti nescis."
• "Victrix causa diis placuit sed victa Catoni."
• "Video meliora proboque deteriora sequor."
• "Vinum et musica laetificant cor."
• "Volenti non fit iniuria."
• "Vox populi, vox dei."

abbas abbatis: ayah / kepala biara.
abbatia : abbey, monastery. abbatia: biara, biara.
abduco : to lead, or take away / detach, withdraw. abduco: untuk memimpin, atau mengambil / memisahkan, menarik.
abeo : to go away, retire / depart from life, die. abeo: pergi, pensiun / berangkat dari kehidupan, mati.
abeo : to digress / change / vanish, disappear. abeo: untuk menyimpang / mengubah / lenyap, menghilang.
abscido : to cut off, to separate, take away. abscido: untuk memotong, untuk memisahkan, membawa pergi.
absconditus : hidden, concealed. absconditus: tersembunyi, tersembunyi.
absens, absentis : (adj.) absent, missing, away, gone. absens, absentis: (adj.) absen, hilang, pergi, pergi.
absorbeo : to swallow, gulp down, carry away, engross. absorbeo: untuk menelan, menelan, membawa pergi, memikat.
absque : (+ abl.) without. absque: (+ ABL.) tanpa.
abstergo : to wipe off, clean away. abstergo: untuk menyeka, bersih diri.
absum : to be absent, be away, be missing. absum: absen, akan pergi, akan hilang.
abundans : abundant, overflowing, abounding in. abundans: berlimpah, melimpah, berlimpah masuk
abundantia : abundance, bounty, plenty abundantia: kelimpahan, karunia, banyak
abutor : to make full use of, to abuse. abutor: untuk memanfaatkan sepenuhnya, untuk penyalahgunaan.
abutor : to use abusive language / use a word incorrectly. abutor: untuk menggunakan bahasa yang kasar / menggunakan kata secara tidak benar.
ac : (atque) : and ac: (atque): dan
accedo : to approach, come near / (things) to be added. accedo: untuk mendekati, datang dekat / (hal) yang akan ditambahkan.
accendo : to kindle, illuminate, inflame. accendo: untuk menyalakan, menerangi, terangsang.
acceptus : welcome, pleasant, agreeable. acceptus: welcome, menyenangkan, menyenangkan.
accipio : to consider oneself indebted, receive, learn, take. accipio: untuk mempertimbangkan diri terhutang, menerima, belajar, ambil.
accommodo : to adjust, adapt, accommodate oneself. accommodo: untuk menyesuaikan diri, beradaptasi, menyesuaikan diri.
accusator : accusor, plaintiff. accusator: accusor, penggugat.
accuso : to accuse, blame, find fault with. accuso: menuduh, menyalahkan, mencari-cari kesalahan.
acer : sharp, keen, eager, severe, fierce. acer: tajam, tajam, bersemangat, berat, garang.
acerbitas : harshness, bitterness. acerbitas: kekerasan, kepahitan.
acerbus : bitter, gloomy, dark. acerbus: pahit, suram, gelap.
acervus : a heap, mass. acervus: tumpukan, massa.
acidus : sharp, sour. acidus: tajam, asam.
acies : keenness, edge, sharpness, battle-line, battlefield. acies: ketajaman, tepi, ketajaman, pertempuran-line, medan perang.
acquiro : to acquire, gain, get, obtain. acquiro: untuk memperoleh, mendapatkan, mendapatkan, memperoleh.
acsi : as if, (Herimann p. 283, 293). ACSI: seolah-olah, (Herimann h. 283, 293).
adamo : to fall in love with, find pleasure in. Adamo: untuk jatuh cinta dengan, menemukan kesenangan masuk
adaugeo : to make greater, add, increase. adaugeo: untuk membuat lebih besar, menambah, meningkat.
addo : to give, bring, place, / inspire, cause, / add, join. Addo: memberi, membawa, tempat, / inspirasi, sebab, / menambahkan, bergabung.
adduco : to lead, induce, persuade. adduco: untuk memimpin, merangsang, membujuk.
ademptio: a taking away. ademptio: yang mengambil pergi.
adeo : to such a point, such an extent, so far, so long. adeo: untuk semacam titik, sedemikian rupa, begitu jauh, begitu lama.
adeo : to approach, visit, come to, undertake. adeo: untuk mendekati, mengunjungi, datang ke, melakukan.
adeptio : attainment, obtaining. adeptio: pencapaian, memperoleh.
adepto : to obtain, get, acquire. adepto: untuk memperoleh, mendapatkan, memperoleh.
adfectus affectus : (fr. adficio) : influenced, worked upon. adfectus affectus: (Fr. adficio): dipengaruhi, bekerja atas.
adfero affero : to cause, bring about, contribute. adfero affero: untuk menimbulkan, membawa, berkontribusi.
adfero affero : to bring news, report / apply, bring to bear. adfero affero: untuk membawa berita, laporan / berlaku, bawa ke beruang.
adficio : to affect, afflict, weaken, sap, exhaust, drain. adficio: untuk mempengaruhi, merendahkan, melemahkan, getah, knalpot, tiriskan.
adflicto affligo : to injure, weaken, discourage, damage, break. adflicto affligo: untuk melukai, melemahkan, mengecilkan, kerusakan, istirahat.
adhaero : to hang to, stick to, adhere. adhaero: untuk menggantung untuk, menempel, melekat.
adhuc : till then, till now, still, even now, besides, also, yet. adhuc: sampai saat itu, sampai sekarang, masih, bahkan sekarang, di samping itu, juga, namun.
adicio : to direct, address, apply / to throw to. adicio: untuk mengarahkan, alamat, berlaku / untuk membuang.
adimpleo : to fulfill, perform. adimpleo: untuk memenuhi, melakukan.
adinventitias : (?) Herimann, cap 2. adinventitias: (?) Herimann, topi 2.
adipiscor : to come up to, overtake, obtain. adipiscor: untuk datang ke, mengejar, memperoleh.
adiuvo : to help, aid, assist. adiuvo: untuk membantu, bantuan, membantu.
administratio : giving of help, administration, government. administratio: pemberian bantuan, administrasi, pemerintah.
admiratio : wonder, astonishment, surprise, admiration. admiratio: heran, terkejut, terkejut, kagum.
admiror : to wonder at, admire, marvel at. admiror: untuk bertanya-tanya di, kagumi, mengagumi.
admitto : to admit, receive. admitto: mengakui, menerima.
admoneo : admonish, advise. admoneo: memperingatkan, menasihati.
admonitio : warning, reminder (insult - Herimann, p. 282). admonitio: peringatan, pengingat (penghinaan - Herimann, hal 282).
admoveo : to move to, bring up, apply. admoveo: untuk pindah ke, membesarkan, berlaku.
adnuo : to nod assent. adnuo: mengangguk setuju.
adopto : to wish for oneself, adopt, select, pick out. adopto: berharap untuk diri sendiri, mengadopsi, pilih, pilih keluar.
adsidue assidue : continuously, without remission. adsidue assidue: terus-menerus, tanpa remisi.
adstringo : (persons) bind, oblige, (+ refl.) commit oneself to adstringo: (orang) mengikat, mewajibkan, (+ refl.) mengikat diri sendiri untuk
adstringo : to tight, compress, compact / adstringo: untuk ketat, kompres, kompak /
adstringo : to draw together, tighten, bind. adstringo: menggambar bersama, kencangkan, mengikat.
adsuesco assuesco : to grow accustomed to, used to, make familiar. adsuesco assuesco: untuk tumbuh terbiasa, digunakan untuk, membuat akrab.
adsum : to assist, be present, be near, be in attendance, adsum: untuk membantu, hadir, menjadi dekat, akan hadir,
adsumo (assumo) : to take to oneself, claim, appropriate, call. adsumo (assumo): untuk mengambil untuk diri sendiri, klaim, sesuai, panggilan.
adulatio : fawning, flattery, sycophancy, buttering up. adulatio: menjilat, pujian, jilatan, mengoleskan mentega ke atas.
adulescens : young man, youth, lad. adulescens: anak muda, pemuda, Nak.
adulescentia : youth adulescentia: pemuda
adultus : (adj.) grown up, mature, adult, of age. adultus: (adj.) dewasa, matang, dewasa, usia.
aduro (adustum) : to set fire to, burn, singe, kindle, light. aduro (adustum): untuk membakar, membakar, menghanguskan, menyalakan, cahaya.
advenio : to come, arrive, reach. advenio: untuk datang, tiba, mencapai.
adversus : (prep. + acc.) toward, against, facing Adversus: (prep. + pkt.) arah, terhadap, menghadap
adversus : (adj.) facing, opposite, opposing. Adversus: (adj.) hadapi, berlawanan, menentang.
adverto : to turn towards, direct one's attention to, attract. adverto: untuk memutar arah, mengarahkan perhatian seseorang, menarik.
advoco : to summon, call / call in an advisor. advoco: untuk memanggil, panggilan / panggilan dalam penasihat.
aedificium edificium : building, structure. aedificium edificium: bangunan, struktur.
aeger eger : sick, ill. aeger Eger: sakit, sakit.
aegre egre : (adv.) hardly, scarcely, with difficulty, laboriously. aegre egre: (adv.) hampir, hampir, dengan susah payah, dengan susah payah.
aegresco egresco : to fall ill, become troubled, grow worse. aegresco egresco: untuk jatuh sakit, menjadi gelisah, tumbuh lebih buruk.
aegresco : to become ill, grow worse, be ill. aegresco: menjadi sakit, tumbuh lebih buruk, menjadi sakit.
aegretudo egretudo : sickness, mental illness. aegretudo egretudo: penyakit, penyakit mental.
aegrotatio egrotatio : sickness, illness. aegrotatio egrotatio: penyakit, penyakit.
aegrus : ill, diseased, unwell. aegrus: ill, sakit, sehat.
aeneus eneus : made of copper or bronze, brazen. aeneus eneus: terbuat dari tembaga atau perunggu, kuningan.
aequitas equitas : justice, fairness, equity. aequitas equitas: keadilan, keadilan, pemerataan.
aequus, equus : level, even, calm, equal, favorable, just. aequus, Equus: tingkat, bahkan, tenang, setara, menguntungkan, hanya.
aer, aeris : air, atmosphere, ether, weather. aer, aeris: udara, atmosfer, eter, cuaca.
aestas estas : summer. aestas estas: musim panas.
aestivus estivus : pertaining to summer. aestivus estivus: berkaitan dengan musim panas.
aestus estus : heat, tide. aestus estus: panas, pasang.
aetas : an age, stage, period of life, time, era. aetas: usia, tahap, periode kehidupan, waktu, zaman.
aeternus eternus : eternal, everlasting, without end. Aeternus eternus: kekal, abadi, tanpa akhir.
Affligeniensis, Haffligeniensis : Afflighem. Affligeniensis, Haffligeniensis: Afflighem.
ager (agri) : farm, field, acre. Ager (agribisnis): peternakan, lapangan, hektar.
aggero : to make a mound, heap up, increase. aggero: untuk membuat gundukan, tumpukan ke atas, meningkat.
aggredior : to go to, approach, address, attack. aggredior: untuk pergi ke, pendekatan, alamat, menyerang.
agnitio : recognition, knowledge. agnitio: pengakuan, pengetahuan.
agnosco : to know again, recognize, report, understand, admit. agnosco: tahu lagi, mengenali, laporan, mengerti, mengakui.
agnosco : acknowledge. agnosco: mengakui.
agnosco : to recognize, understand, perceive. agnosco: untuk mengenali, memahami, melihat.
ago (egi actum ) : to spend time, live / manage, drive, lead. lalu (egi actum): untuk menghabiskan waktu, hidup / mengelola, drive, memimpin.
ait : he says. ait: katanya.
aiunt: they say. aiunt: mereka katakan.
Aldenard : Audenarde. Aldenard: Audenarde.
alienus : somebody else's, foreign, alien, strange, different. alienus: orang lain, asing, asing, aneh, berbeda.
alii ... alii ... alii : some ... alii: beberapa ... others. lain.
alioqui : (adv.) otherwise. alioqui: (adv.) sebaliknya.
alioquin : (adv.) otherwise, in some respects / in general. alioquin: (adv.) sebaliknya, dalam beberapa hal / pada umumnya.
aliqua : some. aliqua: beberapa.
aliquando : at any time, sometimes, occasionally, at last. aliquando: pada setiap saat, kadang-kadang, kadang-kadang, pada akhirnya.
aliquanta : (adj.) moderate, or some size. aliquanta: (adj.) moderat, atau beberapa ukuran.
aliquanto : somewhat, considerably. aliquanto: agak, jauh.
aliquantum : (noun) a good deal. aliquantum: (kata benda) yang bagus.
aliquantus : (adj.) of some size, moderate. aliquantus: (adj.) dari beberapa ukuran, moderat.
aliqui : some. aliqui: beberapa.
aliquid : someone, somebody, something. aliquid: seseorang, seseorang, sesuatu.
aliquis : someone, anyone, anything, (adv.) in any respect. aliquis: seseorang, siapa pun, apa pun, (adv.) dalam hal apapun.
aliquo : (adv.) in some direction. aliquo: (adv.) dalam beberapa arah.
aliquot : some, several. alikuot: beberapa, beberapa.
aliquotiens : some times. aliquotiens: beberapa kali.
alius alia aliud : other, another, someone else, something else. alius alia aliud: lain, lain, orang lain, sesuatu yang lain.
allatus (=adfero) : having been brought. allatus (= adfero): yang telah dibawa.
alo (alui altum) : nourish, cherish, support, sustain, maintain, keep. alo (Alui altum): memberi makan, menyayangi, dukungan, mempertahankan, mempertahankan, mempertahankan.
Alos : alquod: some. Alos: alquod: beberapa.
alter : (adv.) otherwise. mengubah: (adv.) sebaliknya.
alter altera alterum : the second, the other one. mengubah altera alterum: yang kedua, yang lain.
alter ... mengubah ... alter : the one ... mengubah: satu ... the other. yang lain.
altus : high, deep. Altus: tinggi, dalam.
alveus : hollow, basket, bed (of a river). alveus: hampa, keranjang, tempat tidur (dari sungai).
amaritudo : bitterness. amaritudo: kepahitan.
Ambianis : Amiens. Ambianis: Amiens.
ambitus : border, edge, extent / going around, circuit. ambitus: perbatasan, pinggir, sejauh / terjadi di sekitar, rangkaian.
ambulo : to walk. ambulo: untuk berjalan.
amicitia : friendship amicitia: persahabatan
amiculum : cloak, cape. amiculum: jubah, cape.
amicus : friend, comrade. amicus: teman, kawan.
amissio / amissus : loss. amissio / amissus: kerugian.
amita : father's sister, paternal aunt. amita: ayah lain, ayah bibi.
amitto : to dismiss, send away, lose, let slip away. amitto: untuk mengabaikan, mengusir, kehilangan, biarkan menyelinap pergi.
amitto : to send away, let go, let slip, lose. amitto: untuk mengirim pergi, biarkan pergi, biarkan terpeleset, kalah.
amo : to love, like, be fond of, cherish. amo: untuk mengasihi, seperti, menjadi menyukai, menghargai.
amor : love, affection, infatuation, passion. amor: cinta, kasih sayang, tergila-gila, gairah.
amoveo : to move away, remove, take out, shift. amoveo: untuk pindah, menghapus, mengambil, bergeser.
amplexus : an embracing, surrounding, loving embrace, [euphemism] amplio : to enlarge, increase, improve. amplexus: sebuah merangkul, sekitarnya, pelukan penuh kasih, [eufemisme] Amplio: untuk memperbesar, meningkatkan, meningkatkan.
amplitudo : size, breadth, dignity, grandeur, greatness. amplitudo: ukuran, luas, martabat, kebesaran, keagungan.
amplus : large, spacious, ample / great important, honorable. amplus: besar, luas, cukup / sangat penting, terhormat.
an : (adv.) or "Are you going OR are you staying?" an: (adv.) atau "Apakah kau akan ATAU kau tinggal?"
ancilla : maidservant, also used by nuns to describe themselves. ancilla: hambanya perempuan, juga digunakan oleh biarawati untuk menggambarkan diri mereka sendiri.
Andegavense : Anjou. Andegavense: Anjou.
angelus : angel. Angelus: malaikat.
angulus : corner, niche. angulus: sudut, ceruk.
angustus : narrow, limited, strait, tight, constricted. angustus: sempit, terbatas, selat, ketat, kaku.
animadverto : to turn the mind to, take notice of, see, perceive. animadverto: untuk memutar pikiran untuk, memperhatikan, melihat, melihat.
animi : at heart. animi: di hati.
animus : courage, vivacity, bravery, will, spirit, soul. animus: keberanian, kelincahan, keberanian, akan, semangat, jiwa.
animus : character, intellect, memory, consciousness, often mind. animus: karakter, kecerdasan, memori, kesadaran, sering pikiran.
annus : year. annus: tahun.
anser : goose. anser: angsa.
ante : (prep. + acc.) before / in front of / (adv.) before, previously. ante: (prep. + pkt.) sebelum / di depan / (adv.) sebelum, sebelumnya.
antea : (adv.) before, previously, formerly. antea: (adv.) sebelum, sebelumnya, sebelumnya.
antepono : (+ dat.) put before, prefer, favor, promote. antepono: (+ dat.) menempatkan sebelumnya, lebih memilih, mendukung, mempromosikan.
antiquus : ancient, old, hoary, antiquus: kuno, tua, beruban,
aperio : to uncover, lay bare, reveal, make clear. aperio: untuk mengungkap, berbaring telanjang, mengungkapkan, membuat jelas.
aperte : openly, frankly. aperte: secara terbuka, terus terang.
apostolus : (legal) notice sent to a higher tribunal / ecc. apostolus: (hukum) pemberitahuan dikirim ke pengadilan yang lebih tinggi / ecc. Apostle. Rasul.
apparatus : equipment, gear, machinery / splendor, magnificence. aparat: peralatan, perlengkapan, mesin / kemegahan, kebesaran.
appareo : to become visible, appear, manifest appareo: untuk menjadi terlihat, muncul, nyata
appello : to call, name, summon. appello: untuk menelepon, nama, memanggil.
appono : to appoint a person, to add something. appono: untuk menunjuk seseorang, untuk menambahkan sesuatu.
appono : to place near, put to, serve, put on the table. appono: ke tempat dekat, dihukum, melayani, diletakkan di atas meja.
appositus : placed near, approaching, appropriate, appositively. appositus: ditempatkan dekat, mendekat, tepat, appositively.
approbo : to approve. approbo: untuk menyetujui.
appropinquo : (+ dat.) to near, drawn near, come close, approach. appropinquo: (+ dat.) untuk dekat, dibuat dekat, datang dekat, pendekatan.
apto : to fit, adapt, adjust, make ready, or fit. apto: untuk menyesuaikan, beradaptasi, menyesuaikan, membuat siap, atau cocok.
aptus : fitted, connected, fastened / prepared, fitted out. aptus: dipasang, terhubung, diikat / siap, pas keluar.
aptus : suitable, appropriate, fitting. aptus: cocok, sesuai, cocok.
apud : (prep. + acc.) among, in the presence of, at, at the house of. APUD: (prep. + pkt.) antara, di hadapan, di, di rumah.
aqua : water. aqua: air.
ara : altar ara: altar
aranea : spider's web. aranea: jaring laba-laba.
arbitro arbitror : to witness, bear witness / judge, arbitrate. arbitro arbitror: untuk saksi, saksi / hakim, menengahi.
arbor : tree. berteduh: pohon.
arbustum : a vineyard planted with trees. arbustum: sebuah kebun anggur ditanami pohon.
arbustus : planted with trees. arbustus: ditanami pohon.
arca archa : chest, box, money box, coffin, cell. arca Archa: dada, kotak, uang kotak, peti mati, sel.
arceo : to shut up, enclose. arceo: untuk tutup mulut, melampirkan.
arcesso, accerso : to bring, fetch, summon, call for. arcesso, accerso: untuk membawa, mengambil, memanggil, memanggil.
arcus : bow (BOW and arrows), arch, bend, arc. Arcus: busur (BOW dan panah), arch, bend, busur.
argentum : silver, money. Argentum: perak, uang.
argumentum : proof, evidence. Argumentum: bukti, bukti.
arguo : to show, make clear, attempt to show. arguo: untuk menunjukkan, membuat jelas, upaya untuk menunjukkan.
arma : arms, weapons. arma: tangan, senjata.
armarium : cupboard, chest, safe (for food, clothing, money). armarium: lemari, dada, aman (untuk makanan, pakaian, uang).
armo : to provide arms, arm, equip, fit out. armo: untuk memberikan tangan, lengan, melengkapi, pas keluar.
aro : to plow. aro: membajak.
ars, artis : skill method, technique, conduct, character. ars, artis: metode keterampilan, teknik, perilaku, karakter.
articulus : (of time) a moment, crisis. articulus: (waktu) sejenak, krisis.
artificiose : skillfully. artificiose: terampil.
artificiosus : skillful, accomplished, skillfuly made. artificiosus: terampil, sukses, skillfuly dibuat.
arto : to press together, reduce, abridged. arto: untuk tekan bersama-sama, mengurangi, dipersingkat.
arx , arcis : citadel, stronghold, fortress, keep, donjon. arx, arcis: benteng, kubu, benteng, menjaga, donjon.
ascisco : to receive, admit / adopt / take up, approve. ascisco: untuk menerima, mengakui / mengadopsi / mengangkat, menyetujui.
ascit : ascit:
asper : rough, harsh, severe. asper: kasar, keras, berat.
asperitas : roughness, severity / harshness, fierceness. asperitas: kekasaran, keparahan / kekerasan, keganasan.
aspicio : to look at, behold, gaze at, see. aspicio: untuk melihat, lihatlah, memandang, lihat.
asporto : to carry off, take away. asporto: untuk membawa, bawa pergi.
assentator : flatterer, sycophant, yes-man. assentator: penjilat, penjilat, ya-man.
astrum : star, constellation. astrum: bintang, konstelasi.
Asvesniis : of Avesnes. Asvesniis: dari Avesnes.
at : (conj.) but. di: (conj.) tapi. (more emphatic and emotional than sed). (lebih tegas dan emosional daripada sed).
atavus : great-great-great grandfather, ancestor. atavus: hebat-hebat-hebat kakek, nenek moyang.
ater atra atrum : dark. ater atra atrum: gelap.
atqui : (conj.) and yet, still. atqui: (conj.) dan namun, masih.
Atrebatum : Arras. Atrebatum: Arras.
atrocitas : hashness, cruelty, frightfulness, barbarity, horror. atrocitas: hashness, kekejaman, frightfulness, kebiadaban, kengerian.
atrox : terrible, cruel, horror. atrox: mengerikan, kejam, horor.
attero : destroy, waste, weaken, impair. attero: hancurkan, limbah, melemahkan, merusak.
attero : to weaken, ruin, rub against, rub away, erode. attero: untuk melemahkan, merusak, menggesek, menggosok diri, mengikis.
attollo : to raise, lift up, elevate / excite, exalt. attollo: untuk menaikkan, mengangkat, mengangkat / membangkitkan, bertasbih.
attonbitus : frantic, inspired, thunder-struck, stunned. attonbitus: panik, terinspirasi, guntur-memukul, tertegun.
auctor : author, originator. auctor: penulis, pencipta.
auctoritas : authority auctoritas: otoritas
auctus : growth, enlargement, increase. auctus: pertumbuhan, pembesaran, meningkat.
audacia : boldness, dash, daring, audacity. audacia: keberanian, dash, berani, keberanian.
audacter, audaciter : boldly, proudly, fearlessly. audacter, audaciter: berani, dengan bangga, tanpa rasa takut.
audax : bold audax: bold
audentia : boldness, courage. audentia: keberanian, keberanian.
audeo : (part. ausus ) : to dare. audeo: (Part. ausus): untuk berani.
audio : to hear, hearken, listen to. audio: untuk mendengar, mendengarkan, mendengarkan.
auditor : hearer, listener. auditor: pendengar, pendengar.
aufero : to carry away, remove / steal, carry off, make away with. aufero: untuk membawa pergi, menghapus / mencuri, merampas, membuat pergi dengan.
aureus : golden. aureus: emas.
auris : ear. auris: telinga.
Aurissiodorenses : Auxerre, dept. Aurissiodorenses: Auxerre, dept. Yonne, between Paris and Dijon. Yonne, antara Paris dan Dijon.
aurum : gold. Aurum: emas.
aut ... aut ... aut : either ... aut: entah ... or. atau.
autem : moreover, however, but, also. autem: Selain itu, bagaimanapun, tetapi, juga.
autus : increase, enlargement, growth. autus: meningkat, pembesaran, pertumbuhan.
Auxatia : Alsace. Auxatia: Alsace.
auxilium : aid, help, assistance, support. auxilium: bantuan, pertolongan, bantuan, dukungan.
avaritia : avarice, greed. avaritia: ketamakan, keserakahan.
avarus : greedy, avaricious. avarus: serakah, tamak.
aveho : to carry away, remove (avexi avectum ) aveho: untuk membawa pergi, menghapus (avexi avectum)
averto : to turn away, avert, avoid. averto: berbalik, mencegah, hindari. turn back. kembali.
Avesniis : Avesnes. Avesniis: Avesnes.
avoco : to call away, divert. avoco: untuk memanggil keluar, pengalihan.
baiulus : porter, pall-bearer, carrier of a burden. baiulus: penjaga pintu, pengusung jenazah, pembawa beban.
balbus : stammering, stuttering, fumbling. balbus: terbata-bata, gagap, meraba-raba.
barba : beard, whiskers. barba: jenggot, kumis.
bardus : stupid, slow, dull. bardus: bodoh, lambat, membosankan.
basium : kiss. basium: ciuman.
beatus : blessed, fortunate, sometimes "saint". beatus: diberkati, beruntung, kadang-kadang "suci".
bellicus : martial, military, war-like. bellicus: bela diri, militer, perang-seperti.
bellum : war. bellum: perang.
bellus : beautiful, pretty, charming, handsome. bellus: indah, cantik, memesona, tampan.
bene : melior : optime : well, better, best bene: Melior: optime: baik, lebih baik, terbaik
beneficium : benefit, favor, service, privilege, right. beneficium: manfaat, kebaikan, jasa, hak istimewa, benar.
benevolentia : benevolence, kindness, good will. benevolentia: kebajikan, kebaikan, kehendak baik.
benigne : kindly, generously. benigne: ramah, murah hati.
Berlinmonte : Berlaimont, near Le Quesnoy. Berlinmonte: Berlaimont, dekat Le Quesnoy.
bestia : animal, beast. bestia: hewan, binatang.
bibo : to drink, quaff. bibo: untuk minum, meneguk dalam-dalam.
bis : twice. bis: dua kali.
blandior : to flatter, caress, (+ dat.) coax. blandior: menyanjung, membelai, (+ dat.) membujuk.
blanditia : blandishments, attractions, allurement, charm. blanditia: bujukan, wisata, memikat, pesona.
Blesense : Blois. Blesense: Blois.
Boloniense : Bouillon. Boloniense: Bouillon.
bonus melior optimus : good, better, best. Melior bonus Optimus: baik, lebih baik, terbaik.
bos (bovis ) : cow, ox, bull. bos (bovis): sapi, sapi, banteng.
Brabatensium : Brabant. Brabatensium: Brabant.
Brachants : Brabant. Brachants: Brabant.
brevis : short, small, brief. brevis: pendek, kecil, singkat.
brevitas : shortness, brevity. brevitas: sesak, singkat.
breviter : briefly. breviter: sebentar.
Brocherota : Broqueroi. Brocherota: Broqueroi.
cado : to fall, drop, plummet, topple. cado: untuk jatuh, jatuh, menurun, jatuh.
caecus : blind, sightless. caecus: buta, buta.
caelestis : heavenly, celestial / noun, a god, dweller in heaven. caelestis: surgawi, surgawi / nomina, dewa, penghuni di surga.
caelum : sky, heaven. caelum: langit, surga.
calamitas : calamity, misfortune, disaster. calamitas: bencana, kemalangan, bencana.
calamus : anything made or reed -- pen, arrow, pipe, etc. Calamus: apa pun yang dibuat atau alang-alang - pena, panah, pipa, dll
calcar, -is : spur. calcar,-adalah: memacu.
calco : to tread, trample upon. calco: untuk tapak, menginjak-injak atas.
calculus : pebble, stone. kalkulus: kerikil, batu.
callide : skillfully, cleverly / cunningly, slyly, subtly. callide: terampil, cerdas / cerdik, licik, halus.
callidus : clever, dextrous, experienced, skilful / cunning, sly. callidus: pintar, trampil, berpengalaman, mahir / cerdik, licik.
Cameracum : Cambrai. Cameracum: Cambrai.
campana : bell. Campana: bel.
candidus : bright, shining, white. candidus: cerah, bersinar, putih.
canis : dog. canis: anjing.
canonicus : canonical, according to the canons, legal, lawful, right. canonicus: kanonik, menurut norma, hukum, sah, benar.
canonus : canon, member of a cathedral chapter or canonry, Augustinian. canonus: canon, anggota sebuah katedral bab atau jabatan pastur, Augustinian.
canto : to sing. canto: untuk menyanyi.
capillus : hair. capillus: rambut.
capio : to seize, take, choose / attack, injure / comprehend. capio: untuk merebut, mengambil, pilih / menyerang, melukai / memahami.
capitulus : chapter, chapter meeting, chapter house. capitulus: bab, bab pertemuan, bab rumah.
capto : to grab, try to get, grab at. capto: untuk mengambil, cobalah untuk mendapatkan, ambil di.
caput capitis : head / top, summit / chief caput capitis: kepala / atas, puncak / kepala
carbo carbonis : carbon, coal, charcoal. carbo carbonis: karbon, batubara, arang.
carcer : prison, cell, jail, dungeon. carcer: penjara, sel, penjara, penjara bawah tanah.
careo : (+ abl. of sep.) be without, be deprived of, lack, want. careo: (+ ABL. dari September) menjadi tanpa, akan kehilangan, kekurangan, mau.
caries : rottenness, corruption, decay. Karies: kebusukan, korupsi, pembusukan.
cariosus : rotten, decayed. cariosus: busuk, membusuk.
caritas : dearness, affection / charity. Caritas: dearness, kasih sayang / amal.
carmen : song, poem. carmen: lagu, puisi.
Carnotense : Chartres. Carnotense: Chartres.
Carnutum Carnotum : Chartres. Carnutum Carnotum: Chartres.
carpo : to pluck, seize, grab, lay hold of, hold on to. carpo: memetik, merebut, menyambar, menangkapnya, pegangan.
carus : dear, beloved / costly, high-priced, expensive. Carus: sayang, terkasih / mahal, harga tinggi, mahal.
casso : to bring to naught, destroy, annul, make void. casso: untuk membawa sia-sia, menghancurkan, membatalkan, membuat void.
caste : purely, spotlessly, purely, uprightly, chastely. kasta: murni, spotlessly, murni, dengan jujur, murni.
Castellandum : Chateaudun. Castellandum: Chateaudun.
casus : accident, chance, fortune. casus: kecelakaan, kesempatan, keberuntungan.
catena : chain, fetters. deret: rantai, belenggu.
caterva : crowd, troop, flock. caterva: kerumunan, pasukan, kawanan.
catervatim : in troops, in masses. catervatim: dalam pasukan, di massa.
Cathalaunenses : Chalons. Cathalaunenses: Chalons.
cattus : cat. cattus: kucing.
cauda : the tail of an animal. cauda: ekor binatang.
causa : (in the abl.) on account of, for the sake of. Causa: (dalam ABL.) dengan pertimbangan, demi.
causa : cause / reason, motive, pretext / interest. Causa: penyebab / alasan, motif, alasan / bunga.
causa : case at law, case, law-suit / situation, condition. Causa: kasus hukum, kasus, hukum-setelan / situasi, kondisi.
caute cautim : cautiously, with security. caute cautim: hati-hati, dengan keamanan.
cautela : caution, precaution, security. cautela: hati-hati, berjaga-jaga, keamanan.
caveo cavi cautum : beware, avoid, look out for. caveo Kavi cautum: berhati-hatilah, hindari, melihat keluar untuk.
cavus : hole, pit. cavus: lubang, lubang.
cedo : to go, proceed / turn out, happen / go away, withdraw. cedo: untuk pergi, lanjutkan / gilirannya keluar, terjadi / pergi menjauh, menarik.
cedo cessi cessum : to grant, yield. cedo cessi cessum: untuk memberikan, hasil.
cedo : (+ dat.) give ground to, submit to, be inferior to. cedo: (+ dat.) memberi tanah untuk, tunduk kepada, menjadi lebih rendah.
celebrer : famous, renowned. celebrer: terkenal, yang terkenal.
celebrus : abounding in, rich in, much frequented, respected. celebrus: berlimpah di, kaya, lebih sering, dihormati.
celer : quick, swift, rapid, speedy, fast. Celerus: cepat, cepat, cepat, cepat, cepat.
celeritas : speed, swiftness, rapidity, quickness. celeritas: kecepatan, kecepatan, kecepatan, kecepatan.
celeriter : rapidly, quickly, swiftly, speedily. celeriter: cepat, cepat, cepat, cepat.
celo : to hide, conceal, keep secret. Celo: untuk bersembunyi, menyembunyikan, menyimpan rahasia.
cena : dinner, meal. cena: makan malam, makan.
cenaculum : garret, attic. cenaculum: loteng, loteng.
ceno : to dine. ceno: untuk makan malam.
censura : judgement. censura: penghakiman.
centum : (indecl.) one hundred, 100. centum: (indecl.) seratus, 100.
cerno : to separate, sift, distinguish / decide, resolve, determine. cerno: untuk memisahkan, memilah, membedakan / memutuskan, menyelesaikan, tentukan.
cernuus : falling headlong. cernuus: jatuh tebing itu.
certe certo : (adv) certainly, assuredly. Certe certo: (adv) tentu saja, pasti.
certo : to contend, settle, dispute, to settle by combat. certo: untuk berpendapat, menyelesaikan, sengketa, untuk menyelesaikan oleh pertempuran.
certus : undoubted, certain, sure. certus: tak diragukan lagi, pasti, yakin.
certus : settled, resolved, decided / definite, certain, sure. certus: menetap, diselesaikan, memutuskan / pasti, tertentu, tentu.
cervus : stag, deer Cervus: rusa, rusa
cetera : for the rest, otherwise lain-lain: untuk sisa, jika tidak
ceteri : the remaining, the rest, the others ceteri: yang tersisa, yang lain, yang lain
ceterum : (adv.) otherwise, moreover, but. ceterum: (adv.) lain, terlebih lagi, tapi.
ceterus : the other, the rest. ceterus: yang lain, yang lain.
charisma carisma : gift, present. karisma carisma: hadiah, hadir.
chirographum : autograph, person's own handwriting / written charter. chirographum: tanda tangan, tulisan tangan orang itu sendiri / ditulis sewaan.
cibo : food for animals Cibo: makanan untuk binatang
cibus : food for men and animals. cibus: makanan bagi manusia dan hewan.
cicuta : hemlock. cicuta: hemlock.
cilicium : (? Herimann, p. 311) cilicium: (? Herimann, hal 311)
cimentarius : mason? cimentarius: tukang batu?
ciminatio : accusation, calumny, charge. ciminatio: tuduhan, fitnah, biaya.
ciminosus : reproachful, slanderous. ciminosus: mencela, memfitnah.
cinis cineris : ashes, embers. cinis cineris: abu, bara api.
circumvenio : to come around, surround, cheat, defraud. circumvenio: untuk datang sekeliling, mengelilingi, menipu, menipu.
circumvenio : to beset, assail. circumvenio: untuk diserang, menyerang.
cito: quickly, rapidly, speedily. Cito: cepat, cepat, cepat.
civilis : civil, civic. Civilis: sipil, kewarganegaraan.
civis : citizen, townsman, bourgeois, burgess. Civis: warga negara, penduduk kota, borjuis, Burgess.
civitas : state, citizenship, city-state. civitas: negara, kewarganegaraan, negara-kota.
clam : secretly, in secret. kerang: diam-diam, secara rahasia.
clamo : to call, shout, cry aloud, proclaim, declare. clamo: untuk menelepon, berteriak, menangis dengan suara keras, menyatakan, menyatakan.
clamor : loud shouting, cry. keributan: keras berteriak, menangis.
claro : to make bright or clear, make clear in the mind. claro: untuk membuat terang atau jelas, membuat jelas dalam pikiran.
clarus : clear, bright / renowned, famous, illustrious clarus: jelas dan terang / terkenal, terkenal, termasyhur
claudeo : to limp, halt, be lame, to hobble. claudeo: untuk lemas, berhenti, menjadi lumpuh, berjalan pincang.
claudo (clausus) : to confine, shut up, close, blockade, besiege. claudo (clausus): untuk membatasi, tutup mulut, tutup, blokade, mengepung.
claudus : lame. Claudus: lumpuh.
claustrum : bolt, bar, prison, den, pen, enclosure / cloister. claustrum: baut, bar, penjara, den, pena, lampiran / biara.
clementia : indulgence, forbearance, humanity, mercy, gentleness, etc. clementia: kegemaran, kesabaran, kemanusiaan, rahmat, kelembutan, dll
clibanus : oven, furnace / tray for bread making. clibanus: oven, tanur / nampan untuk pembuatan roti.
coadunatio : a gathering together, a summing up, a uniting. coadunatio: sebuah pertemuan bersama, yang menyimpulkan, pemersatu.
coaegresco : to become sick at the same time. coaegresco: untuk menjadi sakit pada waktu yang sama.
coepi : (pres. incipio ) : began, started, undertook, initiated. coepi: (pres. incipio): mulai, memulai, melakukan, dimulai.
coerceo : surround, enclose, restrain, confine. coerceo: surround, melampirkan, mengekang, membatasi.
cogito : to think, ruminate, ponder, consider, plan. cogito: untuk berpikir, merenungkan, merenungkan, mempertimbangkan, rencana.
cognatus : (adj.) related by blood (noun) a relative, kinsman. cognatus: (adj.) terkait dengan darah (kata benda) seorang kerabat, sanak.
cognomen : surname, family name, nick-name. julukan: nama keluarga, nama keluarga, nick-name.
cognosco : to examine, inquire, learn. cognosco: untuk memeriksa, bertanya, belajar.
cogo, coegi, coactum : to compel, restrict, confine. cogo, coegi, coactum: untuk memaksa, membatasi, membatasi.
cogo, coegi, coactum : to bring together, drive, draw. cogo, coegi, coactum: untuk membawa bersama-sama, drive, menggambar.
cohaero cohero cohesi cohesum : to adhere, stick together cohaero cohero cohesi cohesum: untuk mematuhi, tetap bersama-sama
cohibeo : confine, restrain, hold back, repress. cohibeo: membatasi, mengekang, menahan, menekan.
cohors : a yard, enclosure / troop, 1 / 10 of a legion. cohors: sebuah halaman, kandang / pasukan, 1 / 10 dari legiun.
cohortor : to encourage, incite, exhort. cohortor: untuk mendorong, menghasut, mendesak.
colligo : to gather together, collect, assemble. colligo: untuk berkumpul bersama, mengumpulkan, merakit.
colloco : to place, put, arrange. colloco: ke tempat lain, meletakkan, mengatur.
collum : neck. collum: leher.
colo colui cultum : cultivate, cherish colo colui cultum: mengolah, menghargai
color : color. warna: warna.
coloratus : colored / dark-complexioned. coloratus: berwarna / gelap-langsat.
coloro : to color. coloro: untuk warna.
coma : hair of the head, leaves, rays of light. koma: rambut kepala, daun, sinar cahaya.
combibo : to drink up, suck in. combibo: minum atas, menyedot masuk
comburo : to burn up, to ruin, consume. comburo: untuk membakar, merusak, mengkonsumsi.
comedo comedi comesum : to eat up, consume / waste, squander. comedo comedi comesum: untuk makan naik, mengkonsumsi / pemborosan, menghambur-hamburkan.
comes comitis : companion, friend, comrade / count. datang comitis: teman, teman, kawan / menghitung.
cometes : comet cometes: komet
cometissa comitissa : countess. cometissa comitissa: Countess.
comis : courteous, kind, friendly. comis: sopan, baik hati, ramah.
comitatus : train, retinue, following / war band. comitatus: kereta api, rombongan, mengikuti / perang band.
comiter : courteously, in a kindly, friendly manner. comiter: sopan, dalam ramah, ramah.
comitto : to entrust, commit. comitto: untuk mempercayakan, komit.
commemoro : to remind, relate, mention. commemoro: untuk mengingatkan, berhubungan, sebutkan.
commeo : To go up and down, back and forth, in and out. commeo: Untuk naik dan turun, maju-mundur, masuk dan keluar.
commessatio, onis : eating together. commessatio, onis: makan bersama.
comminor : to threaten. comminor: mengancam.
comminuo : to scatter, weaken, damage. comminuo: untuk menyebarkan, melemahkan, kerusakan.
comminus : hand to hand, in close combat. comminus: tangan ke tangan, dalam pertempuran jarak dekat.
commisceo : to intermingle, join, mix. commisceo: untuk berbaur, bergabung, campuran.
commissum : undertaking, that which is entrusted. commissum: usaha, apa yang dipercayakan.
commodo : (+ acc.) to furnish, lend, give. commodo: (+ pkt.) untuk memberikan, meminjamkan, memberi.
commodo : to make fit, adapt, please, oblige, serve. commodo: untuk membuat cocok, beradaptasi, tolong, mewajibkan, melayani.
commodum : suitable time, opportunity, convenience, use. commodum: tepat waktu, kesempatan, kenyamanan, gunakan.
commodum : convenience, advantage, opportunity, comfort. commodum: kenyamanan, keuntungan, kesempatan, kenyamanan.
commoneo : to remind someone forcibly of something. commoneo: untuk mengingatkan orang secara paksa dari sesuatu.
commoneo : to remember, recollect. commoneo: untuk mengingat, mengingat kembali.
commoneo : to impress upon one. commoneo: memberikan kesan kepada satu. to remind. untuk mengingatkan.
commoveo : to move violently, disturb, shake / excite, upset. commoveo: untuk memindahkan keras, mengganggu, kocok / membangkitkan, kesal.
communis : common, general, run of the mill. communis: umum, umum, jalankan dari pabrik.
comparo : to compare. comparo: untuk membandingkan.
compater : the godfather of a man's child. compater: orangtua asuh untuk anak laki-laki.
compatior : to suffer with one, feel pity, have compassion. compatior: menderita dengan satu, merasa kasihan, memiliki belas kasihan.
compello : to drive together, collect, force, compel. compello: untuk drive bersama, mengumpulkan, gaya, memaksa.
comperio : to disclose wholly, lay open / learn, find out. comperio: untuk mengungkapkan sepenuhnya, mengungkapkan / belajar, mencari tahu.
comperio : to disclose fully, find out with certainty. comperio: untuk mengungkapkan sepenuhnya, cari tahu dengan pasti.
comperte : on good authority. comperte: otoritas baik.
compes, compedis : fetters, shackles, chained. compes, compedis: belenggu, belenggu, dirantai.
compes : fetters, shackles, chains. compes: belenggu, borgol, rantai.
competo : to be appropriate, suitable, fit. competo: untuk menjadi tepat, cocok, cocok.
complectus : embrace, grasp. complectus: pelukan, pegang.
compleo : to finish. compleo: untuk menyelesaikan.
compleo : to fill up, man, bring up to strength, fulfill. compleo: untuk mengisi, pria, membawa hingga kekuatan, memenuhi.
compono : to put together, compose. compono: untuk mengumpulkan, menulis.
compositio : composition, agreement, pact / arrangement. compositio: komposisi, perjanjian, kesepakatan / perjanjian.
compositus : orderly, matching, made up of pieces. compositus: tertib, serasi, terdiri dari potongan-potongan.
comprehendo : to seize, arrest, take prisoner, catch red-handed. comprehendo: untuk merebut, penangkapan, memenjarakan, menangkap basah.
comprehendo : to grasp, take together, unite / comprehend. comprehendo: untuk memahami, bawa bersama-sama, bersatu / memahami.
comprehendo : to embrace, take firmly, include, seize. comprehendo: untuk merangkul, mengambil tegas, termasuk, merebut.
comprobo : to approve fully / to confirm, prove, establish. comprobo: untuk menyetujui sepenuhnya / untuk konfirmasi, buktikan, buktikan.
comprovincialis : born in the same province. comprovincialis: lahir di provinsi yang sama.
comptus : a head-dress, a hairband. comptus: kepala-gaun, hairband.
conatus : exertion, effort / undertaking / impulse, inclination. conatus: pengerahan tenaga, usaha / usaha / dorongan, kecenderungan.
concedo : to concede, yield, allow, grant, withdraw, give up. concedo: mengakui, hasil, memungkinkan, hibah, mundur, menyerah.
concepta : measures, capacity. concepta: ukuran, kapasitas.
concero : connect join, twine, join in conflict. concero: menghubungkan bergabung, benang, bergabung dalam konflik.
concido : to fall down, sink, perish / (wind) subside. concido: untuk jatuh, tenggelam, binasa / (angin) mereda.
concido : to be ruined, fail / cut up, cut down, destroy. concido: menjadi hancur, gagal / memotong, menebang, menghancurkan.
concilium : council Concilium: dewan
concipio : to take or lay hold of, receive, take in. concipio: untuk mengambil atau meletakkan memegang, menerima, mengambil masuk
concisus : cut up, broken, brief, concise. concisus: memotong-motong, rusak, singkat, ringkas.
concito : to move violently, stir up, excite. concito: untuk memindahkan keras, aduk sampai, menggairahkan.
conculco : to tread under foot, despise, oppress, suppress. conculco: untuk menginjak kaki di bawah, membenci, menindas, menekan.
concupiscentia : avarice, covetousness. concupiscentia: kekikiran, ketamakan.
concupisco : to covet, aim at, desire eagerly. concupisco: untuk mengingini, bertujuan, keinginan bersemangat.
concutio : to shake, disturb, agitate. concutio: untuk goyang, mengganggu, menggelisahkan.
concutio : to shake together, agitate, alarm, disturb, shatter. concutio: untuk goyang bersama, mengagitasi, alarm, mengganggu, hancur.
Condato : Cond . Condato: Cond.
condico : to agree, fix, settle, make arrangements. condico: untuk setuju, memperbaiki, menyelesaikan, membuat perjanjian.
conduco : hire, employ for wages, among many other meanings. conduco: menyewa, mempekerjakan untuk upah, di antara banyak arti lain.
confero : to bring together, put together, collect / confero: untuk membawa bersama-sama, bersama-sama, mengumpulkan /
confero : discuss, debate, confer / betake oneself, devote. confero: membahas, debat, memberi / betake diri sendiri, mencurahkan.
confestim : immediately, without delay. confestim: segera, tanpa penundaan.
confido : have confidence in, be confident of, rely upon. confido: memiliki kepercayaan, menjadi yakin, andalkan.
confiteor confessus : to confess, own up, admit, acknowledge. confiteor confessus: mengakui, mengaku, mengakui, mengakui.
conforto : to strengthen much. conforto: untuk memperkuat banyak.
confugo : to flee, have recourse to, take refuge. confugo: untuk melarikan diri, meminta bantuan untuk, berlindung.
congregatio : assembly, society, union. Congregatio: perakitan, masyarakat, serikat.
congrego : to gather together, assemble, convene. congrego: untuk berkumpul bersama, berkumpul, bersidang.
congruus : agreeing, fit, suitable. congruus: setuju, cocok, cocok.
conicio : to hurl, throw / put together, conjecture. conicio: untuk melemparkan, membuang / menaruh bersama-sama, dugaan.
coniecto : to throw together, infer, guess, conclude. coniecto: untuk melempar bersama-sama, menyimpulkan, tebak, menyimpulkan.
conitor : to press upon, to struggle to reach conitor: untuk tekan atas, untuk perjuangan untuk mencapai
coniuratio : conspiracy, plot. coniuratio: konspirasi, alur.
coniuratus : conspirator, plotter. coniuratus: konspirator, plotter.
coniuro : to take an oath together, plot, conspire. coniuro: untuk mengambil sumpah bersama-sama, alur, bersekongkol.
conor : to undertake, try, venture, presume, attempt. Conor: untuk melakukan, mencoba, usaha, kira, usaha.
conqueror : to complain loudly. penakluk: mengeluh keras.
conscendo : to ascend, mount, go up. conscendo: untuk naik, gunung, naik.
conscientia : conscience, consciousness, knowledge conscientia: hati nurani, kesadaran, pengetahuan
conscindo : to tear in pieces. conscindo: untuk merobek berkeping-keping.
conscius : conscious of, aware of. conscius: sadar, sadar.
conservo : to preserve, conserve, maintain, keep, hold to. conservo: untuk menjaga, melestarikan, menjaga, menjaga, terus untuk.
considero : to look at, regard carefully, considero: untuk melihat, memandang dengan hati-hati,
consido : to set down, settle. consido: untuk mengatur turun, menetap.
consilio : intentionally, on purpose, designedly. consilio: sengaja, sengaja, sengaja.
consilium : deliberation, consultation, assembly, council. Kebijakan privasi: pertimbangan, konsultasi, perakitan, dewan.
consilium : advice, suggestion, wisdom, plan, purpose, judgment. Kebijakan privasi: nasihat, saran, kebijaksanaan, perencanaan, tujuan, penilaian.
consisto : (+ in) to depend on, rely on. consisto: (+ in) untuk bergantung pada, mengandalkan.
consisto : to take one's stand, stand still, stop, be posted. consisto: untuk mengambil satu yang berdiri, berdiri diam, berhenti, akan diposting.
consisto : (+ abl. etc.) to be formed of, consist / stop, stay. consisto: (+ ABL. dll) yang akan dibentuk dari, terdiri / berhenti, tinggal.
consitor : sower, planter. consitor: penabur, pemilik perkebunan.
conspergo : to sprinkle, bestrew. conspergo: untuk dipercikkan, menabur.
conspicio : to catch sight of, perceive, behold, understand. conspicio: untuk menangkap melihat, merasakan, lihatlah, mengerti.
constans : steady, firm, unchanging, constant, unwavering. Konstans: mantap, tegas, tidak berubah, konstan, tak tergoyahkan.
constanter : steadily, firmly. constanter: mantap, tegas.
constituo : to set up, place, establish, post, station. constituo: untuk menyiapkan, tempat, mendirikan, memasang, stasiun.
constituo : to arrange, decide, appoint, settle, found, set up. constituo: untuk mengatur, menentukan, menunjuk, menyelesaikan, menemukan, mengatur.
consto : to be established, stand firm, stop, endure. consto: yang akan didirikan, berdiri teguh, berhenti, bertahan.
constringo constrixi constrictum : to bind, confine, restrain. constringo constrixi constrictum: untuk mengikat, membatasi, mengendalikan.
construo construxi constructum : to construct, build, arrange. construo construxi constructum: untuk membangun, membangun, mengatur.
constupator : ravisher, debaucher. constupator: ravisher, debaucher.
constupro : to ravish, corrupt. constupro: untuk mencabuli, korup.
consuasor : advisor, counselor. consuasor: penasihat, konselor.
consuefacio : to accustom, acclimate, become used to. consuefacio: untuk membiasakan, menyesuaikan diri, menjadi biasa.
consuesco : to accustom, inure, habituate consuesco: untuk menyesuaikan, membiasakan, melatih
consueta : customary, usual. consueta: adat, biasa.
consuetudo : custom, usage, habit / intimacy, familiar acquaintance. consuetudo: custom, penggunaan, kebiasaan / keintiman, akrab kenalan.
consulatio : deliberation, inquiry, full consideration. consulatio: musyawarah, penyelidikan, penuh pertimbangan.
consulo : to reflect, consider, ponder, reflect. consulo: untuk merenung, mempertimbangkan, merenungkan, berpikir.
consulo : (+ dat.) look to the interests of / consult, ask advice. consulo: (+ dat.) melihat ke kepentingan / berkonsultasi, meminta saran.
consulo : to look to the interests of, come to a conclusion. consulo: untuk melihat ke kepentingan, sampai pada suatu kesimpulan.
consulto : to ask the advice of, consult. consulto: untuk meminta nasihat, konsultasi.
consulto : to consider carefully, weigh, ponder. consulto: untuk mempertimbangkan dengan hati-hati, menimbang, renungkanlah.
consultum : decree. consultum: SK.
consummatio : completion, summing up, adding up. consummatio: completion, menyimpulkan, menambahkan.
consummo : to add together, sum up, make perfect, complete. consummo: untuk menambahkan bersama-sama, Singkatnya, membuat sempurna, lengkap.
consumo : to spend, employ, use up, finish, waste away, destroy. consumo: untuk belanja, mempekerjakan, menggunakan atas, selesaikan, limbah pergi, menghancurkan.
consuo consui consutum : to sew together, stitch. consuo consui consutum: untuk menjahit bersama, jahitan.
consurgo : to stand up, rise up / to arise, break out. consurgo: untuk berdiri, bangkit / untuk muncul, pecah.
contabesco : to waste slowly away, decline in health. contabesco: membuang-buang perlahan menjauh, penurunan kesehatan.
contactus : touching, contact / contagion. contactus: menyentuh, hubungi / penularan.
contages : a touch, contact. contages: sentuhan, kontak.
contagio contagium : contagion, infection / touching, contact. contagio contagium: penyakit menular, infeksi / menyentuh, hubungi.
contamino : to pollute, infect. contamino: untuk mencemari, menginfeksi.
contego : to cover, shield, protect, defend. contego: untuk menutupi, perisai, melindungi, membela.
contemno : to think meanly of, despise, condemn, hate. contemno: untuk berpikir kejam dari, membenci, mengutuk, benci.
contemplatio : survey, contemplation. contemplatio: survei, kontemplasi.
contemplor : to mark out, regard, consider carefully, survey. contemplor: untuk menandai keluar, menganggap, mempertimbangkan dengan hati-hati, survei.
contemptim : contemptuously. contemptim: kebencian.
contemptio : scorn, disdain, contempt. contemptio: cemooh, penghinaan, penghinaan.
contemptus : despised, despicable, contemptible. contemptus: dihina, hina, dianggap rendah.
contendo : to compare, contrast / compete. contendo: untuk membandingkan, kontras / bersaing.
contendo : to contend, strive, struggle, hasten. contendo: untuk berpendapat, upaya, perjuangan, mempercepat.
contendo : to assert, maintain / shoot (a missile), cast. contendo: menegaskan, mempertahankan / menembak (rudal), cast.
contente : eagerly, earnestly. contente: penuh semangat, sungguh-sungguh.
contentus : contented, satisfied contentus: puas, puas
contentus : strained, stretched / eager, zealous. contentus: tegang, menggeliat / bersemangat, bersemangat.
contigo : (with dat.), to happen, befall. contigo: (dengan dat.), terjadi, menimpa.
contineo : to touch, reach, grasp, affect, infect. contineo: untuk menyentuh, mencapai, pegang, mempengaruhi, menginfeksi.
contineo contigi, contectum : border on / befall (good luck). contineo contigi, contectum: perbatasan di / menimpa (good luck).
contineo : to keep in, surround, contain, confine, include. contineo: untuk tetap, surround, mengandung, membatasi, termasuk.
contineo : hold together, keep together, connect, join. contineo: terus bersama, terus bersama, menghubungkan, bergabung.
contineo: to hold back, restrain. contineo: untuk menahan diri, menahan.
contingo : (contactum) to touch closely, happen to, befall. contingo: (contactum) untuk menyentuh erat, terjadi pada, menimpa.
continuo : (adv.) immediately, at once. continuo: (adv.) segera, sekaligus.
continuus : connected together, continuous, uninterrupted. continuus: terhubung bersama-sama, terus-menerus, tanpa gangguan.
contra : (+ acc.) against. contra: (+ pkt.) melawan.
contradictio : a speaking against, contradiction. contradictio: sebuah berbicara melawan, kontradiksi.
contrado : to deliver together, or wholly. contrado: untuk mengirimkan bersama, atau seluruhnya.
contraho : to draw together, collect, assemble, carry out. contraho: menggambar bersama, mengumpulkan, merakit, melaksanakan.
contristo : to make sad or gloomy contristo: untuk membuat sedih atau murung
contristo : to sadden, afflict, damage (of crops). contristo: untuk sedih, menimpa, kerusakan (dari tanaman).
conturbo : to confuse, scatter, throw into confusion, distress. conturbo: untuk membingungkan, menyebarkan, melemparkan ke dalam kebingungan, kesedihan.
conventus : coming together, assembly, union, congress. conventus: datang bersama-sama, perakitan, serikat, kongres.
conversatio : way, manner of life / monastic life. conversatio: cara, cara hidup / kehidupan monastik.
converto : to turn around, cause to turn / to adopt the monastic life. converto: untuk berbalik, menyebabkan untuk mengubah / untuk mengadopsi kehidupan monastik.
convoco : to call together, convene. convoco: untuk memanggil bersama-sama, bersidang.
copia : abundance, supply. Copia: kelimpahan, suplai.
copiae copie : supplies, troops, forces. copiae copie: persediaan, pasukan, pasukan.
copiose : fully, at length, copiously. copiose: sepenuhnya, panjang lebar, deras.
Corbeiam : Corbie. Corbeiam: Corbie.
cornu : horn. cornu: tanduk.
corona : crown, diadem. korona: mahkota, mahkota.
corpus corporis : body, corpse. corpus corporis: tubuh, mayat.
correptius : more shortly. correptius: lebih singkat.
corrigo : (correctum) : to make correct, make right. corrigo: (correctum): untuk membuat benar, membuat benar.
corripio : to seize, snatch up, steal, (of a disease) attack corripio: untuk merebut, menjambret, mencuri, (dari penyakit) serangan
corroboro : to strengthen. corroboro: untuk memperkuat.
corrumpo : to break up, destroy, annihilate / spoil, weaken. corrumpo: untuk putus, menghancurkan, membinasakan / merusak, melemahkan.
corrumpo : (documents) to falsify / (character) to corrupt. corrumpo: (dokumen) untuk memalsukan / (karakter) untuk korup.
corruo : to fall to the ground, sink down / be ruined, destroyed. corruo: untuk jatuh ke tanah, tenggelam / hancur, hancur.
Corturiacum : Courtrai. Corturiacum: Courtrai.
coruscus : (a) flashing, twinkling, shaking, trembling. coruscus: (a) berkedip, berbinar, gemetar, gemetar.
cotidie : daily, every day. cotidie: harian, setiap hari.
Courtacum : Courtrai. Courtacum: Courtrai.
crapula : wine-drinking, intoxication, drunkenness. crapula: anggur-minum, mabuk, mabuk-mabukan.
cras : (adv.) tomorrow, on the morrow. Cras: (adv.) besok, pada besok.
crastinus : of the morrow, the morrow. crastinus: dari besok, hari esok.
creator : creator, founder. pencipta: pencipta, pendiri.
creatura : creature, servant. creatura: makhluk, hamba.
creber : thick, frequent, numerous. creber: tebal, sering, banyak.
crebro : repeatedly, often, one after the other, time after time. crebro: berulang kali, sering, satu demi satu, dari waktu ke waktu.
credo : to believe / trust, commit / trust in, rely on / think. credo: untuk percaya / kepercayaan, komit / kepercayaan, mengandalkan / berpikir.
creo : to create, make. Creo: untuk membuat, membuat.
creptio : taking by force, seizure. creptio: mengambil dengan paksa, perampasan.
crepusculum : dusk, twilight. crepusculum: senja, senja.
cresco : (cretum) : to grow, increase, expand. Cresco: (cretum): untuk tumbuh, meningkat, berkembang.
creta : chalk, fuller's earth. Creta: kapur, lebih penuh bumi.
cribro : to sift. cribro: untuk menyaring.
cribrum : sieve. cribrum: saringan.
crinis : hair. crinis: rambut.
crinitus : long haired. crinitus: berambut panjang.
cruciamentum : torture, torment. cruciamentum: penyiksaan, siksaan.
crucio : to torture, torment. Crucio: menyiksa, siksaan.
crudelis : cruel. crudelis: kejam.
cruentus : to make bloody, stain with blood. cruentus: untuk membuat berdarah, noda darah.
cruentus : bloody, bloodthirsty, blood-red. cruentus: berdarah, haus darah, darah merah.
crur, cruris : leg, shank, shin, also foot. crur, cruris: kaki, betis, tulang kering, juga kaki.
crustulum : pastry, cookie. crustulum: kue, kue.
crux crucis : cross. inti crucis: salib.
cubicularis : pertaining to a bedroom cubicularis: yang berhubungan dengan kamar tidur
cubicularius : bed-chamber servant, chamberlain. cubicularius:-kamar tidur pembantu, bendahara.
cubiculum : bedroom, sleeping chamber. cubiculum: kamar tidur, kamar tidur.
cubitum ire : to go to bed, retire cubitum kegusaran: untuk pergi ke tempat tidur, pensiun
cubitum : the elbow / a cubit. cubitum: siku / satu hasta.
cubo : to lie down, recline. cubo: untuk berbaring, berbaring.
cui : (masc. sing. dat.) TO WHOM did you give it? cui: (masc. menyanyi. dat.) KEPADA SIAPA yang Anda berikan?
cui : (fem. sing. dat.) IN WHICH (province) did you live? cui: (fem. menyanyi. dat.) IN YANG (provinsi) kau tinggal?
cui : (neut. sing. dat.) (the monster), TO WHOM the cattle belonged. cui: (neut. menyanyi. dat.) (di rakasa), UNTUK SIAPA ternak milik.
cuius : (neut. sing. gen) (the building) the size OF WHICH was great. cuius: (neut. menyanyi. gen) (gedung) ukuran YANG hebat.
cuius : (masc. sing. gen.) (the saint) WHOSE virtues were many. cuius: (masc. menyanyi. gen.) (orang suci) YANG kebajikan yang banyak.
cuius : (fem. sing. gen.) (the queen), the vices OF WHOM were many. cuius: (fem. menyanyi. gen.) (ratu), kejahatan DARI SIAPA banyak.
cuiusmodi : of what kind. cuiusmodi: seperti apa.
culpa : fault, blame, (esp. against chastity). culpa: kesalahan, menyalahkan, (esp. terhadap kesucian).
culpo : to blame, censure, accuse. culpo: untuk menyalahkan, mengecam, menuduh.
cultellus : a little knife. cultellus: sedikit pisau.
cultura : cultivation cultura: budidaya
cum : (prep + abl.) with. cum: (persiapan + ABL.) dengan.
cum : (with indicative) when. cum: (dengan indikasi) kapan.
cum : (with subjunctive) when, as, while, since, although. cum: (dengan bentuk pengandaian) ketika, sebagai, sementara, karena, walaupun.
cunabula : cradle. cunabula: cradle.
cunae : nest for young birds. cunae: sarang burung muda.
cunctatio : delay. cunctatio: penundaan.
cunctator : delayer, procrastinator, cunctator: delayer, suka menunda-nunda,
cunctor : to delay, impede, hold up. cunctor: untuk menunda, menghambat, angkat.
cunctus : all, all collectively, the whole. cunctus: semua, semua secara kolektif, seluruh.
cupiditas : ambition, avarice, party spirit, eager desire. cupiditas: ambisi, ketamakan, semangat partai, bersemangat keinginan.
cupido : passion, desire, wanting, yearning, longing. cupido: gairah, hasrat, ingin, rindu, kerinduan.
cupio : to desire, wish, long for, desire. cupio: keinginan, ingin, rindu, keinginan.
cuppedia : delicacies, candies, sweetmeats. cuppedia: hidangan, permen, jajanan.
cupressus : cypress, cypress wood, a cypress-wood casket. Cupressus: cemara, kayu cemara, sebuah peti kayu cypress.
cur : why, wherefore. skr: mengapa, itulah sebabnya.
cura : management, administration, care, concern, charge. Cura: manajemen, administrasi, perawatan, perhatian, biaya.
curatio : attention / medical attention, healing, curing. curatio: perhatian / perawatan medis, penyembuhan, pengobatan.
curator : guardian, overseer kurator: wali, pengawas
curia : court Kuria: pengadilan
curiositas : curiosity, inquisitiveness, nosiness. curiositas: rasa ingin tahu, rasa ingin tahu, nosiness.
curiosus : careful, attentive / curious, inquisitive / worn out by cares. curiosus: hati-hati, penuh perhatian / penasaran, ingin tahu / dipakai oleh peduli.
curis quris : a spear. curis quris: tombak.
curo : to care for, trouble about, pay attention to. curo: untuk merawat, masalah tentang, perhatikan.
curo : manage, administer / provide money. curo: mengelola, mengatur / menyediakan uang.
curo : (+gerundive) to see to a thing being done / cure, rest. curo: (+ gerund) untuk melihat ke hal yang dilakukan / obat, istirahat.
curriculum : a running, race, lap around the track, course. Kurikulum: sebuah berlari, ras, putaran di trek, tentu saja.
currus : cart / a plow with wheels. currus: cart / a bajak dengan roda.
cursim : hastily, quickly, rapidly. cursim: cepat, cepat, cepat.
cursito : to run up and down. cursito: untuk berjalan naik dan turun.
curso : to run back and forth. curso: untuk menjalankan kembali dan sebagainya.
cursor : runner, carrier, messenger. cursor: runner, carrier, kurir.
cursus : a race, a running, race course, race track, course. cursus: sebuah ras, yang berlari, ras saja, trek balap, tentu saja.
curto : to shorten, abbreviate. curto: untuk memendekkan, menyingkat.
Curtracus : Courtrai. Curtracus: Courtrai.
curtus : shortened / mutilated, defective / gelded. curtus: dipersingkat / dimutilasi, cacat / gelded.
curvo : to bend, arch, curve / influence. curvo: menekuk, lengkungan, kurva / pengaruh.
curvus : arched, bent, bowed, curved, crooked, wrong (morally crooked). curvus: melengkung, membungkuk, membungkuk, melengkung, bengkok, salah (secara moral bengkok).
custodia : protection, custody. custodia: perlindungan, perwalian.
custodiae custodie : guards, wardens. custodiae custodie: penjaga, sipir.
custos : (custodis) : guardian, keeper, watchman, attendant, guard / spy. custos: (custodis): wali, pengawas, penjaga, penjaga, penjaga / mata-mata.
damnatio : condemnation. damnatio: kutukan.
damno : to condemn, damn. damno: untuk menghukum, sialan.
dapifer : seneschal. dapifer: seneschal.
de : (prep. + abl.) down from, from, concerning, about. de: (prep. + ABL.) turun dari, dari, mengenai, tentang.
debeo : to owe, to be morally bound to, to be bound by. debeo: untuk berutang, untuk terikat secara moral, untuk terikat oleh.
debilito : to weaken, enervate, sap, exhaust. debilito: untuk melemahkan, memperlemah, getah, knalpot.
decens, decenter : properly, fittingly, suitably. decens, decenter: benar, pantas, sesuai.
decerno : to decide, determine, settle. decerno: untuk memutuskan, menentukan, menetap.
decerto : to contend, fight to the finish. decerto: untuk bertarung, bertarung hingga selesai.
decet : it is seemly, comely, suitable, proper. Decet: itu adalah pantas, elok, cocok, tepat.
decimus : tenth. Decimus: kesepuluh.
decipio : (deceptus) ensnare, trap, beguile, deceive, cheat. decipio: (deceptus) menjerat, menjebak, menipu, menipu, menipu.
decor : beauty, grace. dekorasi: keindahan, keanggunan.
decoro : beautify, embellish, adorn. decoro: mempercantik, memperindah, menghiasi.
decorus : beautiful, graceful, charming, proper, fit, becoming. decorus: cantik, anggun, memesona, tepat, sehat, menjadi.
decretum : decree, judgment, edict, order. Decretum: SK, penilaian, dekrit, ketertiban.
decumbo : to fall, fall into, lie down. decumbo: untuk jatuh, jatuh ke dalam, berbaring.
dedecor : unseemly, shameful, disgraceful, dishonorable. dedecor: pantas, memalukan, memalukan, tidak terhormat.
dedecus : shame, dishonor, disgrace, crime, dishonorable act. dedecus: malu, aib, aib, kejahatan, tindakan tidak terhormat.
dedico : to dedicate. dedico: untuk mendedikasikan.
deduco : to lad out colonists, found a colony. deduco: untuk anak keluar koloni, menemukan sebuah koloni.
defaeco : to cleanse, purify, purge. defaeco: untuk membersihkan, menyucikan, pembersihan.
defendo : to defend, ward off, protect, shelter. defendo: untuk membela, mencegah, melindungi, tempat penampungan.
defero : to hand over, carry down, communicate, offer, refer. defero: untuk menyerahkan, membawa ke bawah, berkomunikasi, menawarkan, lihat.
defessus : weary, tired. defessus: lelah, capek.
defetiscor (defessus) : to grow tired, weary., defetiscor (defessus): untuk tumbuh lelah, letih.,
deficio : (defectum) : to fail, to weaken, to be in want. deficio: (defectum): untuk gagal, untuk melemahkan, berada di inginkan.
defigo : fasten down, secure, fix firmly / concentrate, fix upon. defigo: kencangkan bawah, aman, memperbaiki tegas / berkonsentrasi, memperbaiki atas.
defleo : to weep for, bewail. defleo: untuk menangisi, meratapi.
defleo : to bewail, weep for. defleo: untuk meratapi, menangisi.
defluo : to flow down, waste, disappear. defluo: mengalir ke bawah, limbah, menghilang.
defluo : to flow away, disappear, be lost. defluo: mengalir pergi, menghilang, akan hilang.
defungo : to discharge one's duties, quit, retire, die, finish defungo: untuk melaksanakan satu tugas, berhenti, pensiun, mati, selesaikan
degenero : to cause to degenerate, disgrace by degeneracy. degenero: untuk menyebabkan memburuk, aib oleh degenerasi.
degenero : to be unlike one's kind, fall off, degenerate. degenero: menjadi seperti seseorang baik hati, jatuh, merosot.
degero : to pass time, live. degero: untuk melewatkan waktu, hidup.
degusto : to taste. degusto: untuk menambah rasa.
deinde : next, then, thereafter, from that place. deinde: berikutnya, lalu, setelahnya, dari tempat itu.
delectatio : delight, pleasure, enjoyment. delectatio: kegembiraan, kesenangan, kenikmatan.
delecto : to attract, delight / (pass + abl) take delight in. delecto: untuk menarik, menyenangkan / (pass + ABL) Berkenankah masuk
delego : to transfer, commit, assign, impute, attribute, ascribe. delego: untuk mentransfer, komit, menetapkan, menyalahkan, atribut, menganggap.
deleo : (deletum ) to destroy, wipe out, erase. DeLeo: (deletum) untuk menghancurkan, menghapus, menghapus.
delibero : to consider, deliberate. delibero: untuk mempertimbangkan, disengaja.
delicate : luxuriously, delicately, slowly. halus: mewah, hati-hati, perlahan-lahan.
delicate : (adv.) luxuriously. halus: (adv.) mewah.
deliciae : allurements, charms, delights, fancies / sweetheart deliciae: allurements, daya tarik, berkenan, naksir / Sayang
delinquo : to fail, be wanting / fail in duty, commit a crime. delinquo: untuk gagal, akan ingin / gagal dalam tugas, melakukan kejahatan.
deludo : to mock, cheat. deludo: mengejek, menipu.
demens : (dementis ) : insane, mad, out of one's mind, foolish. demens: (dementis): gila, gila, keluar dari pikiran seseorang, bodoh.
demergo : to sink, plunge into, dip under, go into debt. demergo: tenggelam, terjun ke, dip di bawah, masuk ke dalam utang.
demitto : set down, let fall (to offer payment to the church), lower. demitto: meletakkan, biarkan jatuh (untuk menawarkan pembayaran kepada gereja), lebih rendah.
demo : to take away, subtract. demo: untuk mengambil, mengurangi.
demonstro : to indicate, show, describe, explain. demonstro: untuk menunjukkan, menunjukkan, menjelaskan, jelaskan.
demoror : to loiter, linger, tarry, belay. demoror: untuk berkeliaran, berlama-lama, berlama-lama, penambatan.
demulceo : to stroke down, caress by stroking. demulceo: membelai turun, belaian oleh membelai.
demum : at length at last, finally. demum: panjang lebar akhirnya, akhirnya.
denego : to refuse, deny, reject. denego: menolak, menyangkal, menolak.
denique : at last, finally, again, in short. denique: akhirnya, akhirnya, sekali lagi, singkatnya.
dens : (dentis ) : tooth. dens: (dentis): gigi.
denuncio : declare, give notice, announce. denuncio: menyatakan, memberikan pemberitahuan, mengumumkan.
denuntio : to announce officially, pronounce, declare. denuntio: untuk mengumumkan secara resmi, ucapkan, menyatakan.
denuo : anew, again, a second time, afresh. denuo: lagi, lagi, untuk kedua kalinya, kembali.
deorsum : downwards. deorsum: ke bawah.
depereo : to perish, be utterly ruined. depereo: untuk binasa, menjadi benar-benar hancur.
depono : to put down, lay aside. depono: untuk meletakkan, berbaring ke samping.
depopulo depopulor : to lay waste, ravage, devastate. depopulo depopulor: untuk meletakkan limbah, merusak, menghancurkan.
deporto : to carry off, to take away. deporto: untuk membawa pergi, untuk mengambil.
depraedor depredor : to plunder, lay waste, pillage, ravage. depraedor depredor: untuk menjarah, menyia-nyiakan, menjarah, merusak.
deprecator : intercessor, one who pleads on behalf. deprecator: syafaat, orang yang memohon atas nama.
deprecor : to entreat for, beg for / intercede / curse. deprecor: untuk memohon untuk, mohon untuk / syafaat / kutukan.
deprecor : to beg by entreaty, to excuse oneself / curse. deprecor: untuk mengemis dengan permohonan, untuk alasan diri sendiri / kutukan.
deprehensio : detection. deprehensio: deteksi.
deprimo (depressus) : to press down, depress, low-lying. deprimo (depressus): untuk menekan, tertekan, dataran rendah.
depromo : to take down, produce, fetch out. depromo: untuk mencatat, memproduksi, mengambil keluar.
depulso : push aside, thrust away. depulso: mengesampingkan, membuang.
deputo : to count, estimate / prune, cut off. deputo: untuk menghitung, memperkirakan / prune, terputus.
derelinquo : to forsake, desert, abandon. derelinquo: untuk meninggalkan, padang pasir, meninggalkan.
derideo : to laugh at, mock, deride. derideo: untuk menertawakan, mengejek, mentertawakan.
deripio : to tear down, snatch away. deripio: untuk meruntuhkan, berebut pergi.
desidero : to long for, wish for greatly, to miss. desidero: untuk merindukan, mengharapkan sangat, untuk dilewatkan.
desidiosus : lazy, unmotivated. desidiosus: malas, tidak termotivasi.
desino (desiit) : to leave off, give over, cease, stop, desist. desino (desiit): untuk meninggalkan pergi, menyerah, berhenti, berhenti, berhenti.
desino : cease, stop, end, desist. desino: berhenti, berhenti, akhirnya, berhenti.
desipio : to act foolishly, play the fool, make an ass of one's self. desipio: untuk bertindak bodoh, memutar bodoh, bodoh membuat diri seseorang.
desolo : to leave desolate, abandoned, to forsake.
desparatus : given up on / desperate
despecto : overlook, despise, look down upon.
despero : to have no hope, despair, give up.
despero : to be without hope, despair / despair of, give up.
despiciens : contemptuous.
despicio : to look down, regard from above, despise.
desposco : to demand.
destinatus : resolute, firm, determined, with one's mind made up.
destituo : to set down, place / abandon, leave in the lurch.
detego detectum : to uncover, lay bare, disclose.
determino : to fix the limits of, set boundaries to, delimit.
detineo : hold off, hold back, detain.
detrimentum : damage, loss, detriment.
deus : god.
devenio : to come to, arrive at, reach.
devito : to avoid.
devoco : to call away, call down, call aside.
devotio : (Christian) piety, devotion, zeal.
devoveo : to consecrate, sacrifice, devote / curse, execrate.
dexter : right, on the right.
dextera : the right hand.
diabolus : devil, Satan.
dico : (dictum ) to say, tell, speak, name, call, pronounce.
dictata : things dictated, lessons, presents.
dictator : dictator.
dictito : to say often, reiterate.
dicto : to say often, dictate, get written down.
didicerat : (?) Herimann, p. 281.
didico : to be told (Herimann cap. 39, 44).
dido dididi didtum : to separate, divide, distribute.
dies diei : day
diffama -tus : spread around, made known.
differo : to spread news / delay, defer, postpone.
differo : to spread about, spread news / harrass, disturb.
differo : to delay, postpone / to differ, be different.
differtus : stuffed full, crammed, jammed.
difficilis : difficult, hard, troublesome.
difficultas : difficulty, need, trouble, distress.
digestor : arranger, composer, one who makes a pattern.
dignitas : merit, worth, prestige, dignity.
dignosco dignosco : to distinguish, recognize as different.
dignus : (+ abl.) worthy, worthy of, meritorious.
digredior digredi digressus : to depart, deviate, digress.
digressio : separation, departure, digression.
digressus : separation, departure, digression.
dilabor : to break up, scatter, dissolve, slip away, fall apart.
dilato : to spread out, extend, expand, increase.
dilgenter : attentively, earnestly, carefully, diligently.
diligens : diligent, careful.
diligentia : diligence, industry, perseverance, persistence.
diligo : to choose out, esteem highly, prize, love.
diluculo : dawn, daybreak.
diluo : (of troubles) to remove, resolve.
dimidium : half.
dimitto : to break up, dismiss, leave, abandon.
directus : plain, simple, direct, open, straightforward.
diripio : to tear in pieces, lay waste, devastate, plunder.
diripio : to separate, tear apart / pillage, devastate, lay waste.
dirunitas : long duration.
diruo : to demolish, destroy, ruin.
discedo : (discessum ) : to break up, depart, go away, pass away.
discidium : separation, division, disagreement, tearing apart.
discipulus : disciple, student, learner, pupil.
disco : to learn, become acquainted with.
discrepo : to differ, to be different, vary, disagree.
dispono : to arrange, put in order, draw up (troops).
disputatio : debate, dispute, discussion.
disputo : discuss.
dissero : to examine, treat of, discuss.
dissimilis : unlike, different, disparate, dissimilar, distinct.
dissimulo : to ignore, leave unnoticed.
dissimulo : to conceal, disguise, keep secret.
dissolutus : lax, weak, wanting in energy, dissolute, profligate.
distinguo : to mark off, distinguish, divide / separate.
distribuo : to distribute, divide.
districtus (fr. distringo) : strict, severe / hesitating / busy.
distulo :(past) to delay [MGHss 25 : 268].
dito : to enrich, make wealthy.
diu : by day, for a long time, a long time ago.
diu : adv. a long while, long time, for a long time.
diutinus : lasting a long time, enduring, long-lived.
diutius : longer, too long (a period of time).
diuturnus : lasting a long time, of long duration.
diversus : different, unlike, opposed, hostile.
dives : rich, opulent, wealthy.
divinitus : divine influence, admirably, nobly, by inspiration.
divinus : divine, sacred.
divitiae divitie : riches, wealth.
do dare dedi datum : to give, offer, convey, offer, donate, furnish.
doceo docui doctum : to instruct, teach, tutor.
doctor : teacher.
doctrina : doctrine, teaching, instruction, learning.
doctus : taught, instructed, learned, tutored.
dolens : painfully.
doleo : to suffer pain, to be pained, grieve.
dolor : pain, grief. misery, pain, suffering.
dolose : slyly, deceitfully.
dolosus : crafty, cunning, sly, deceitful.
dolus : fraud, deceit, guile, treachery, a trap.
domesticus : domestic, civil.
domina domina : lady, mistress.
dominatus : rule, mastery, tyranny, domination.
dominus domino : master, lord.
domito : to tame, subdue, break in.
domus : house, home, residence.
donec : up to the time when, until, as long as, while.
donum : gift, present, donation.
dormio : to sleep, slumber, siesta, nap.
dubito : to doubt, hesitate.
dubium : doubt, hesitation, reservation.
duco : to lead on the march, marry a wife, command.
duco : to lead, draw, esteem, consider.
duco : to draw, shape, construct / (time) spend, delay.
duco : to charm, influence, mislead, draw in.
duco : to calculate, count, reckon, esteem, considered.
dudum : for a long while, a long while ago, some time age.
dulcedo : sweetness, pleasantness, charm.
dulcidine : sweetly, pleasantly, charmingly.
dulcis : sweet, pleasant, agreeable.
dulcitudo dulcitudinis : dum : while, as long as, until.
dummodo : (conj. + subj.) provided
dumtaxat : at least, not less than / at most, not more than.
duo : two
duro: to harden, last, endure.
durus : hard, harsh, tough, strong,enduring, / rough, rude, uncouth.
Dusiol petram : Duissenpierre.
dux ducis : leader, guide, commander, general, duke.
eatenus : so far, thus far, up to then.
ebullio : to boil up, bubble up, to appear, produce in abundance.
ecclesia : church.
econtra : the same as contra: against, opposite, etc.
ecquando : at any time? ever?
edico : to announce, declare.
editio : the publishing of a book, an announcement.
edo : put forth, give out.
edo edi essum : to eat, consume, devour, waste.
edoceo : to inform fully, instruct thoroughly.
educo : to draw out, lead out, march out / bring up, rear / sue.
effectus : doing, execution, performance, effect, result.
effero extuli elatum : to carry out, bury, lift up, exalt.
effervo : to boil up.
efficio : to do, produce, effect, make / bring about, cause / prove.
effringo effrego : break, break open.
effugio : (effugi effugiturus ) : flee from, escape, elude, run away.
effundo : to pour out, pour forth, shed, utter.
egenus : in want of, in need of, destitute.
egeo : to need, lack, want, be without.
ego : I ; I can't live without you, baby.
egredior : (egressus ) : to go out, leave, depart, exit.
eicio eiectum : to throw out, eject, drive out.
elatus : puff-up, proud of oneself, arrogant.
electus : chosen, select.
elementum : first principle, element, basic constituent.
elemosina : alms
elemosinarius : almoner, person in charge of providing charity.
eligo : to pick out, select, choose.
eloquens : eloquent, persuasive, fluent.
eloquentia : eloquence, readiness of speech, fluency, persuasiveness.
eluo : to wash out, rinse cleanse / squander, waste.
eluvies : a flowing over, flood, innundation.
eluvio : inundation.
emanio : to flow out, spread / arise, emanate, originate.
emendo : to amend, correct
emercor : to buy up.
emerio : to obtain by service, earn completely, deserve well.
emineo : to stand out, project, be remarkable, conspicuous.
eminor : to threaten, menace.
eminus : at a distance, from a distance.
emiror : to wonder at exceedingly.
emo emi emptum : to buy, purchase.
emoveo : to move away, remove, take away.
emptio : a buying, a purchase.
enim : for, in fact, truly (may often be omitted)
enumero : to count, count up, enumerate.
eo ire itum : to go, advance, proceed, travel, move along, progress.
episcopalis : episcopal
episcopus : bishop
epistula : letter, epistle, missive, message.
epulo : sumptuous food, banquet, feast.
epulor : to feast, feast on.
eques equitis : horseman, cavalry man rider (classical).
equidem : (adv) indeed, truly, for my part.
equitatus : cavalry, horsemen (classical).
equus : horse, steed, mount.
erepo : to creep out, creep over, creep up.
erga : (+ acc.) toward, about.
ergo : (gen. +) on account of, because of.
ergo : (adv.) accordingly, then, therefore.
eripio : (eripui ereptum ) : to snatch away, take away, rescue.
erogo : to pay out.
erogo : to pay out, expend, disburse.
erro : to wander, stray, rove / be mistaken, err, go astray.
error : error, mistake, going astray.
erubesco : to blush, grow red, be ashamed.
erubesco : (+ inf.) to blush to, (+acc.) blush for, respect.
erudio : to instruct, teach, educate.
eruo : to dig up, pull out / raze, demolish.
esurio : to be hungry, to hunger.
et ... et : both ... and. dan.
etenim : for indeed.
etiam : (adv.) even, also.
etsi : (acsi) even if, although.
evenio : to come to pass, happen, befall.
eventus : consequence, issue, result, occurrence, experience.
everto : to turn out, eject, dislodge, overturn / destroy, ruin.
evito : to shun, avoid; also, to kill.
evoco : to draw out, draw on, produce, recall to the colors.
ex : (= e ) : (prep. + abl.) out of, from within, from / on account of.
exaequo exequo : to be like, equal / make level or even, relate.
excedo : (trans.) to exceed, leave, pass beyond.
excellentia : excellence, merit, worth.
excessum : departure, death, digression.
excipio : (excepi exceptum ) : to take out, except / take, capture.
excito : call forth, bring about, wake, raise up.
exclamo : to shout, cry aloud, exclaim, call someone by name.
excludo : to shut out, exclude.
excolo : to honor (a deity), polish, adorn, refine, serve.
excrucio : to torment, torture, cause great pain.
excusatio : excuse.
excuso : to exempt from blame, excuse, make excuses, plead.
exemplar : model, pattern, original, prototype, book to copy.
exemplum : pattern, model, example .
exerceo : to train, cultivate, keep at work, exercise, practice.
exercitus : army.
exertus : tested, tried, approved, experienced.
exesto : extra esto.
exheredo : to disinherit.
exheres : disinherited.
exhibeo exibeo : to produce, show, display, offer, allow, cause.
exhibeo : to show, present, allow, display, present, offer.
exhilaro : to make cheerful.
exhorresco : to be horrified, to shake, shudder / dread, tremble at.
exigo : drive out, force out, exact, demand, sell.
exigo : complete, finish, determine, decide, settle.
exilis : thin, slender, meager.
eximietate : uncommonness, excellence.
eximius : extraordinary, excellent, fine, superb.
eximo : to free, release, take out, remove, waste.
exinde : thence, next / thereupon, after that, then / accordingly.
exitiabilis exitialis exitosus : fatal deadly, destructive, lethal.
exitium : destruction, ruin.
exitus : going out, going forth, exit, end, finish.
exordium : the beginning (especially of a speech).
exorior : to rise, spring up, issue, appear, come forward.
exoro : to prevail upon a person, entreat successfully.
exorsus : begun.
expedio : to release, set free, clear, set straight.
expedio : to free from a snare, disentangle, set free, ready.
expello (expuli expulsum ) : to drive out, expel, force out, banish.
experior (experiri, expertus ) : to try, test, experience, prove.
expers : wanting, destitute of, not sharing in.
expetens : desirous, eager.
expeto : to fall upon.
expeto : to demand, require / desire, strive after, make for.
expilatio : plundering, taking booty.
expiscor : to fish out, find out, discover.
expleo : to make losses good / fulfil, discharge (duties).
expleo explevi expletum : to fill, fill up, complete, finish.
expletio : satisfying.
expletus : (part.) perfect, complete.
explicatus: explanation, exposition.
explico : to unfold, unroll, disentangle / explain, expound.
expono (exposui expositum ) : to set forth, explain, expose.
expositus : open, accessible, exposed.
expostulo : to demand earnestly / to make a claim.
expugno : to capture, overcome, subdue, take by storm, gain.
exquisitus : sought after, exquisite, excellent, fine, delicate.
exsequor exequor : to follow to the grave, follow to the end.
exsequor : to maintain, keep up, carry out, fulfill, accomplish.
exsequor : to execute, avenge, punish / relate, describe, explain.
exsertus exertus : project, thrust forward.
exsilium : exile, banishment.
exspecto : to look for, expect, await, wait for.
exstinguo, exstingui, exstinctum : to extinguish, put out.
exsto : to stand out, be extant, appear, project, show itself.
externus : outer, foreign, outside, external.
extollo : to praise exaggerate / decorate, adorn.
extollo : to lift up, raise up, erect / elevate, exalt.
extorqueo : to twist, wrench, dislocate / extort by force.
extra : (prep. + acc.) beyond, outside.
extremus : outermost, last, extreme.
exturbo : to drive away, thrust out.
exulto : to exult, be joyful.
exuro, exussum : burn down, burn, set on fire.
exustio : burning up, conflagration.
fabula : fable, story, tale, play.
facile : easily.
facilis : easy, agreeable, affable, pleasant.
facillimus : easiest, most agreeable, pleasantest
facina -oris : bad deed, crime, villainy / deed, action.
facio : to sacrifice, suit, help, be of service.
facio : to give permission / to experience, suffer (troubles).
facio : (trans.) to make, do, act, perform, cause, bring about.
factum : deed, accomplishment, work, act, achievement.
facultas : power, means, opportunity, capacity, ability, stock.
facundia : facultas : feasibility, opportunity, resources, abundance.
facunditas : fertility, quickness or readiness of speech.
faenum fenum : hay.
falsus : false, deceptive.
fama : talk, report, rumor, tradition.
familia : family, household.
familiaris : belonging to a household / friendly, intimate.
famulatus : servitude, slavery, service.
famulus : servant.
fas est :: it is right, it is fitting, it is lawful.
fas : divine law or command / fate, destiny / lawful, allowed.
fateor : to confess, admit, allow, reveal, make known.
fatigo : worry, fatigue, vex, harass, tease.
fatum : fate, destiny, doom, lot, weird.
fautor : favorer, promoter, patron, partisan, supporter.
faveo : (+ inf.) To be inclined to do.
faveo : (+ dat.) be favorable to, aid, support, help. fawning like that of a dog, cringing flattery.
feculentia : dregs, lees, impurities, filth.
fefello : to be failed by, disappointed by something. Herimann, p. 278. 278.
feliciter : happily.
felix felicis : lucky, fortunate, happy.
femina : woman
fenestra : window.
fere : almost, nearly, not quite, generally.
feretrum : bier, litter.
feritas : wildness, savageness.
ferme, fere : almost, about.
fero tuli latum : to carry, bring, tell, relate, and much else.
ferrum : iron, sword.
ferus : fierce, wild, savage, untamed.
festinatio : speed, haste.
festino : to hasten, hurry, speed.
festinus : hastening, hasty.
feteo : to have a bad odor, stink.
ficus : fig tree.
fidelis : faithful, loyal, true
fidelitas : fidelity, loyalty, homage.
fidens : confident, without fear, courageous.
fides : trust, confidence, reliance, belief, faith.
fides : promise, assurance, word of honor, engagement.
fiducia : confidence, trust, assurance.
filia : daughter
filius : son
fimus : dung, dirt, filth, manure.
fines finium : boundaries, limits, / territory.
finis : end, limit, boundary, purpose.
finitimus finitumus : neighboring, adjacent, related to, similar.
fio, fieri, factus : be made, be done, become.
firmo : to assert, maintain / strengthen, make firm / encourage.
firmus : firm, strong, reliable, solid.
flamma : flame, fire.
flatus : blowing, blast, breathing, arrogance, haughtiness.
flax, falcis : sickle, bill-hook, pruning hook.
fleo : to weep, cry, shed tears, sob.
fluctus : billow, wave.
flumen : river.
fluo : to flow, pour, stream.
fodio : to prick, sting, jab.
fore, forem : future infinitive of sum.
forensis, e : legal.
forma: form, shape, beauty.
formica : ant.
formo : to shape, form, fashion.
fors fortis : chance, luck, fortune.
forsit forsan forsitan : perhaps, probably.
fortasse : perhaps.
forte : by chance, by luck, accidentally.
fortis : strong, brave.
fortiter : strongly, bravely.
fortitudo : physical strength, courage, moral bravery.
fortuna : fortune, luck, fate, chance.
fortunate : fortunately.
fortunatus : fortunate, lucky, happy.
forum : market place, town square.
foveo fovi fotum : to cherish.
frango (fracta) : to break in pieces, shatter.
frater : brother.
frendo : to gnash one's teeth, bruise, crush, grind.
frendo : gnash the teeth, crush, bruise, grind.
frequentatio : frequency, crowding.
frequentia : a large concourse, population, numerous assembly.
frequento : to crowd, collect in large number, visit.
frigus : cold, coolness, cold of winter / dullness, indolence.
frons : forehead, brow, front.
fructuarius : fruitful, fertile.
fructus fructus : fruit, profit, enjoyment, produce.
frugalitas : frugality, economy, pinching pennies.
frumentum : grain.
fruor : to have the benefit of, to enjoy.
frustra esse : to be deceived, to be mistaken.
frustra : in vain, mistakenly, wantonly, without reason.
frux, frugi : fruits of the earth.
fuga : flight, escape,
fugio : to flee, escape, run away / avoid, shun.
fugitivus : fugitive : deserter, runaway slave.
fugo : to put to flight, chase away, drive into exile, pursue.
fulcio : to support, strengthen, uphold / to besiege, oppress.
fulgeo (fulsi ): to flash, shine, beam.
fultus : supporter.
fundo : to pour, pour out (like molten metal), melt, cast.
fundo : (milit.) to rout, scatter, defeat, put to flight.
fungor, fungi, functus : to occupy oneself, perform, do, execute.
funis -is : rope, cord, line.
furibundus : raging, furious / inspired.
furor : madness, rage, frenzy.
furs : thief.
furtificus : thievish.
furtim : by stealth, stealthily.
furtum : theft, robbery / furta : stolen property / trick, deceit.
fusus : (from fundo) : spread out, extended, wide, copious.
galea : helmet.
Gandavum : Ghent.
gaudium : joy, delight, happiness.
Gemblacensis : Gembloux.
gemo : to sigh, groan, wail.
gens : clan, race, nation, people, tribe.
genus : kind, sort, class, category.
gero : to carry, bear, wear / bear, give birth to / to carry about.
gesto : to carry, bear about.
gestum (gero) : carrying about, conduct (oneself).
gestum (gero) : carriage, bearing / having borne.
gigno (genuit) : to bring forth, bear, beget, father.
glacialis : icy, frozen, full of ice.
gladius : sword.
gloria : fame, renown, glory.
glorior : to glory, boast, pride oneself.
grando, onis : hailstorm.
grassor : go about, go ahead, proceed, attack.
gratia agere : (+ dat.) to thank.
gratia : gratitude, favor.
gratia : in order to, for the sake of, to.
gratia : (in the abl.) on account of.
gratulor : to wish a person joy, congratulate (+dat.),give thanks
gratus : pleasing, agreeable / grateful.
gravatus : sick, oppressed, ill.
gravis : heavy, weighty, serious, important / severe, grievous.
gravitas : weight, seriousness, dignity, importance.
graviter : heavily, seriously.
gravo : to oppress, burden, make suffer.
gregatim : in troops, or crowds.
gregatim : adv., In flocks, herds, troops, crowds.
gusto : to taste.
habeo habui habitum : to have, hold, possess / consider, regard.
habitus : disposed, in a certain condition.
hac : this side, this way, here.
hac : (fem. sing. abl.) He who lives BY THIS (the sword), ...
hactenus : hitherto, up to this point, so far.
hae he : (fem. pl. nom) THESE (speeches) were very fine.
haec hec : (fem. sing. nom.) THIS (sword) is more expensive.
haec hec : (neut. pl. nom.) THESE (kisses) are sweeter than wine.
haec hec : (neut. pl. acc.) Deborah always won THESE (wars).
hanc : (fem. sing. acc.) She wasted THIS (her youth).
harum : (fem. pl. gen.) The city wall had four OF THESE (gates).
has : (fem. pl. acc.) They gave THESE (their lives) for the Faith.
Hasnonium : Hasnon.
haud : no, not at all, by no means.
Helcim : Helchin on the left bank of the Scheldt.
Helnonensis : Elnon. Herimann, p. 279. 279.
Heniis Harniis : Hames.
hereditas : inheritance, often simply "property."
hesito (haesito) : to be unsure, uncertain, wavering.
hi : (masc. pl. nom.) THESE (men) are loyal to the king.
hic : (adv.) here.
hic haec (hec ) hoc : this, the latter / he, she, it.
hic : (masc. nom. sing.) THIS (house) is filthy.
hilaris : cheerful, merry, gay.
hinc : from this place, hence.
his : (masc. pl. abl.) They passed BY THESE (roads).
his : (masc. pl. dat.) Tell it TO THESE (policemen).
his : (fem. pl. dat.) She gave her property TO THESE (churches).
his : (fem. pl. abl) A life is enriched BY THESE (friendships).
his : (neut. pl. dat.) Listen TO THESE (orders).
his : (neut. pl. abl.) She earned it BY THESE (her deeds).
hoc : (masc. sing. abl.) He gave plenty FOR THIS (field).
hoc : (neut. sing. nom.) THIS (monastery) is well-built.
hoc : (neut. sing. abl.) Do not hesitate BECAUSE OF THIS! (doubt)
hoc : (neut. sing. acc.) Break THIS! (fetter)
hodie : today.
hodiernus : of today.
Hoienses : Huy, Belgium, between Liege and Namur.
homo hominis : human being, man.
honor : honor, esteem, public office.
honorabilis : respectful.
hora : hour, time.
hordeum, ordeum : barley.
horrendus : horrible, dreadful.
hortor : exhort, incite, encourage.
hortus ortus : garden / pl. grounds, park.
horum : (masc. pl. gen.) The horses OF THESE (soldiers) are spent.
horum : (neut. pl. gen) The cattle OF THESE (monsters) were fat.
hos : (masc. pl. acc.) They burned THESE (houses) to the ground.
hospes : guest, host, stranger.
hostes hostium : the enemy.
hostis : an enemy of the state.
huic : (neut sing. dat.) I'd give my right arm FOR THIS (cooky).
huic : (masc. sing. dat.) He sent FOR THIS (doctor).
huic : (fem sing. dat.) There is a statue IN THIS (abbey).
huius : (masc. fem. neut. gen. sing.) Go ahead, eat some OF THIS.
huius : (neut. sing. gen.) She paid half OF THIS (the cost).
huius : (fem. sing. gen.) They are fond OF THIS (change).
humanitas : kindness, culture, refinement.
humanus : pertaining to man, humane, humane, cultured, refined.
humilis : lowly, humble.
humo : cover with earth, bury,
humus : ground, earth, soil / land, country.
hunc : (masc. sing. acc.) He ate THIS (fruit).
Hunnam : Bunna.
hypocrita : hypocrite
I Aku
iaceo : to lie, lie prostrate, lie dead.
iacio : to throw, cast, hurl, lay, scatter, diffuse.
iaculator : : a thrower, javelin man, spear thrower.
iaculum : dart, javelin, short spear.
iam : now, by now, already / presently, immediately, soon.
iam : moreover, henceforth, indeed, just, further.
ianua : door.
ibi : there
ictus : blow, bite, stroke, bolt, thrust.
idcirco : on that account, for that reason, for that purpose.
idem eadem idem : the same.
identidem : again and again, repeatedly.
ideo : for that reason, on that account, therefore.
idoneus : proper, worthy, fitting, deserving, capable.
igitur : therefore, consequently, for this reason.
ignarus : ignorant, not knowing.
ignavus : lazy, listless, inert, sluggish cowardly, a coward.
ignis : fire.
ignoro : to be ignorant of, not know / rarely: neglect, overlook.
ignosco: (+ dat.) to overlook, forgive, pardon.
ignotus : unknown, obscure, ignorant, ignoble.
ilico : on the spot, immediately.
illa : (fem. sing. nom.) THAT (sword) is more expensive.
illa : (neut. pl. acc.) Deborah always won THESE (wars).
illa : (fem. sing. abl.) He who lives BY THAT (the sword), ...
illa : (neut. pl. nom.) THOSE (arms) belong to the victor.
illacrimo : (+ dat.) to weep over.
illae ille : (fem. pl. nom.) THOSE (women) must die!
illarum : (fem. pl. gen.) The city wall had four OF THOSE (gates).
illas : (fem. pl. acc.) They gave THOSE (their lives) for the Faith.
illata : from infero : to cause, occasion, etc.
illaturos : from infero "they would cause."
ille illa illud : that, the former, the famous / he, she, it.
ille : (masc. nom. sing.) THAT (house) is filthy.
illi : (fem sing. dat.) There is a statue IN THAT (abbey).
illi : (masc. sing. dat.) He sent FOR THAT (doctor).
illi : (masc. pl. nom.) THOSE (men) are loyal to the king.
illi : (neut sing. dat.) i'd give my right arm FOR THOSE (cookies).
illiam : (fem. sing. acc.) She wasted THAT (her youth).
illic : there, at that place, therein, in that matter.
illis : (masc. pl. dat.) Tell it TO THOSE (Marines).
illis : (fem. pl. dat.) She gave her property TO THOSE (churches).
illis : (neut. pl. abl.) She earned it BY THESE (her deeds).
illis : (fem. pl. abl) A life is enriched BY THESE (friendships).
illis : (masc. pl. abl.) They passed BY THOSE (roads).
illis : (neut. pl. dat.) Listen TO THESE (orders).
illius : (fem. sing. gen.) They are fond OF THAT (change).
illius : (neut. sing. gen.) She paid half OF THAT (the cost).
illius : (masc. fem. neut. gen. sing.) Go ahead, eat some OF THAT.
illo : (neut. sing. abl.) Do not hesitate BECAUSE OF THAT! (doubt)
illo : (masc. sing. abl.) He gave plenty FOR THAT (field).
illorum : (masc. pl. gen.) The horses OF THOSE (soldiers) are spent.
illorum : (neut. pl. gen) The cattle OF THESE (monsters) were fat.
illos : (masc. pl. acc.) They burned THOSE (houses) to the ground.
illuc : thither, to that place, to that matter, to that person.
illud : (neut. sing. nom.) THAT (monastery) is well-built.
illud : (neut. sing. acc.) Break THOSE (fetters)!
illudo illusi illusum : to mock, make fun of, ridicule
illum : (masc. sing. acc.) He ate THAT (fruit).
imago : image, likeness.
imber ymber : rain shower, rain storm, pelting rain.
imbrium : of rain.
imcomposite : adv from incompositus : incompositione in Herimann.
imitabilis : that can be imitated,
imitor : to imitate.
immanitas : savagery, frightfulness.
immerito : adv. undeservingly, without merit, unjustifiably.
immineo : to hang over, be imminent, threaten.
immo : by all means, by no means, on the contrary.
immodicus : immoderate, excessive, beyond measure.
immortalis : immortal.
immotus : unmoved.
immunda : unclean, impure, dirty, foul.
immundus : foul, impure.
impedimentum : hindrance, impediment, obstacle, difficulty.
impedio : entangle, ensnare, obstruct, surround, hinder, prevent.
impedito : a hinderance.
impedo : to entangle, ensnare, hinder, prevent, obstruct.
impello : to drive against, strike upon.
impello impuli impulsum : to set in mortion, impel, urge on.
impendeo : to hang over, threaten, menace, be imminent.
impendium : expenditures, outlay, interest on a loan.
impendo : to lay out, expand, weigh out.
impenetrabiilis : impenetrable.
impensa : expense, outlay.
imperator : commander in chief, general, emperor.
imperceptus : unperceived / unknown,
imperiosus : imperious, domineering, powerful.
imperium : power to command, authority, command, rule, control.
impero : to give orders, command / to rule, hold sway.
impetro : to get, accomplish, effect, obtain (by asking).
impetus : attack, onset, rapid motion / impulse, passion, force.
impleo : to fill in (or up), satisfy, content, fulfil, perform.
importo : to bring in, introduce, import / bring upon, cause.
importunus : unsuitable, unfavorable, troublesome / inconsiderate.
impraesentiarum : for the present, in present circumstances.
imprimis : especially, particularly, specifically.
improbus : inferior, bad, wicked, persistent, perverse, bold.
improvidus : improvident, negligent, thoughtless, feckless.
improviso : unexpected
ex improviso : suddenly.
impudens : impudent, shameless, insolent, presumptuous.
impudenter : impudently, insolently, presumptuously.
impunitus : unpunished, unrestrained, safe.
imputo : to lay to a charge, enter in an account, impute to.
in praesentia : for the present.
in : (+ acc.) into, toward, against.
in : (+ abl.) in.
inanis : empty, vain, inane.
incassum : in vain.
inceptor : beginner.
inceptum : beginning, attempt, enterprise.
incertus : uncertain, doubtful, unsure, hesitant.
incido in mentionem : to happen to mention.
incido : to fall in or on, fall in with / happen, occur.
incipio : to take in hand, begin, commence.
incito : to excite, spur, inspire, increase / hasten, urge on.
inclino : to bend, incline, turn, change / fall back, waver.
includo : to shut in, enclose, establish a siege, surround.
inclutus / inclitus : celebrated, famous, renowned.
incola, ae : resident, inhabitant of a place.
incompositus : disorder, lack of regularity.
inconsulte : indiscreetly.
incontinencia : lack of restrain, incontinence.
incorruptus : uncorrupted, genuine, pure.
incredibilis : incredible, unbelievable.
increpare : to rebuke, chide, scold.
increpo : (of persons) to chide, rebuke.
incubo : to hang over, dwell in, lie heavily upon.
incurro : to run into, assail, attack, raid into, come upon.
Inda : Cornelism / Anster.
indagatio : investigation.
inde : thence, from there, for that reason, thereafter, then.
indebitus : not owed, not due.
indico : to proclaim, make publicly known, announce, disclose.
indigeo : to require, need, stand in need of.
indignatio : indignation.
indignus : unworthy, lacking in merit, unfit.
indo (past indidi) : to establish, cause, occasion.
indomitus : untamed, wild.
induco : cover, put on clothing, erase writing, revoke, annul.
induco : bring in, introduce, induce, persuade / decide.
induco indux inductum : to lead in, introduce, induce, influence.
industria : industry, diligence.
industrius : industrious, diligent, assiduous, hard-working.
indutiae : truce, armistice, suspension of hostilities.
inedicabilis : unexplainable, inexplicable.
ineptio : to play the fool, to trifle.
inexpugnabilis : impregnable, unconquerable, not to be taken by force.
infamo : to put to shame, disgrace.
infantia : infancy, babyhood.
infector : dyer.
infectum reddere : to revoke, render impossible, make void, annul.
infectus : unworked / not done, unfinished, incomplete.
infecunditas : barrenness, sterility.
infecundus : barren, sterile.
infelicitas : bad luck, misfortune,
infeliciter : unhappily.
infelix : arbor infelix : the gallows.
infelix : unfruitful, barren, unproductive, infertile.
infenso : to attack, avenge.
infensus : hostile, aggressive / (arms) aimed, ready / (spirit) dangerous.
inferi : those down below, the dead.
inferne : on the lower side, below.
infero : To carry in, put or place on.
infero : (in logic) to infer, conclude.
infero : (abstract things) : bring on, occasion, cause.
inferus : below, under, southern.
infervesco : to come to a boil, become hot.
infeste : in a hostile manner, belligerently.
infesto : to attack, disquiet.
infestus : aggressive, hostile, dangerous.
inficio infeci infectum : to poison, taint, corrupt.
inficio infeci infectum : to tinge, dye, stain, imbue.
infidelis : unfaithful, disloyal, untrue.
infidelitas : faithlessness, disloyalty.
infideliter : faithlessly, disloyally.
infidus : untrue, disloyal.
infigo : to fix, fasten / to imprint, impress.
infindo infidi infissum : to cut into.
infinitas infinitio : eternity, infinity, endlessness.
infinitus : unlimited, infinite, without bounds, boundless, limitless.
infirmatio : weakening / refusing / invalidating.
infirme : weakly, faintly.
infirmitas : weakness, feebleness / instability, fickleness.
infirmo : to weaken / shake / invalidate, annull
infirmus : not strong, weak, feeble / (sometimes) sick, ill.
infit : he, she, or it begins, begins to speak.
infitialis : negative, containing a no, rejection.
infitias ire : to deny.
infitior : to deny / deny a debt, refuse to return something.
inflammatio : setting afire / (people) inflaming / (souls) inspiring.
inflammo : to set on fire, inflame, to torch, kindle.
inflatio : inflation, flatulence.
inflatius : too pompous / on a grander scale.
inflatus : pompous, swollen, puffed up, inflated.
inflatus : blowing into, blast, inspiration.
inflecto : to warp / change, sway, affect.
inflecto inflexi inflectum : to bend, bow, curve.
infletus : unwept, unmourned, unlamented.
inflexio : a bendings, swaying.
inflexus : bending, curving.
infligo inflixi inflictum : to strike, hit, knock / cause damage.
inflo : to blow into / to inspire, puff up, elate.
influo influi influxum : to flow in / to rush in, steal in.
infodio infodi infossum : to dig in, bury.
informatio : concept, idea.
informis : formless, shapeless / deformed, hideous.
infortunatus : unfortunate, unhappy, unlucky.
infortunium : misfortune, bad luck / punishment.
infra inferius infimus : low down.
infra : (adv.) below, underneath / to the south, in the underworld.
infra : (+ acc.) below, under / (time) later than
infula : insignia of office.
ingemuo = dat. : to groan, sigh over.
ingenium : innate character, talent, nature.
ingens : of immoderate size, vast, huge, monstrous, remarkable.
ingero : to go off to, betake oneself to, pour forth, inflict.
ingratus : ungrateful, unpleasant, disagreeable.
ingravesco : to become heavy, become a burden.
inicio inieci iniectum : to throw on, put on, don / inspire.
inimicus : personal enemy, foe, opponent.
iniquus : unequal, unjust, unfair.
initium : beginning, start, commencement, origin.
iniuria : injury, damage, hurt / injustice, wrong.
iniustus : unjust, inequitable, unfair.
innotesco, innotui : to become known.
innotesco : to become know, noted.
innuo : to give a nod to, give a sign to.
inolesco : to grow in or on.
inops : poor, helpless, in need
inquam : I say.
inquis : you say.
inquit : he, she, it says.
inrideo : to laugh at, mock, ridicule.
inritus irritus : void, invalid, in vain, useless, ineffectual.
inruo irruo : to rush in, fling in.
insania : insanity, irrationality, madness, folly.
insciens : unknowing, unaware, ignorant.
inscribo : inscribe, entitle, enlist.
insensatus : irrational.
insequor : to follow, pursue, assail, reproach, rebuke, attack.
inservio : to be a slave, serve, be devoted to.
insideo : sit upon something, be firmly placed.
insidiae : (pl.) treachery, ambush, plot, conspiracy.
insinuo : to insinuate, work one's way in, intimate.
insisto : to enter upon [a journey] tread; (with d.) follow.
insolita : unaccustomed, unusual.
insolitus : unaccustomed / unusual, strange, uncommon.
insons insontis : guiltless, innocent.
insperatus : unexpected, unlooked for, unanticipated.
instanter : urgently.
instar : a form, figure, after the fashion of, like.
instigo : to goad, incite, stimulate, urge.
instituo : to establish, found, institute.
insto : to pursue eagerly, devote oneself to.
instructus (from instruo) : equipped, trained, supplied.
instructus : trained, taught.
instruo : to built in, set up, construct, furnish / train.
instruo : prepare, provide / draw up an order of battle.
Insula : Lille.
Insula : island.
insurgo insurgi insurrectum : to rise up, rebel, revolt.
integer : whole, untouched, unhurt, undamaged / complete, entire.
intellego intellexi intellectum : to understand, comprehend, see.
intempestivus: unseasonable, untimely, immoderate.
intendo : to stretch, strain, try to prove.
intendo : to extend, aim, direct, direct one's course, aim at.
intentio : effort, exertion, attention, intent / attack, accusation.
intentus : thorough, tense, anxious, strict.
inter : (+ acc.) between, among.
intercipio intercepi interceptum : to intercept
interdico : to forbid, prohibit, outlaw, gain an injunction.
interdico : to forbid, prohibit, interdict.
interdum : sometimes, now and then, at times.
intereo : to perish, die.
interficio interfeci interfectum : to kill, murder, slay.
interrogatio : interrogation, inquiry.
intro : to walk into, enter, make one's way into.
introduco : to lead in, introduce.
intueor : to look at attentively, gaze at, consider.
intumesco : to swell up, increase, swell with anger.
intumesco : to sell, sell up, sell with anger.
intus : within.
inultus : unavenged, unpunished.
invado : to undertake, go in, enter, get in.
invado : to assail, usurp, seize, attack, fall upon.
invalesco : to gather strength, become stronger.
invenio : to come upon, find, discover.
inventor : inventor, discoverer.
investigo : to track down, investigate.
inveteratus : hardened by age, of long-standing.
invetero : to give duration, to render old
invicem : one after the other, by turns, mutually, each other.
invictus : unconquer, unconquerable, undefeated.
invideo : to envy, be jealous of, look upon with envy.
invidia : envy, jealousy, hatred.
inviso : to go to see, visit, inspect, look at.
invisus : hated, hateful.
invito : to invite, summon.
invitus : unwilling, against one's will.
ioco iocor : to joke, jest, make merry.
iocus : joke, jest, jape, gag.
ipse ipsa ipsum : himself, herself, itself.
ipsemet : his own very self.
ira : anger, wrath.
irascor iratus : to be angry, to be wrathful.
iratus : angry, wrathful.
irrito : to irritate, exasperate, excite.
irritum : nothingness, worthlessness, vanity.
irritus : vain, useless, ineffectual, of not effect.
irritus : undecided, void, unfixed, of no effect.
is ea id : this, that / he, she, it.
iste ista istud : that / sometimes pejorative.
ita ut : (with subj.) in such a way that,
ita : so, thus.
ita : (in narration) and so; (with adj. or adv.) so, so very.
itaque : (adv.) and, so, therefore.
iter itineris : road, route, journey.
itero : to repeat, say again, iterate.
iterum : again, a second time, once more.
iubeo iussi iussum : to order, command.
iucunditas : pleasure, charm.
iucundus : agreeable, pleasant, gratifying.
iudex : judge, juror.
iudicium : judgment, decision, opinion, trial
iudico : to judge, consider
iugis, e : perpetual, continuous.
iugis iuge : perpetual, continuous.
iumentum : beast of burden.
iungo iunxi iunctum : to join
iuro : to swear, to make an oath.
ius iurandum iuris iurandi etc. : oath.
ius iuris : justice, law, right.
iussu : (abl.) at the command of, by order of.
iustus : just, right, equitable.
iuvo : to help, aid, assist / to please.
iuxta : just short of.
iuxta : close by, near / in like manner, equally.
iuxta : (+ acc.) close to, near to / (time) just before.
jaculum : dart, javelin.
judicium : trial, legal investigation, judgement, decision.
jugis : adj. continual, ceaseless, perennial, constant.
jugiter : continually, perpetually, constantly / instantly.
jumentum : draft animal.
juvenis : young man, youth.
juventus : the age of youth (20-40 years).
labefacio labefeci labefactum : to shake, loosen / impair.
labefacto : to weaken, disturb / shake violently.
labellum : a little lip / a small washing vessel.
labes labis : stain, blemish, disgrace, infamy / misfortune.
labia labium :lip (labiae : lips).
labiosus : having large lips.
labo : to totter, sink, begin to fall.
labor : hardship, fatigue, distress.
labor laboris : labor, work, toil
labor lapsus : to slip, glide, slide.
labores solis : eclipse of the sun.
laboriose : laboriously, with great effort
laboriosus : toilsome, laborious / (persons) industrious, toiling.
laboro : (intrans.) to work, toil, suffer, be afflicted, be troubled.
laboro : (trans.) work out, prepare, arrange, form, elaborate.
labrum : lip, edge, rim / bathing tub.
labrusca : wild grape vine.
labruscum : the wild grape.
lac lactis : milk.
lacer : torn, mangled, cut to pieces.
laceratio : a tearing, mangling.
lacero : to tear to pieces, mangle / squander money / slander someone.
lacerta : lizard.
lacertosus : muscular, powerful.
lacertus : the upper arm / strength.
lacesso : to harass, attack.
lacrima Heliandum : amber.
lacrima : tears / exudations from some plants.
lacrimabilis : lamentable, deplorable, woeful.
lacrimo : to weep, shed tears / exude, drip.
lacrimosus : tearful, mournful, shedding tears,
lactans : giving milk.
lactatio : enticement, come-on.
lacteus : milky, of milk, milk-white.
lacteus : of milk, milky, milk-white.
lacto : to allure, entice, wheedle.
lactuca : lettuce.
lacuna : missing letters, words, or phrases in a manuscript.
lacuna : a hole, empty space / pond, pool / deficiency, loss.
lacunar : panelled ceiling.
lacus : a hollow / lake, pool, pond, trough, tank, tub.
laedo ledo : strike, hit, hurt, damage, offend, annoy, violate.
laesio lesio : rhetorical attack / wounding.
laetabilis letabilis : joyous, glad.
laetans : rejoicing, joyous.
laetatio letatio : rejoicing, joy.
laetifico letifico : to fertilize / cheer, gladden, delight.
laetificus letificus : gladdening, joyous, spreading happiness.
laetitia letitia : fertility / richness, grace / joy, delight.
laeto leto : to cheer, gladden, make joyful.
laetor letor : to rejoice, be joyful.
laeve leve : left-handedly, awkwardly.
laevus levus : foolish, silly / unlucky, unpropitious.
laevus levus : the left hand, left side, left-handed.
laganum : a cake.
lama : bog, slough.
lambo : to lick / (of rivers) to wash.
lamenta (neut. pl) : weeping, wailing.
lamentabilis : lamentable, mournful.
lamentatio : weeping, wailing, lamenting.
lamentor : to weep, wail, lament / (trans.) to bewail.
lamia : witch, vampire.
lamnia lammina lamna : sheet of metal, coin, knife blade, nutshell.
lapsus : fall, fault, error, sliding, graduate movement.
laqueum : noose, halter, snare, trap.
laqueus : snare, trap, noose.
largior : lavish, bestow, grant, give abundantly.
lascivio : to run riot, play, be wanton.
lasesco : to become tired, grow weary.
latus -eris : sides, flank / lungs /
laudator : praiser.
laudo : to praise, extoll, commend / name, mention, cite, quote.
Laudunum : Laon.
laus : praise, glory, fame.
lebes : copper kettle, basin, cauldron.
lectica : litter, bier.
lector : reader.
lectus : bed.
legatarius : legatee.
legatus : deputy, ambassador, envoy,
legens legentis : a reader.
legio : legion
lego : to gather, choose, collect, pass through, read,
lemiscus : a ribbon.
lemma : theme, title, epigram.
lemures : (pl. only) ghosts, phantoms.
lenimentus : alleviation, improvement, mitigation.
lenio : to mitigate, relieve, make better.
lenis : smooth / gentle, kind, mild.
lenitas lenitudo : smoothness, gentleness, mildness.
leno : procurer, go-between.
lenocinium : enticement, allurement.
lenocinor : to pander, flatter, make up to / to promote, advance.
lens lentis : lentil.
lente : slowly, calmly, cooly, deliberately.
lentesco : to become soft, flexible, sticky / to weaken, slacken.
lentitudo : slowness, apathy, sluggishness.
lento : to bend.
lentulus : rather slow, a little slow.
lentus : lethargic, inactive / slow, lingering.
lentus : tough, resistant, tenacious / supple, pliant /
Leo : lion.
Leodie : Liege.
lepide : charmingly, wittily, elegantly, pleasantly.
lepidus : charming, witty, pleasant, elegant.
lepor lepos : charm, wit, elegance.
lepus : hare, rabbit.
Lesciense, monastery of : Liessies.
letalis : mortal, deadly, fatal.
letaliter : mortally, fatally.
letanie : litany
lethargus : drowsiness, apathy, sleepiness, coma.
letifer : deadly, mortal.
leto : to kill, slay.
letum : death, ruin, annihilation.
levamen : alleviation, mitigation, solace, refreshment.
levamentum : comfort, easing, alleviation, consolation.
levatio : alleviation, mitigation, solace.
leviculus : empty-headed, vain, silly.
levidensis : thin, slight, poor.
levis : rapid, swift / unimportant / fickle, inconstant / unstable.
levis : light, slight, trivial / beardless, bald / light-armed.
levitas : lightness, levity / fickleness, inconstancy / groundlessness.
leviter : lightly, softly, slightly.
levo : to smooth, polish.
levo : to raise, lift up / relieve, ease / diminish, weaken, impair.
lex legis : law, statute / covenant, agreement
libatio : libation.
libellus : little book.
libenter : willingly, with pleasure.
liber : child, offspring.
liber libri : book.
liber libera, liberum : free, independent, unrestricted.
liberalis : courteous, generous, gentlemanly.
liberalitas : courtesy, kindness, generousity / a grant.
liberaliter : courteously, generously, honorably.
liberatio : release, liberation, acquittal, setting free.
libere : freely, openly, frankly.
libero : to liberate, set free.
libero : to lift (an obstacle), raise.
libero : to set free, deliver, liberate, release / exempt
libertas : freedom, liberty, independence / frankness, candor.
libido : whim, caprice, violent desire, passionate longing.
licet : granted that, although / it is allowed, one may or can.
licet : (as conj.) granted that, although.
ligo : to bind, tie.
lima : file, polishing, revision.
limen, limina : threshold.
lingua : language, tongue, speech.
lino : to smear, befoul, dirty.
linteum : linen, napkin.
liquidus : fluid, flowing, liquid / clear, evident, certain.
litigo : to quarrel, dispute.
littera : letter (of the alphabet).
litterae : (pl.) letter, epistle, missive, note / literature.
loci : (pl.) passages in literary works.
loco : to place, put, position.
locupleto : to enrich, make wealthy.
locus : place, location, situation, spot.
loginquitas : distance, remoteness, isolation.
longe lateque : far and wide.
longe : far.
longus : long
loquax loquacis : talkative, loquacious, garrulous.
loquor locutus : to say, speak, tell.
loricatus : wearing armor, armored.
lubricus : oily, slippery, slick.
lucerna : lamp.
lucror : to gain, profit, win.
lucrosus : profitable, gainful.
lucrum : gain, profit.
luctisonus : sad-sounding, mournful, baleful.
luctus : lamentation, mourning, grief.
ludio ludius : actor, player
ludo lusi lusum : to play, sport / imitate, banter / delude, deceive.
ludus : game, sport, school.
lues : plague, pestilence, calamity.
lugeo : to mourn, be in mourning, grieve / (tans,) to lament, bewail.
luna : moon.
lupus : wolf.
Lutosensis : Leuze.
lux lucis : light.
luxuria : luxury, extravagance, opulence.
macellarius : butcher, slaughter-house.
macer : thin, lean.
macero : to soften, weaken, reduce, torment.
macies : thiness, gauntness / poverty barrenness
macresco : to become lean, skinny, thin.
mactabilis : deadly, lethal.
macto : to magnify, glorify, honor / slay, fight, punish, afflict.
macula : stain, mark, spot / blemish, fault, flaw.
maculo : to stain, blemish, defile, pollute.
maculosus : spotted, speckled, polluted.
madesco : to get wet.
madide : drunkenly.
madidus : wet, moist, soaked, boiled, soft, drunk, dyed, steeped.
mador : wetness, moisture.
maero : to grieve, sorrow.
maeror meror : mourning, grief, sorrow.
magis : more, to a greater extent, rather, for preference
magister : master, canon / master of a school, professor.
magnopere magnus opere : very, very much.
magnus maior maximus : large, great, important.
magus : magical.
maiestas : majesty, dignity, greatness.
maiores : (pl.) ancestors.
Malbodiensis : Maubeuge.
male peius pessime : badly, ill, wrongly.
malens : preferring.
Malmundarium : Malmedy.
malo mallui malus : to choose, prefer.
malum : evil, misfortune, misdeed, crime, injury, damage.
malus peior pessimus : bad, wicked, evil.
mancipo mancepo : to sell formally, turn over, give into charge.
mancipo : to sell formally, give up.
mandatum : order, decree, mandate, instruction.
mando : to commit, entrust, order, command.
mane : morning, early in the morning, early.
manentia : permanency.
maneo : to remain, stay, stay the night, last, endure, abide by.
mansuetus : mild, soft, gentle.
manus manus : hand, band, handwriting.
Marceniense : Marchiennes,
Marcieniensis : Marchiennes.
mare maris : sea.
maritus : husband.
mater matris : mother.
matera, mairia : ?vat, for the fermentation of beer.
materia : material, substance, matter.
matertera : maternal aunt.
matrimonium : marriage.
maxime : greatly, exceedingly, to the highest degree, very.
maxime : especially, particularly, principally.
me : (acc.) me / that old black magic has ME in its spell.
me : (abl.) me / you'll do fine with ME, baby.
medicus : doctor, physician.
mediocris : ordinary, average, fair, moderate, mediocre.
meditor meditatus : to reflect upon, consider, ponder / practice.
medius : middle, the middle of.
mei : my, mine / MY heart belongs to daddy. that old gang of MINE.
mel mellis : honey.
melior : better.
mellitus : honeyed, sweet as honey.
membrana : thin skin, film, parchment, membrane, prepared skin.
memini meminisse : to remember.
memor : mindful, remembering, grateful, thoughful, prudent.
memoratus : mentioned.
memoria : memory, remembrance, recall, recollection.
Menapiorum :
mendosus : faulty, full of faults.
mens mentis : mind, thought, intention, intellect.
mensa : table.
mensis mensis : month.
merces mercedis : pay, reward, recompense, compensation.
mereo, mereor : deserve, earn, be entitled to, merit.
mereo : deserve, gain, obtain, serve as a soldier.
meretrix meretricis : prostitute, whore, harlot.
meridianus : midday, afternoon, south.
mestitia : misfortune?
Metim : Metz.
metuo : to fear, dread, be frightened.
metus : fear, dread, anxiety.
meus : my.
mica : crumb, morsel, grain.
mihi : (dat.) me / give ME land, lots of land.
miles militis : soldier, warrior, knight.
milia : (pl.) thousands.
militaris -e : of a soldier, military, martial.
mille : a thousand.
millies milies : a thousand times.
minime : in the least degree, very little / not at all, by no means
minimus : least, smallest, slightest.
ministro : to serve, wait upon, provide, supply.
ministro : to attend, wait upon, assist.
minor : smaller, less, slighter.
minuo minui minutum : To less, diminish, decrease, grow smaller.
mire : wonderfully, marvellously, uncommonly.
miro : to wonder.
miror : to marvel at, admire, wonder.
mirus : wonderful, astonishing, extraordinary.
misceo miscui mixtum : to mix, mingle, blend.
miser : wretched, unfortunate, miserable.
misere : wretchedly, miserably.
misereo, misereor : to pity.
misericordia : pity, mercy.
missa : holy mass
mitesco : to grow mild, ameliorate.
mitigo : to make mild or ripe, make smooth, pacify, appease.
mitis : mild, gentle / ripe, mature.
mitto misi missum : to send, dispatch.
modestus : orderly, within bounds, moderate, restrained.
modica : moderate, within bounds, limited, undistinguished.
modicus : ordinary, undistinguished, within bounds.
modio : a grain measure, a bushel basket.
modo : now, just now, only.
modus : measure, bound, limit / manner, method, mode, way.
Moguntienses : Mainz.
moleste : take annoyance
moleste fero : I take annoyance.
molestia : annoyance, troublesomeness / stiffness, affectation.
molestus : troublesome, disagreeable, annoying.
molior : to build, erect, construct, contrive, toil, struggle.
mollio : to soften, make pliant.
mollis : adj. soft, pliant, flexible, easily moved, gentle.
monachus : monk.
Monasteriense : Munster.
monasterium : monastery, abbey, convent.
moneo : to warn, admonish, remind, advise, instruct.
monitio : admonition, warning.
mons montis : mountain, mount.
monstro : to show, appoint, point out, ordain.
monstrum : portent, omen, monster.
Montensem : Mons.
mora : delay
moratlis : mortal.
morbus : sickness, disease, illness.
mores, morium : ways, conduct, character, morals.
morior : to die, wither away, decay.
mors mortis : death.
morsus : a biting, bite, also, sting, pain.
mortifera : deadly things
mortuus : dead, deceased, passed away, gone West, departed.
mos moris : will, inclination / custom, wont, usage, rule.
moveo moti motum : to move, arouse, affect, influence.
mox : soon, presently, then, thereupon.
mucro : a sharp point, edge, dagger point.
mugio : to groan, bellow, roar, low.
mulier : woman.
multi : many, numerous / the common herd.
multo : by much, by far, by a great deal, by a lot.
multum : much, greatly.
multus : ne multus : briefly, in brief.
multus : much, great
multus plus plurimum : much, a lot.
mundo : to clean.
mundus : world, universe.
mundus : clean, neat, elegant.
munero / munerior : to give, present.
munimentum : fortification, protection, defenses.
munio : to fortify, defend, protect / build a road.
munitio : fortifying, defense works, bridging, fortification.
munus muneris : service, office, function, duty / gift.
mus muris : mouse.
mussito : to grumble, mutter.
mutatio : change, alteration, transformation.
muto : to change, alter / exchange.
muto : punish, fine, mulct.
mutuo : borrowed, lend,
mutuus : interchanged, mutually, reciprocal / reciprocity.
mutuus : a loan. dare mutuum : to make a loan. N N nam : namque : (conj.) for.
Namucense : Namur.
narro : to make known, say, speak, narrate.
nascor nasci natus : to be born, spring forth.
natalis natalis : birthday.
natio : nation, people.
natura : nature
nauta : sailor.
navigatio : voyage, navigation.
navigo : to sail, navigate.
navis navis : ship, vessel, boat.
ne ... quidem : not ... even. bahkan.
ne : (conj.) that ... not, in order that ... not, in order not to.
necdum (neque dum) : and not yet.
necessarius : necessary, needed, essential.
necesse : (adj.) necessary, unavoidable, indispensable.
necne : or not.
neco : to kill, slay, put to death.
nefas : wrong, sin.
nego : to deny.
negotium : employment, business, task, occupation, pains.
nemo : no one, nobody.
neo : to spin, interweave. (to spin thread and yarn).
nepos nepotis : grandson.
nequam : worthless, good for nothing, bad.
nequaquam : by no means, not at all.
neque ... neque : neither ... nor.
neque nec : and not, nor.
nequeo : not to be able, to be impossible.
nequitia nequities : worthlessness, badness, wickedness.
nescio : to be ignorant, be unaware, not know, be unknowing.
nichilominus : nevertheless.
nidor : vapor, smell, reek, odor.
niger : black.
nihil : (undeclinable) nothing
nihilum : nothing.
nimirum : of course, undoubtedly, certainly (sometimes ironical).
nimis : (adv.) too much, overmuch, excessively
nimium : (adv.) too much, overmuch, excessively.
nisi : if not, unless, except.
niteo : to shine, glitter, be bright, glow, be sleek, flourish.
nitesco : to begin to shine, grow sleek.
nitor : to strive, exert oneself, make an effort, persevere.
nitor : to rest, lean, support oneself / trust in, depend upon.
nitor : brilliance, brightness, glow, elegance, splendor.
Nivellensem : Nivelles, city and monastery.
niveus : white, snowy.
no: (nare, navi) : to swim, float, fly, sail.
nobis : (abl.) us / there'll be no one as happy as US.
nobis : (dat.) us / the world belongs to US.
nocens : bad, wicked, injurious, culpable, evil.
noceo : (+ dat.) to do harm to, inflict injury, hurt.
nolo, nolle, nolui : to be unwilling, wish not to, refuse.
nomen : name / nomen Romanorum: Roman power.
nominatim : by name, expressly.
nomine tenus : nominally, in name.
nomine tenus nominetenus : as far as the meaning of the word extends.
non : not.
nondum : not yet
nonnisi : not? not unless? Herimann, cap. 34. 34.
nonnullus : some / pl. several.
nonnumquam : sometimes.
nonus : ninth.
nos : we / WE live and die by that creed.
nos : us / they tried to tell US we're too young.
nosco : to become acquainted with, get to know.
noster nostra nostrum : our, ours.
noster nostri : our ours / OUR hearts beat as one.
noster nostri : our ours / that old dream of OURS
nota : mark, token, note, sign.
notarius : stenographer (class.), notary, legal scribe.
novem : nine.
novitas : newness, novelty, strangeness.
novo : to make anew, refresh, revive, change, alter, invent.
novus : novel, unusual, extraordinary / news, novelty, a new thing
novus : new, fresh, young, inexperienced, revived, refreshed.
nox noctis : night.
nullus : not any, no, none.
numerus : total, category, class, number.
numquam : adv. at no time, never.
nunc quidem : at one time ... then. kemudian.
nunc : now, at the present time.
nunquam : never.
nuntio : to announce, report, relate.
nuntius : messenger, message.
nuper : newly, recently, not long ago.
nusquam esse : not to exist.
nusquam : nowhere, in no place, nothing, for nothing, never.
nutrimens : food, nourishment.
nutrimentus : nourishment.
nutrio : to suckle, nourish, bring up, rear.
nutus : a nodding, nod, command, will.
nutus : a nod, command, will / gravitation, movement down.
obdormio : to fall asleep.
obduro : to be hard, persist, endure, last, hold out.
obicio obieci obiectum : to offer, throw in someone's teeth.
obligatus : bound, under an obligation.
obliquo : to turn sideways, turn aside.
oblittero : to cancel, blot out.
oblivio : forgetfulness, oblivion.
obruo : to overwhelm, destroy.
obsequium : indulgence, pliancy, submission.
obstinatus : firm, resolved, staunch.
obtestor : to implore, entreat, beg, call as a witness.
obtineo : to hold, keep, possess, maintain / to continue.
obviam ire : (+ dat.) to go to meet, oppose / help, remedy.
obviam : on the way, in the way / (+ dat.) towards, against.
obvius : on the way, in the way / (in dat.) open, accessible.
occasio : favorable moment, opportunity.
occido occidi occasum : to fall, fall down, (for the sun) to set.
occulto : secretly.
occupo : to take possession, grasp, seize, enjoy, get a start on.
occurro : to fall upon, attack, work against, counteract.
occursus : meeting, falling in, running into each other.
ocius : quick. fleet, sooner, faster.
oculus : eye.
odio : to hate, despite, hold in contempt, dislike strongly.
odium : hatred.
offensio : striking, knocking, hitting against, blow.
offero : to bring forward, place before, present, offer, expose.
officina : workshop, factor.
officium : duty, service, job.
olim : at that time, formerly, once, for a long time now.
omitto : to omit, leave out / let go.
omnigenus : of all kinds.
omnino : altogether, entirely, wholly, certainly, completely.
omnipotens : all-powerful, almighty, omnipotent
omnis : all, every.
onero : to load, burden, oppress, fill up.
onus : load, burden, weight, trouble / charge, public road tax.
opera : work, pains, labor.
operor : to work, labor, toil, take pains.
opes : (pl.) means, wealth, abundance, riches, resources.
opinio : opinion, report, rumor, conjecture, report.
opisthotonos : A disease where the body is curved backward.
oporotheca : place for keeping fruit.
oportet : it is proper, one should, one ought.
oportunitas : convenience, fitness, advantage, opportunity.
oppono opposui oppositum : to set against, oppose, be opposite.
opportune : (adv) opportunely, conveniently.
opportunitas : fitness, suitability, convenience, advantage.
opportunitatus : Herimann, cap. 42. 42.
opportunus : opportune, fit, convenient, suitable.
opportunus : fit, suitable / (time) favorable / (+dat.) liable to.
opprimo oppressi oppressum : to suppress, overwhelm, overpower, check.
opprobrium : reproach, disgrace.
oppugno : to fight against, attack, assault, assail.
ops : singular: power, power to aid, power to help.
optimates : the aristocratic party.
optimus: one of the best, aristocrat, noble.
opto : to desire, wish for, want.
opus operis : work, labor, work done, completed work, building.
oratio : speech, address, oration.
orator : orator, speaker.
orbis terrarum : the world, the Earth.
orbis : circle, orb.
ordinatio : rule, government, order, arrangment, regulation.
ordine, ordinem : regularly, appropriately, properly.
ordo : rank, class, order.
orior oriri ortus : rise, become visible, appear.
ornatus : dress, attire, equipment, ornament, embellishment.
orno : to equip, furnish, supply / decorate, adorn.
oro : to speak, argue, plead, orate, beg, entreat.
os, oris : mouth, face, countenance.
ostendo : show, reveal, present, make plain, declare.
ostium : entrance, door.
otium : free time, leisure, ease, peace, repose.
otium : ease, leisure, inactivity.
ovis ovis : sheep.
paciscor : to make an agreement, covenant, pact.
paciscor : to make a bargain or agreement, covenant, deal.
pactum : treaty, pact, contract.
pactum : agreement, contract, covenant, pact.
pactus : agreed-upon, stipulated, betrothed.
paene, pene : nearly, almost.
paganus : countryman, peasant, pagan.
pala : spade, peel for putting bread in the oven.
palam : openly, publicly, (+abl.) in the presence of.
palea : chaff.
pallium : coverlet, mantle, cloak.
palma : palm.
pando : to stretch out, spread out, extent.
panis panis : bread.
par : equal, like.
paratus : prepared, ready, provided, equipped.
paratus : prepared, ready, equipped; (of persons) skilled.
paratus : preparation, fitting out, equipment.
parco : (with dative) to spare, refrain from injuring.
parco : (+inf.: to forbear to), avoid, spare, keep oneself from.
parens parentis : parent.
pareo : (+ dat.) to be obedient to, obey.
paries parietis : wall
parilis : similar, like, equal.
pario : to bear, bring forth, produce / create, make, get.
pariter : equally, in like manner, as well.
paro : to prepare, get ready / set, put / furnish, supply / buy.
pars partis : part, share / direction.
partim : partly / some.
parum minus minime : (adv.) little, too little, not enough.
parvus minor minimus : small, little
pasco : to graze, forage, browse.
passer : sparrow.
passim : adv. far and wide, everywhere, scattered about.
patefacio : to disclose, expose, open, make open.
pateo : to be revealed, to stand open, to be clear, plain.
pater patris : father.
paternus : of a father, paternal, native.
patiens : patient / (+ gen.) capable of enduring.
patientia : patience, suffering, endurance.
patior : to suffer, endure, permit.
patria : fatherland, one's native country, homeland.
patrocinor : to protect, defend, support, patronize.
patronus : patron, protector.
patruus : paternal uncle.
pauci : few, a few, some.
paulatim : gradually, little by little.
pauper : beggar, person without means.
pauper : poor, with few means, poverty-stricken.
paupertas : beggardry, poverty, humble circumstances.
pax pacis : peace
peccatus : sin.
pecco : to do wrong, err, sin, go astray.
pecto : to comb, card, thrash (to card wool).
pectus pectoris : heart, breast.
pecunia : money.
pecus : a single head of cattle, especially a sheep.
peior : worse (see malus).
pello pepulli pulsum : to hit, beat / exile, drive away, banish.
pendeo : to hang, depend, be suspended / be uncertain, undecided.
pendo : to weigh, value, consider, judge, esteem.
penitus : inward, inner, interior.
penitus : (adv.) inside, widely, through and through, completely.
penus, us : provender, supplies, victuals.
pepulo : ? Herimann, cap. 3. 3.
per : (+ acc.) (cause) because of, on account of.
per : (+ acc.) (means / instrument) through, with, by, by means of.
per : (+ acc.) (of time) throughout, during, in the course of.
per : (+ acc.) (of space) through, along, over / in the presence of.
peracto : to carry through, complete, accomplish.
peragro : to wander through, travel through.
percipio percepi perceptum : to gain, learn, perceive, understand.
percontor percunctor : inquire, interrogate, investigate.
perculsus : a shock.
percutio (percussum) : to strike hard, pierce, transfix / shock.
perdignus : very worthy.
perdo : to destroy, ruin, waste, scatter, squander.
perduco : to lead through, conduct, carry through.
peregrinus : wanderer, foreigner, stranger / pilgrim, crusader.
pereo : to pass away, be destroyed, perish.
perfectus : complete, finished, done / perfect, without flaw.
perfero : to bear, suffer, endure.
perficio perfeci perfectum: to do thoroughly, accomplish, bring about.
perfruor : to execute completely, enjoy to the full.
perfusus : steeped, soaked, drenched.
pergo : to continue, proceed, go on with.
periclitatus : put in peril, endangered.
periclitor : to test make a trial, put in peril, endanger.
periculosus : hazardous, dangerous.
periculum : danger, risk.
perimo peremi peremptum : to destroy
peritus : skilled, expert.
periurium : perjury, oath-breaking, forswearing an oath.
perlustro : to pass through, survey, look, examine.
permitto permissi permissum : to allow, permit, let.
permoveo : to excite, agitate, stir up, move.
perniciosus : pernicious, destructive.
perperam : wrongly, falsely.
perpetro : to complete, accomplish, perform.
perpetuus : perpetual, lasting, continuous, uninterrupted.
perscitus : very clever, exceedingly sharp.
perscribo : to write out, write down, place on record.
perseco : to cut through, dissect, cut away.
persequor persequi persecutus : to follow, pursue, take revenge.
perseverantia : perseverance, persistence.
persevero : to persist, persevere, continue.
persisto : to persist, persevere.
persolvo : to unloose, explain, expound / pay off a debt, pay.
personam gero : to act a part.
perspicuus : transparent, bright, clear, evident.
persuadeo persuasi persuasum : (+ dat.) to persuade.
perterreo : to terrify.
pertimesco : to become very much afraid.
pertinacia : firmness, obstinacy, stubbornness.
pertinaciter : stubbornly, obstinately.
pertinax : persistent, firm, mean, stubborn, obstinate
pertineo : to pertain to, relate to, concern.
pertingo : to stretch out, extend.
pertorqueo : to twist, distort.
pertraho : to drag, forcibly conduct, entice, allure.
perturbo : to disturb, trouble, perturb, disrupt.
perturpis : very disgraceful.
peruro perussi perustum : to burn up, consume / inflame, gall, chafe.
pervalidus : very strong.
pervenio : (+ acc.) to reach, attain, reach, be passed to.
perverto perverti perversum : to turn upside down, overturn, overthrow.
pervideo pervidi pervisum : to look over, survey, inspect, discern.
pes pedis : foot.
pessimus : worst (see malus)
pessum do: to destroy, ruin, wreck
pessum ire: to sink, be ruined, destroyed, be put to an end.
pessum : to the ground, to the bottom, downward.
pestifer : pestilential, injurious, damaging, plaguey,
pestifere : destructively, injuriously.
pestis pestis : plague, epidemic, pestilence / destruction, curse.
petitus : inclining toward
peto : to make for, go to, seek, strive after.
peto : to ask for, beg, request, demand / to sue for.
Pevela : Pevle, near Cisoing.
pharetra : a quiver.
phasma phasmatis : ghost, spirit, specter.
phitonicum : Herimann p. 275. 275.
pia pium : honest, godly, holy, pious, dutiful, patriotic.
pica : jay, magpie.
picea : the spruce tree
pictor : painter
pictoratus : painted / of cloth, embroidered.
piger pigra pigrum : lazy, slow, dull.
pignus : pawn, pledge, token, (in pl.) persons in pledges of
piper, piperis : pepper.
pipio : to chirp, tweet, pipe.
pirum : pear.
pirus : pear tree.
piscator : fisherman.
piscis piscis : fish.
pius: dutiful, godly, holy, upright, kind, honest, affectionate.
placeo : (+ dat.) to please, be agreeable to
placet : it is agreed, it is resolved, it seems good.
placide : quitely, gently.
placidus : quiet, still, gentle.
placitum : judgment, case / plea, litigation / defense.
placitum : accord, agreement, pact / assembly for judgment.
placo : to placate, appease.
plaga : district, zone, region.
plagiarius : kid-napper, plagiarist
plane : plainly, clearly.
plango planxi plactum : to strike, beat / bewail, mourn.
platea : street, courtyard.
plaustrum : wagon, cart, charles Wain.
plebs plebis : the common people, the masses, the crowd.
plecto : to punish.
plector : to be punished.
plene : (adv.) completely, wholly, fully.
plenus : full, complete, full, satisfied, rich, mature, plump.
plerumque : for the most part, generally, commonly, mostly.
plerusque : very many, a great number, a large part, the greater part.
plico : to fold.
plorabilis : deplorable.
plorator : a lamenter.
ploratus : weeping, lamenting.
ploro : to lament, weep, weep over.
pluit pluvit : it is raining, a shower is falling.
pluma : feather / featherbed / pen.
plumbeus : leaden, made of lead / dull, stupid, heavy, oppressive, bad.
plumbum album : tin.
plumbum : lead, a bullet, lead pipe.
pluo : to rain, shower, sprinkle.
plura : more numerous, several, many.
plures : more numerous, several, many.
plurimi : at the highest price, of the highest worth.
plurimus : most, very many.
pluris : (gen.) at a higher price, of a great value
plus : more.
plusculus : somewhat more, rather more.
pluvia : rain, shower.
pluvialis : pertaining to rain, of rain.
pocius potius : rather, preferably.
poema poematis : poem, verse, rhyme.
poena : pain, punishment, penalty / poena dare : to pay the penalty.
poeta : (masc.) poet.
polenta : pearl barley, barley groats.
pollen : (also pollis ): fine flour, fine meal.
polleo : to be strong, powerful, able.
pollex : thumb, big toe.
polliceor : to promise, offer.
pollicitus : promised, a promise.
pomum : fruit, apple.
pono posui positum : to lay, place, put, set / (milit.) post, station.
pons pontis : bridge.
poposco : see posco : Herimann, cap. 28, 69.
populus : people, the people, nation, crowd, multitude, host.
porro : forward, further, next, in turn, (of time) long ago.
porta : gate, entrance.
posco : to call upon, ask earnestly, request.
positus : position, place, arrangment.
possessio : possession, property.
possum posse potum : to be able, avail, have influence.
post : (+ acc.) after, behind.
postea : afterwards.
posteri : posterity.
posterus, postremo : subsequent, following, next, future.
posthabeo : [posthabito] : to put after, consider of less account.
postpono : to put after, consider secondary.
postquam : (conj.) after.
postulo : to ask.
potens : able, mighty, powerful, strong.
potestas : power, ability, authority / opportunity.
potior : (+ gen. or dat.) to possess, hold, get possession of.
potissimum : (adv.) chiefly, most of all.
potissimus : best of all, chief, principal.
potius : rather, preferably
prae dulcis / pre dulcis : exceedingly sweet.
prae se ferre / pre se ferre : to show, exhibit, on account of.
prae quam / pre quam : in comparison with.
prae pre : (prep. with abl.) before,
prae pre : (adv.) before, in front.
praebeo prebeo : to offer, hold out, supply, provide, allow.
praebeo prebeo : (+ refl.) to show oneself, present oneself.
praecedo precedo : to precede, go before / surpass, excel.
praecelsus precelsus : exceedingly high.
praecepio precepio : precept, preconception.
praeceptum preceptum : precept.
praecido : to cut short, lop, mutilate.
praecipio, precipio : to instruct, advise, warn, anticipate.
praecipuus precipuus: excellent, distinguished, extraordinary.
praeclarus preclarus : excellent, famous, beautiful, striking.
praeconor preconor : to be a public crier, to herald, proclaim.
praecox precox : ripe beforehand, premature.
praeda preda : plunder, booty, spoils of war, loot, gain, prey.
praedico predico : to warn, admonish, instruct, foretell.
praeeo preeo : to go before, precede / to say in advance / to order.
praefero prefero : to carry in front, display, prefer.
praefero prefero : anticipate, carry by, ride by.
praeficio preficio / prefeci prefectum : to put in charge of
praefinio prefinio : to appoint ahead of time
praefoco prefoco : to choke, suffocate.
praegravo pregravo : to press heavily upon, weigh down, oppress.
praemitto : to send forward, dispatch, send in advance.
praemium premium : reward, prize.
praemo premo : to press down, strike down.
praenuntio, prenuntio : to foretell, announce before hand.
praenuntius prenuncius : foretelling, harbinger, omen, token.
praepono prepono : to set over, prefer.
praepositus prepositus : (monastic) prior.
praeproperus, preproperus: over-hasty, precipitate.
praesentia presentia : presence, presence of mind, effect, power.
praesentia presencia : power, effect.
praesidium presidium : guard, garrison, detachment / protection.
praestans prestans : excellent, distinguished, imminent.
praestantia prestantia: superiority, excellence.
praesto : to stand before, be outstanding, excell, surpass, show.
praesto presto : to answer for, be responsible for.
praesto presto : to do, perform, display, fulfill, offer, present.
praesul presul : dancer / presider, protector, director.
praesum presum : to be at the head of, be in charge of.
praesumo presumo : to anticipate, take for granted.
praeter : adj., except; prep. + acc., besides, beyond, more than.
praeterea preterea : besides, further, hereafter.
praetereo pretereo : to pass over, pass by, omit.
praeteritus preteritus : past.
praetermissio pretermissio : neglect, passing over, omission.
praetorgredior pretergredior : to pass beyond, go beyond.
praevenio, prevenio : to come before, anticipate.
praevenio : get the start of.
pravitas : crookedness, depravity, deformity, perversity.
preastolatio prestolatio : the waiting for, expectation.
precipio : to anticipate, instruct, advise, warn.
precipue : chiefly, especially, particularly.
precor : to pray, beg, entreat, invoke.
prehendo : to seize, snatch, grasp, detain, arrest.
premo pressi pressum : to squeeze, press down, strike down.
prenda : booty, loot, stolen goods.
pretereo : to go by, pass by, escape.
pretium : price, value, reward.
prevenire : to come to, go before hand, attend.
prex precis : request, entreaty, prayer.
primitus : first, for the first time.
primo : first, at first, at the beginning, at the start.
primoris : first, foremost / most distinguished, first.
primum : quam primum : as soon as possible.
primum : at first, for the first time, in the first place.
princeps : chief, prince.
principatus : rule, dominion, pre-eminence, first place.
principium : beginning.
prior prius : former, prior.
priores, um : forefathers, ancestors.
priscus : ancient, antique, former, old days, venerable.
pristinus : former, venerable, ancient.
prius : before, formerly.
priusquam : (conj.) before.
privatus : private, unofficial, a private person.
privigna : step-daughter.
privo : to deprive
privus : (with gen.) deprived of.
pro eo : because of the fact, because, for this reason..
pro : (+ abl.) in return for, instead of / for, as.
pro : (+ abl.) in front of, before / on behalf of, for.
probitas : probity, uprightness, honesty.
probo : to show, prove, demonstrate, approve, find good, judge.
procedo : to go out, come out / result, prosper / turn out well.
procedo : to go ahead, proceed, advance, continue.
procella : storm, tempest, gale; (milit) charge, onset, wave.
procella : storm, tempest, gale.
procer : chief noble, prince.
procinctu : prepared or ready for battle.
procul : far, at, to, from a distance.
procurator : manager, bailiff, agent.
prodigiosus : unnatural, wonderful, miraculous, amazing.
proditor : traitor, betrayer.
proelium : battle.
profecto : truly, really, indeed.
profero : to carry out, bring forth.
proficio : to make progress, advance.
proficio : advance, assist, help, aid, be of use.
proficiscor : to depart, set out, to start forward, to arise.
proficuus : proficiscor : to start forward, set out, depart, arise.
profiteor: to make a public statement / to declare oneself.
profiteor: to acknowledge, confess / offer, promise.
profor profari profatus : to speak out.
profugus : fleeing, fugitive, banished, migratory.
profundo frofui profusum : to pour forth, gush, stream.
profundum : a depth, abyss, chasm / the sea.
profundus : deep, profound, high, thick, dense, boundless.
progener : husband of a grand-daughter.
progenero : to produce, engender.
progenies : descent, lineage, progeny, offspring, descendants.
progenitor : founder of a family, ancestor.
progigno progenui progenitum : to engender, bring forth.
prognatus : born, sprung from / son.
progredior : to go forth, advance, proceed, go out.
progressio : advance, progress, increase.
progressus : advance, going forward, increase, a royal circuit.
prohibeo : to prevent, hinder, restrain, prohibit, forbid.
prohibitio : prohibition, restrain, forbidding.
proicio : to throw forth, fling, abandon.
proinde ut: proinde quam: just as.
proinde quasi proinde ac si : just as if.
proinde : consequently, therefore, as a result.
prolabor : to slide forward, slip forward, fall forward, fall down.
prolapsio : a slipping or sliding.
prolatio : a bringing forward, mentioning / extension / deferring.
prolato : to enlarge, lengthen, extend / put off, defer.
prolecto : to entice, allure.
proles : offspring, descendants, posterity, (plants : fruit).
proletarius : a citizen of the lowest rank.
prolicio prolixi : to lure forth, entice.
prolix : long, stretching.
prolixus : wide, broad, long / willing, obliging, favorable.
proloquor : to speak out, declare openly.
proluo prolu prolutum : to wash away, wash clean.
prolusio : preliminary exercise, prelude.
proluvier : inundation / scouring / discharge.
promereo promereor : to deserve, merit
promeritum : desserts, merit, credit.promissio : a promise.
prominens : jutting out, standing out / a projection.
promineo : to stand out, jut, extend.
promisce promiscue : indiscriminately.
promiscus promiscuus : mixed, indiscriminate / commonplace, usual.
promissio : a promise
promissor : a promiser, suretor, guarantor.
promitto : to let go, send forth, undertake, promise.
promitto : to let go forward, send forth, promise, undertake.
promo prompsi promptum : to produce, disclose, bring forth.
promontorium : peak, mountain crest, ridge, promontory.
promoveo promovi promotum : push forward, move ahead, advance.
prompte : promptly, resolutely, readily.
promptu : in promptu habere : to have read, display, have on show.
promptu : in promptu ponere : to make clear, reveal, disclose.
promptu : in promptu esse : to be ready, to be easy, to be clear.
promptus : (persons) prepared, resolute, prompt.
promptus : ready at hand, visible, apparent.
promulgatio : publication, promulgation (of a law).
promus : steward, butler.
promutuus : (cash) advanced, prepaid, arraigned beforehand.
pronepos proneptos : great-grandson
pronuntio : to proclaim, announce, declaim.
prope : near, nearly, not far from, just now, closely.
prope : near, near to, not far, not long from now.
propello : to drive before one, drive away.
propero : to hasten, speed, move rapidly, come quickly.
propero : to hasten / accelerate, speed up.
propinquo : (intrans) to come near, draw near, approach.
propinquus : near, close, similar, nearly related.
propono : display, publish, relate, tell, propose, promise.
propositum : a design, purpose, scheme, theme of discourse.
proprie : exclusively, particularly, peculiarly. properly. benar.
proprius : one's own, special, characteristic, particular.
proprius : one's own, permanent, special, peculiar.
propter : (+ acc.) near, close, on account of, because of.
propugnaculum : fortification, rampart, defense.
prorsus : forward, straight ahead, to sum up, utterly, wholly.
prosequor (prosecutus) : to attack, go with, pursue, attend.
prosper : favorable, fortunate, lucky, prosperous.
prosperitas : prosperity, good fortune.
prosum (profuturus) : to be useful, of benefit, do good.
prosum : to be useful, do good, benefit (+ dative).
prosum : (with dat.) to be useful, do good, benefit.
protestor, protesto : to declare in public, affirm, bear witness.
protinus : forward, further on, continuously, immediately.
protraho (protractus): to draw out, protract, defer, make known.
prout : just as, according to.
provectus : advanced, advanced in age.
proveho : to carry on, carry forward, advance, promote,
proventus : a growing up, increase, crop, yield, or issue.
provideo : to foresee, provide, make provision for.
provisor : one who provides for, or against.
provolvere se : to throw oneself down, abase oneself.
proximus : nearest, closest, next.
prudens : prudent, wise.
prudenter : wisely, discreetly.
prudentia : foresight, wisdom, discretion.
Pruma : Prums.
publicus : of the people, public, open to all.
puchre : beautifully, finely, handsomely.
pudendus : shameful, disgraceful.
pudeo : to be ashamed,
pudicus : modest. chaste.
pudor : modesty, bashfulness.
puella : girl.
puer : boy.
puerilis : childish, boyish, foolish.
pueriliter : boyishly, childishly, foolishly.
puga pyga : buttocks.
pugna : fight, battle, conflict, set-to.
pugnacitas : the desire to fight, pugnacity.
pugnaculum : fortress.
pugnax : fond of fighting, combative, stubborn, contentious.
pugno : to fight.
pugnus : the fist.
pulchellus : pretty.
pulcher pulchra pulchrum : beautiful, handsome, fine.
pulchritudo pulchritudinis : beauty, fineness.
pulex : the flea.
pullulo : shoot up, sprout, burgeon.
pullus : dark-colored, blackish / sad, gloomy / a dark garment.
pullus : young animal / chicken, chick.
pulmentum : anything eaten with bread, sauce or relish.
pulmo : the lung.
pulpa : flesh.
pulpitum : platform, stage.
pulso : to strike (the hours)
pulsus : beating, blow, push, influence.
pulsus : beating, blow, push, impulse, influence.
pulvis : dust, powder / arena, scene of action.
pumilius pumilio : a dwarf.
punctum : a prick, little hole, puncture / a point, spot, place.
pungo pupugi punctum : to penetrate / sting, annoy, harass.
pungo pupugi punctum : to prick, puncture, stab / touch, move.
puniceus : purple, red.
punio : to punish, avenge, gave vengeance.
punitor : punisher, avenger.
pupa : doll / little girl.
pupillus pupilla : orphan, ward.
puppis : stern of a ship, the poop.
pupula : pupil of the eye.
purgamentum : rubbish, trash, filth, sweepings.
purgatio: cleaning out, cleansing / excsuing, justification.
purgo : to clean, cleanse, purify / clear away, wash off / justify.
purpura : purple dye, purple cloth / high rank, emperorship.
purus : pure, free from.
pusillus : tiny, puny / petty, mean.
putator : pruner.
puteo : to stink, be redolent, smell bad.
puter : rotten, decayed, putrid / loose, crumbling / flabby.
putesco : to putrefy, day, rot.
puteus : well, pit.
puto : to clear, settle up, consider, think, believe, suppose, judge.
putus : pure, unmixed, unadulterated.
pyropus : bronze.
pyus pyxidis : a little box, casket.
qua : (adv.) by which route, where.
qua : (fem. sing. abl.) (the abbess) BY WHOM she was advised.
quadraginta : forty (indecl.)
quadratus : square, a square.
quadrigae : four-horse team.
quadrivium : second stage of the medieval curriculum
quadrivium : crossroads, place where four roads meet.
quadrum : a square
quadruplator : an exaggerator, informer
quadruplor : to be an informant.
quae : (neut. pl. nom.) WHAT cannot be avoided must be endured.
quae que : (fem. sing. nom.) (the milkmaid), WHO loved a prince.
quae : (neut. pl. acc.) those things WHICH we must have
quae : (fem. pl. nom.) Let THOSE (women) WHO have ears to hear ..
quaero quero : to seek, search for / ask, enquire, search for
quaero quero : to miss, want / seek to know / obtain, get.
quaesitio quesitio : investigation, interrogation.
quaeso queso : to seek for, ask for.
quaestio questio : seeking, searching / inquiry, investigation.
quaestuosus questuosus : profitable, fond of gain, rich.
quaestus questus : profit, a source of profit, gaining, getting.
qualis : of what kind? of the kind that.
qualiscumque : of any kind whatever, any whatever.
qualislibet : of what sort you will.
qualitas : quality, property.
qualiter : as, just as.
quam plures : as many as possible.
quam : (adv. and conj.) how, than, as ... as possible. mungkin.
quam : (fem. sing. acc.) (the church), WHICH the Lord loved.
quamdiu : such a long time.
quamobrem, quam ob rem : wherefore? why? mengapa? for which reason.
quamquam : nevertheless, and yet (beginning a sentence) / though.
quamtotius : ? completely. sepenuhnya.
quamvis : (conj) however much, although / as much as you like.
quando : (interr.) when si quando : if ever.
quandoquidem : since, because.
quanti : for how much, at what price.
quanto : by how much (+ comp. adj. or adv.)
quantocius quantotius : the soon the better.
quantocius quantotius : as quickly as possible.
quantum in me est : as much as in me lies.
quantum : (+ gen.) as much of ... as.
quantum : how much?, how much!, as much as.
quantus ... quantus : as great as, as much as.
quantus : how great?, how great!, how much, as great as.
quantuscumque quantacumque quantumcumque : however great
quantuslibet : as much as you will, as great as you will.
quantuvis : as great as you please, however great.
quapropter : wherefore.
quare : wherefore, why, because of which thing.
quartus : fourth.
quarum : (fem. pl. gen.) their envy and jealousy, OF WHICH we know.
quas : (fem. pl. acc.) the fates, against whom he struggled
quasi : as if, just as, just as if, as it were / a sort of
quassatio : a shaking.
quasso : to shake violently, shake to pieces, break, shatter..
quatenus / quatinus : since, as, in order that, that.
quatenus / quatinus : how far, to what extent, where, seeing that.
quater : four times / again and again.
quattuor : four (indecl.)
quem : (masc. sing. acc.) (the man), WHOM the king struck.
quemadmodum : how, in what manner.
queo : to be able.
quercetum : an oak grove, and oak forest.
quercus : oak tree.
quereia querella : complaint, complaining.
queribundus : complaining, plaintive, whining.
querimonia : complaint, a charge in court.
queritor : to complain excessively, whine, gripe.
quernus : oaken.
queror : to complain, lament, bewail (dogs) whine, whimper.
querulus : complaining, whining, lamenting.
qui quae que quod : which, what, that.
qui : (masc. pl. nom.) Let THOSE (men) WHO have eyes to see ...
qui : (masc. neut. nom.) (the prince) WHO loved a milkmaid
quia : because.
quibus : (neut. pl. abl.) the arms WITH WHICH he won Rome.
quibus : (fem. pl. dat.) the good fortune, TO WHICH he owed his crown.
quibus : (neut. pl. dat.) the crimes FOR WHICH he was executed.
quibus : (masc. pl. dat.) the monastery IN WHICH he was interred.
quibus : (masc. pl. abl.) his sons, BY WHOM he was attacked when old
quibus : (fem. pl. abl.) the beards, BY WHICH the pirates were known.
quicquid : whoever, whatever, whatsoever, anything at all.
quid : (neut. of quis ) : what
quidam quaedam quedam quidam : a certain person or thing, / kind of.
quidem : indeed, certainly, at least / ne ... quidem : not ... even. bahkan.
quies quietis : quiet, rest, peace.
quilibet : anyone, anything.
quin etiam : why even, in fact, moreover.
quin : but come now, rather, indeed,
quinam quaenam quenam quodnam : which? what? apa?
quingenti : five hundred.
quinquennis : five years old.
quippe : certainly, to be sure, indeed, of course.
quisnam, quidnam : who, what.
quisquam : anyone, anything.
quisque : each one, each person.
quisquis : whoever, whatever, whatsoever, anything at all.
quo : to which place, to what place, whither, where.
quo : (masc. sing. abl.) (the money) BY means of WHICH he lived.
quo : (neut. sing. abl.) (the eagerness) THROUGH WHICH he died.
quod : because, whereas, the point that, the fact that.
quod : (with time) since, as far as, to the extent that.
quod : (beginning sentence) and, but, now.
quod : (neut. sing. acc.) (the sea), WHICH you cannot drink dry.
quod : (neut. sing. nom.) (the war), WHICH killed so many.
quodammodo : in a certain way, in a certain measure.
quomodo : in what manner, how / in whatever way, somehow.
quondam : formerly, once, at one time, erstwhile.
quoniam : since, whereas, because.
quoque : also, too.
quorum : (neut. pl. gen.) dangers, OF WHICH there were not a few.
quorum : (masc. pl. gen.) the army, half OF WHICH was ill.
quos : (masc. pl. acc.) those WHOM he accused of treachery.
quot : how many, as many (indecl.).
quotiens : often.
quotienscumque : however often.
quovis : to whatever place you will.
radicitus : by the roots, utterly.
rapio rapui ratum : to seize, snatch, carry away.
rarus : rare, uncommon.
ratio : system, manner, method, procedure, manner.
ratio : reckoning, account / reason, judgment, consideration.
re vera : in truth.
recedo : to go back, retreat, retire, disappear.
recipio recepi receptum : to go back, retire, recede, retreat.
recito : to read aloud, recite.
recognosco : to recognize, recollect, recall.
recolo : to recall, reflect upon, rework, resume, rehabilitate.
recolo : to cultivate, work again, resume, rehabilitate
recolo : reflect upon, consider, recall.
reconcilio : to restore, repair / (of persons) unite, reconcile.
recondo : lay up, store, hoard.
recordatio : recollection, memory, recall.
recordor : to remember, think of, recollect, ponder over.
recro : to recreate, restore, revive.
rectum : virtue, right
rectus : right, correct, proper, upright, natural, plain.
recuperatio : recovery, recuperation.
recupero : to regain, recoup, recover.
recuso : to refuse.
redarguo : refute, disprove, contradict.
redarguo : disprove, refute. With gen. prove guilty, convict.
reddo : to repeat, recite, represent, imitate, pay up, deliver.
reddo : to give back, restore, return, answer, translate, render.
redemptio : ransoming, redemption, buying back, farming taxes.
redemptor : redeemer (Christ).
redeo : to go back, come back, return / (revenue) to come in.
redeo : to fall back upon, be reduced to, be brought to.
redigo (redactum) : to bring or reduce to a condition, lessen.
redono : to give back, give up.
reduco : to lead back, bring back, return.
redundantia : overflowing, redundancy.
redundo : to overflow, stream over, overflow, excess, flood.
refectorium : refectory, monastic mess hall.
refero : to bring back a message, refer.
reformo : to form again, mould anew.
regina : queen.
regius : royal, regal.
regnum : rule, authority, kingdom, realm.
rego rexi rectum : to guide, direct, to rule.
regula : rule / monastic rule.
relaxo : to loosen, enlarge, relax, ease, lighten.
relego relegi relectum : to read again, re-read.
relevo : to lift again, lighten, alleviate, relieve.
relictus : (fr. relinquo) having inherited, been bequeathed.
relinquo : to leave behind, bequeath / abandon, forsake.
reliquum : remainder, what is left, leavings.
relucesco : to become bright again.
reluctor : to struggle against, resist.
remando : to send back word.
remaneo : to stay behind, remain, continue.
remaneo : to remain behind, stay, continue.
rememdium : cure, remedy, nostrum, medicine.
removeo : to draw back, set aside, take away.
remuneror : to repay, reward.
renuntio : to declare, announce, report, give notice.
renuo : to deny, refuse, reject.
rependo : to ransom, pay back, requite.
repens : sudden, unexpected, fresh, recent.
repente : suddenly, unexpectedly.
repere : to crawl.
reperio : to get again, find, ascertain, discover, invent.
repetitio : repetition.
repeto : to seek again, ask back.
repeto : to return to, begin again, deduce, recall, recollect.
repleo : to replenish, fill up, fill up again, fill, satisfy.
repletus : filled, full.
repo repsi reptum : to creep, crawl.
repono : to deposit, lay up, store / requite.
reprehendo : to blame, reprove, refute, hold back, check, catch.
repugno : to fight against, oppose, resist / be incompatible with.
requiesco requievi requietum : to rest.
requiro : to ask for, look for, demand, desire, miss.
res rei : thing, matter, business, affair.
res publica : commonwealth, state, republic, public business.
resisto : to resist, make a stand, oppose.
respicio : to look back, provide for, respect, have regard for.
respondeo respondi responsum : to answer, reply, respond.
restituo : restore, put back, replace, reinstate, repair.
resumo (resumpsi, resumptum) : to renew, repeat, resume.
retineo : to hold back, restrain, detain, keep, maintain.
retraho retraxi retractum : to draw back, pull back.
retribuo : to give again, give as due.
reus : defendant, accused, answerable, bound.
revenio : to come back, return.
reverto : to go back, return, revert.
revertor reverti reversus : to return, come back.
revoco : to call back, recover, refer, revoke.
revolvo : to unroll a book, go over again, repeat.
rex rgis : king.
rhetor : rhetorician, teacher of rhetoric.
rhetoricus : rhetorical.
rideo risi risum : to laugh at, laugh.
rigor : stiffness, hardness, sternness.
ritus : usage, ceremony, rite.
rogo eum ut +subjunctive : to ask someone to do something.
rogo : to ask, ask for.
rostrum : bill of a bird, beak.
rota : wheel.
Rotomagense : Rouen.
rotundus : wheel-shaped, round.
rubor : redness, blush, modesty, shame, disgrace.
rudimentum : trial, attempt, essay.
rumor : rumor, gossip.
ruo rui rutum : to rush, fall, be ruined.
rursus : on the other hand, in return, back, again.
rus ruris : the country, countryside, rural area.
rusticus : rustic, rural / peasant.
sabbatum : sabbath.
sacculus : purse, little bag, little sack.
sacrificum : sacrifice.
sacrilegus : sacrilegious, impious.
saepe sepe : hedge, fence, enclosure, haye.
saepe sepe : often, frequently, repeatedly.
saepenumero : repeated, again and again.
saepius sepius : often, frequently, repeatedly.
saeta : hair.
saeta equina : horse-hair.
saevio : to rage, be furious, take violent action.
sal salis : salt, wit.
salsus : salty, witty.
saltem : at least, at all events.
salus : health, safety, well-being, salvation / salutation.
saluto : to wish well, greet, visit, reverence, pay respect to.
salutor : visitor, caller.
salveo : to be well, be in good health.
salvus : safe, sound.
sanctifico : to sanctify, make holy.
sanctimonia : purity, charity, virtue, sanctity, sacredness.
sanctimonialis : nun.
Sanctus Eleutherius : St. Eligius.
Sanctus Egidius : St. Gilles.
sanctus : holy, sacred, / saint.
Sanctus Rodoenus : St. Ouen.
sane : rationally, sensibly, really, indeed, to be sure.
sanitas : health, soundness of mend, sanity.
sano : to heal.
Santiago : St. James. James.
sanus : sound, healthy, sane.
sapiens : (subs.) a wise man, philosopher.
sapiens : wise, judicious.
sapienter : wisely, judiciously.
sapientia : wisdom.
sarcina : bundle, pack, burden, load.
satago : to pay a creditor, satisfy a creditor.
satago : have one's hands full, have enough to do.
satio : to satisfy, sate.
satis : enough, sufficient / sufficiently.
sato : to sow, plant.
satura : satire.
saturo : to fill, satisfy.
scaber : scabby, rough.
scabies : the itch, mange, a rash.
Scaldus : Scheldt.
scamnum : bench, stool.
scaphium (sciphus : Herimann, cap. 24) pot, bowl, drinking vessel
sceleratus : wicked, accursed, infamous, criminal.
scelero : to pollute with guilt, with blood, etc.
scelestus : wicked, accursed, infamous, criminal.
scelus sceleris : crime, sin, evil deed, wickedness.
schola : school / elite troop of soldiers.
scientia : knowledge, science, skill.
scilicet : evidently, certainly, of course, no doubt, assuredly.
scindo : to cut, rend, split, divide, separate.
scio scivi scitum : to know.
scio : to know, understand.
scio : to know, understand.
scisco : investigate, ask, inquire / vote, ordain, resolve.
scribo, scripsi scriptum : to write, compose.
scrinium : bookcase, case for papers.
scriptor : writer, author, scribe.
se habere : to keep oneself.
se gero : to conduct oneself, conduct, carry on.
se astringo : to commit oneself to.
secedo : to go apart, withdraw.
secerno secrevi secretum : to separate.
secundum : (adv.) after, behind.
secundum : (+ inf.), following, after, during, according to.
secundus : second.
securus : safe, secure, free from care, unworried, unconcerned.
secus : non secus, haud secus: just so.
secus : otherwise, not so.
secus + atque or quam : differently from, otherwise than.
secus : wrongly, badly, not as one would wish.
secuutus : follower, pursuer.
sed : but / and indeed, what is more.
sedeo sedi sessum : to sit.
seditio : dissension, quarrel, insurrection, mutiny, rising.
sedo : to settle, smooth, calm, allay.
seductor : seducer.
semel : a single time, for the first time, even once, once, ever.
semper : always, ever.
senectus : old age, dotage.
senex senis : old, aged, old man.
sensus : feeling, sense.
sententia : opinion, thought, way of thinking, meaning, purpose.
sentio : to judge, suppose, vote.
sentio : feel, perceive, experience, hold an opinion,
seorsum : apart, separately.
sepelio : to ruin, destroy, bury.
septem : seven.
sepulchrum : grave, tomb, sepulcher.
seputus : buried, sunk, immersed.
sequax : following, attending, pursuing.
sequor sequi secutus : to follow, trail.
serio : seriously.
serius : serious, grave, solemn.
sermo : talk, common talk, rumor, report, discussion.
sermo : discussion, talk, common talk, conversation, rumor.
sero : to sow, plant. also, late, at a late hour.
servio : (+ dat.) to be a slave to, serve.
servitus : servitude, slavery.
servo : to watch over, keep, protect, observe, save, reserve.
servus : slave, serf.
sese : =se : himself, herself, itself.
severitas : severity, rigor, sternness, strictness.
si : if.
sibimet : to them themselves.
sic : so, thus / yes, that is so, that is right.
siccus : dry, thirsty / sober, temperate.
Siclinium : Seclin.
Siclinium : Seclin in Melanchois.
sicut : as, just as, as it were, (+verb in subj.) just as if.
sidus : constellation, star.
signum : sign, seal, indication, sign.
silens : silent, still
silenti etc : the dead.
silentium : silence, stillness, quiet, repose, obscurity.
silentium : (religion) faultlessness, perfection.
sileo : to be still, silent / (+ acc.) be silent about / rest.
siligo -inis : wheat, wheat flour.
silva : woods, forest.
similis : similar, like, resembling.
similitudo : likeness, resemblance / uniformity.
simplex : simple, unaffected.
simul atque : as soon as.
simul : at once, at the same time, together.
simulatio : pretense,
sine : (+ abl.) without.
singularis : alone, unique, extraordinary, individual, singular.
singuli : one each, one apiece, single, separate.
singultim : stammeringly.
singultus : sobbing, gasping.
singultus : sobbing, death rattle.
singulus : single, separate, one at a time, one each.
sino : allow, suffer, permit, let.
siquidem : since, indeed
sitio : to be thirsty.
sitis : thirst, dryness, drought, eager desire.
sive seu : or if.
socer : father in law.
socius : sharing, associated, allied.
socius : partner, comrade, associate, ally, fellow.
sodalitas : fellowship, companionship, secret society.
sol solis : sun.
soleo : to be accustomed, be used to.
solio : ? Herimann, cap. 28. 28.
solitudo solitudinis : loneliness, solitude.
solium : chair of state, throne / bath-tub.
sollers : clever, skillful.
sollicito : to stir up, incite, arouse.
sollicitudo : uneasiness, anxiety, disquiet, apprehension.
sollicitudo : concern, anxiety, solicitude, worry.
sollicitus : uneasy, worried, anxious, restless, agitated.
sollicitus : troubled, anxious, concerned, worried.
solum : land, country, soil, ground / bottom, floor, foundation.
solum : non solum ... sed etiam : not only ... but also.
solum : (adv) alone, only.
solus : alone, only, the only.
solutio : loosening / payment / solution / explanation.
solvo : to loosen, untie, release, free, dissolve, break up.
somniculosus : sleepy, drowsy
somniculouse : sleepily, drowsily.
somnio : to dream / (+ acc.) to dream of, imagine foolishly.
somnium : dream, fancy, day-dream / foolishness, nonsense.
somnus : sleep.
sonitus : noise, sound.
sono : to make a noise / sing / celebrate / (of words) to mean.
sophismata : false conclusions, logical fallacies.
sopor : deep sleep.
sordeo : to be dirty, appear vile.
sordes : filth, meanness, stinginess.
sordesco : to become dirty.
sortitus : casting lots, deciding by lot.
spargo sparsi sparsum : scatter, strew, spread.
speciosus : beautiful, handsome, imposing / specious plausible.
spectaculum : spectacle, show.
specto : to look at, watch, see.
speculum : mirror.
specus : cave, cavern, grotto, den.
sperno sprevi spretum : to scorn, despise, spurn.
spero : to hope for, hope.
spes : hope.
spiculum : sharp point, sting, spear, dart.
spiritus : breath, breathing / life / spirit.
spoliatio : plundering, looting, stripping, robbing.
spolio : to strip, plunder, despoil, rob, loot
spolium : spoils, plunder, booty.
sponte : willingly, of one's own accord, unaided.
St. Richarius : St. Riquier.
stabilis : firm, stable, steadfast.
stabilitas : firmness, stability, durability.
Stabulaus : Stavelot.
statim : firmly, steadfastly, on the spot, at once, immediately.
statua : statue.
statuo : to give a ruling, make an arrangement, decide.
statuo : to cause to stand, establish, place, set up.
stella : star.
stillicidium : dripping moisture, rainwater from the eaves.
stipes, itis : log, tree-trunk, branch, post, club, blockhead.
stipes : log, stump, tree trunk, branch, post, club.
stips, stipis : small coin, gift.
sto, steti, statum : to stand, stand still, stand firm.
strenuus : brisk, active, vigorous / turbulent, restive.
strues : piles, heaps, masses.
studio : (+ dat.) to study, pursue eagerly, be eager for.
studiose : eagerly.
studium : eagerness, zeal.
stultus : foolish / a fool.
suadeo : to recommend, advise (a person)
suasoria : persuasive discourse.
sub : (+ acc. or dat.) under, up under, close to, beneath, below.
subito : adv. suddenly, unexpectedly.
subitus : sudden, unexpected.
subiungo : to yoke beneath, join, attach, subdue, subjugate.
sublime : on high, aloft.
subnecto : to bind on beneath, to tie.
subseco : to cut away, pare
subsequor : to follow after
substantia : substance, essence, means of subsistence, property.
subvenio : to come up to aid, relieve.
subvenio : to come to the aid, succor, relieve, help, assist.
succedo : to approach, submit, etc. etc.
succendo : to kindle, set afire from below.
successio : succeeding, succession, descent, descendant.
succurro : to run up under / aid, assist, help.
sufficio : to be sufficient, suffice, be enough.
suffoco : to strangle, choke, suffocate.
suffragium : vote, franchise / approval support, aid, assistance.
suggero : to bring up, supply, provide, add, attach. place next.
sui : himself, herself, itself.
sulum : each, every.
sum fui futurus : to be, exist.
summa : the highest part / whole, sum.
summisse : humbly, softly, calmly, modestly.
summissus (from summitto) : let down, lowered, gentle, mild.
summopere : very much, exceedingly.
sumo : to take, choose, obtain, buy. / take for granted, assume.
sumptus : expense, cost.
supellex supellectilis : furniture, apparatus, gear.
super : (prep.) (+ abl.) over, above / concerning, about, besides.
super : (adv.) over, above, besides, beyond, moreover, remaining.
superbia : pride, arrogance.
superbus : overbearing, arrogant, haughty, proud.
superficies : surface, top.
superfluo : flow over, overflow, be superfluous.
superna : northeast by north wind.
superne : from above, above.
supernus : above, superior.
supero : to be above, have the upper hand, surpass, conquer, overcome.
supersum : to be superfluous, to remain.
superus superior supremus or summus : above, upper, high.
supervacuus : superfluous, unnecessary, extra : supervenio : to arrive, come up, arrive unexpectedly.
suppellex suppellectilus : ornaments.
suppellex suppellectilus : household articles, furniture, goods.
supplanto : to trip up.
supplex : kneeling, entreating, suppliant.
supplicium : punishment.
suppono subpono : to put under, subject / put next to, add.
suppono subpono : to put in place of, substitute, forge.
supra : (+ acc.) above.
surculus : shoot, sprout.
surgo surrexi surrectum : to get up arise.
sursum : upwards, sursum deorsum : up and down.
suscipio : to raise up, maintain, support, accept, receive, undertake.
suscito : to stir up, arouse, excite.
suspendo suspendi suspensum : to suspend, hang.
sustineo : to hold up, sustain, endure.
suus sua suum : (refl. poss. adj.) his, her, its, their own.
synagoga : synagogue.
tabella : writing tablet.
tabellae : letter, document.
tabernus : booth, hut, cottage, hove, small shop, inn, tavern.
tabesco : to melt, waste away, pine, be spoiled.
tabgo tetigi tactum : to touch.
tabula : board, plank, gaming board, painted panel.
taceo tacuitacitum : to be silent, leave unmentioned.
tactus : sense of feeling, touch.
taedium, tedium : disgust, weariness, boredom.
talio, -onis : retribution.
talis : of such a kind, such.
talus : the ankle, ankle bone,.
tam ... quam : as ... as possible. mungkin.
tam : to such a degree, so, so far.
tamdiu : for such a long time.
tamen : notwithstanding, nevertheless, yet, still, for all that.
tametsi : even if, although.
tamisium : sieve, sifter (Herimann, p. 308).
tamquam tanquam : as, just as, like as, just as if.
tandem : adv. at last, finally.
tantillus : so little, so small.
tantum : only.
tantummodo : only just, just so long as.
tantus : so large, so great, of such a size.
tardus : slow, late, tardy.
Taruennam : The Rouanne.
te : (abl.) you / no one's sweeter than YOU.
te : (acc.) you / I got YOU, babe.
tego texi tectum : to cover, bury, conceal, hide, protect, shield.
temeritas : rashness, temerity.
temperantia : moderation, self-control, temperance.
tempero : to mix properly, temper, regulate, mitigate.
tempero : be moderate, control oneself.
tempero : (+abl. or with ab) to keep from, refrain from.
tempero : (+ dat.) to control, use with moderation, spare,
tempestas : storm, weather.
Templovium : Templeuve, villa near Cisoing.
templum : sacred precinct, temple, sometimes church.
temptatio : trial, temptation.
tempus temporis : time.
tenax : grasping, stingy, clinging, frugal, obstinate.
tendo : to direct, try, attempt, stretch, extend, present, give.
tendo : to direct one's course, tend, make or head for.
teneo : to keep on, persist, persevere, endure.
teneo : to hold, keep, possess, maintain.
teneo : to grasp, know, understand.
tener tenera tenerum : tender, delicate, soft, young.
tenuis : thin, slight, feeble, slim, slender.
tenus : prep. With abl. as far as, up to, to, down to.
tenus : (after a name in abl. or gen.) up to, down to as far as.
tepesco : to cool, grow lukewarm, decrease.
tepidus : warm, luke-warm, tepid
ter : three times, thrice.
terebro : to bore through, perforate.
teres : rounded, polished, smooth, fine, elegant.
terga dare : to flee, retreat, run away.
tergeo tergo tersi tersum : to wipe, scour, clean
tergiversatio : backwardness, reluctance, evasion.
tergo (a tergo ) : in the rear, from behind
tergum : skin, hide
tergum : back, rear.
tergus : the back / skin, hide, leather.
termes : a tree branch (especially olive).
terminatio : termination, determination, setting of boundaries.
termino : restrict, define, close, set a limit to.
terminus : a boundary mark, limit, end, border.
tero trivi tritum : to rub, wear out.
terra : earth, ground, land, country, soil.
terreo : to frighten, terrify, scare away, deter.
territo : to scare, frighten, intimidate.
terror : fright, fear, terror.
tersus : clean, neat, correct.
tertius : third.
testimonium : proof, evidence, witness, indication.
testis : one who gives evidence, witness, spectator / testicle.
texo : to weave, twine together, plait, construct, build.
texo : the main verb for weaving of cloth.
textilis : woven fabric, piece of cloth.
textor textrix : weaver.
textus : woven cloth, web.
thalassinus : sea-green.
theatrum : theater.
theca : case, envelope, covering.
thema thematis : theme.
thema : subject, topic, theme.
theologus : theologian.
thermae : warm springs, warm baths.
thesaurus : treasure, horde / store-room, treasury.
thesis : proposition, thesis.
thorax : breastplate
thymbra : the herb savory.
thymum : the herb thyme.
tibi: (dat.) you / I can't give YOU anything but love, baby.
timeo : to fear, be afraid, dread.
timidus : fearful, timid.
timor : fear, dread, object causing fear.
titulus : label, title, placard.
tolero : to tolerate, bear, endure, sustain.
tollo sustuli sublatum : to lift up, raise, elevate, carry away.
tondeo totondi tonsum : shave, shear, clip, mow, reap, browse.
tonsor : barbar.
Tornacense : Tournai.
torqueo : to twist, curl, rack, torture, torment, distort, test.
torrens : rushing, seething, burning, parched / a torrent.
tot : (indecl.) so many.
totidem : just as many.
toties, toties : so often, so many times.
toties, totiens : so many times, so often.
toties : often, so many times.
totus : whole, entire, complete, all.
tracto : to drag, handle / treat, discuss, deal with.
trado tradidi traditum : surrender / hand over / transmit, teach.
traho traxi tractum : to drag, pull / derive, get.
Traiectensium : Utrecht.
Traiectum : Maastricht.
trans : (+ acc.) across.
transeo : to go over, pass over, cross over, go past.
transfero transtuli translatum : carry across, transfer, convey.
transmitto : to send, carry, or convey across.
tredecim : (indecl.) thirteen
Trellum : Tre Blon, castle in Hannonia.
tremo : to tremble, shake, shudder.
trepide : with trepidation, in confusion,
tres tria : three.
Treverim : Triers.
tribuo : to give out, divide, allot, assign, grant, give, allow.
tricesimus : thirtieth.
triduana : lasting three days.
triduanus : three days' duration, lasting three days.
triduum : a period of three days.
triginta : (inedl.) thirty.
tripudio : to leap, jump, dance (as in a religious procession).
tristis : sad, gloomy, downcast.
Trium Fontium : Trois-Fontaines, Marne, Vitry-le-Francais.
triumphus : triumphal procession, triumph.
trucido : to kill cruelly, slay, butcher, massacre, slaughter.
truculenter : (adv.) wildly, savagely, fiercely, cruelly, roughly
tu : you / Old Heidelberg, you are the finest.
tubineus : cone shaped
tui : your yours / I read YOUR letter that said, dear John.
tum : at that time, then / thereupon, in the next place.
tumultus : uprising, disturbance, riot, tumult.
tumulus : mound, grave, heap of earth.
tunc : then, at that time.
Tungris : Tongres.
turba : uproar, disturbance / mob, crowd, multitude.
turbatio : disturbance, confusion.
turbatus : angered, exasperated / disturbed, restless, troubled.
turbo, onis : hurricane. tornado, that which spins
turbo : to disturb, upset, throw into disorder, confuse, unsettle.
turpe : a disgrace.
turpis : foul, ugly, disgraceful, morally corrupt.
tutamen tutaminis : defense, protection
tutis : protected, safe, secure.
tyrannus : tyrant, absolute ruler.
uberrime : most luxuriantly, most abundantly, most fruitfully.
ubi : when, as soon as / wherein, whereby, whereas.
ulciscor : to take vengeance for, avenge / take vengeance on.
ullus : any.
ulterius : farther, more advanced, more remote.
ultio ultionis : avenging, punishment, revenge.
ultra : (+ acc.) : farther (than), more (than).
ultra : (+ acc.) beyond, on the far side of.
umbra : shade, shadow.
umerus humerus : shoulder, upper arm.
umquam : ever, at any time.
una : (adv.) in one, together.
unde : whence, from where / how, from whom.
undique : from all sides, everywhere, on all sides, altogether.
universe : generally, in general.
universi : all together.
universitas : the whole, total, universe, world / university.
universum : universe, the world.
universus : combined in one, whole, entire.
unus : one, only one, at the same time / single, alone.
urbanus : urban, urbane, pertaining to the city.
urbs urbis : city.
uredo : a plant blight.
us : foreign, acquired.
usitas : customary, usual.
usque : all the way, up (to), even (to).
ustilo : to burn (Herimannn, p. 308).
ustulo : to burn, scorch, singe.
usus : use, experience, skill, advantage.
ut : (+ subj.) (result) so that, that.
ut : (+ subj.) (purpose) in order that, to, that.
ut : (+ indic.) when, as.
ut : (+ subj.) (command) to, that.
uter utrius : either of the two
uterque : (gen. utriusque) both, each side, each party.
Uticensium : Evroul.
utilis : useful, advantageous, helpful.
utilitas : utility, usefulness.
utique : at any rate, certainly, at least.
utor uti usus : to use, employ, possess, enjoy / associate with, find.
utpote : seeing that, inasmuch as.
utpote : adv. namely, seeing that, inasmuch as, since.
utrimque : from both sides, on both sides.
utroque : to both sides, in both directions / at each point.
utrum : whether.
utrum ... an : whether ... or. atau.
uxor : wife, spouse.
vaco : to be free from work, of a master, of property.
vacuus : empty, devoid of, free from.
vado : go, hasten, rush.
vae : (interj.), woe, alas, woe to.
valde : intensely, very much, extremely, greatly
valens : strong, powerful, healthy / able, worthwhile.
valeo valui valiturus : to be strong, have power, be well.
valetudo : health. good health, bad health.
validus : strong, mighty, powerful, exceeding.
vallum : palisade, earthen wall, entrenchment, rampart.
vapulus : flogged, beaten, knocked about.
varietas : variety, differences, diversity.
varius : various, varied.
vehemens : violent, furious, impetuous.
vehementer : violently, forcefully, strongly, exceedingly.
vel : or, (adv.) even, actually, for example.
velociter: quickly, rapidly, swiftly.
velox : quick, rapid, swift, fast.
velum : sail, covering, awning, curtain.
velut : adv. just as, like, even as.
Vendolius : Vendeuil.
venia : grace, indulgence, favor, pardon, forgiveness.
venio veni ventum : to come.
ventito : to come often, to visit frequently.
ventosus : full of wind, windy, breezy.
ventus : wind, rumor, favor.
ventus : wind.
venustas : loveliness, charm, attractiveness, beauty.
ver, veris : spring, the production of spring.
verbera : (in pl.) blows, a beating, thrashing.
verbum : word.
vere : truly, really, actually, rightly.
verecundia : feeling of shame, shame, bashfulness.
vereor : to respect, fear, be in dread of, to be afraid.
vergo : to bend, incline, verge, to draw to an end.
veritas : truth.
Vernandense : Vermandois.
vero : in truth, indeed, to be sure / however.
versus : line, verse.
verto : to turn, turn around, turn up / to put to flight, rout.
verto : to flee / interpret, understand / upset, overthrow.
verumtamen verumptamen : notwithstanding, nevertheless.
verus : true, real, proper, right.
vesco, vescor : to feed, to eat.
vesica : bladder, bladder-like tumor.
vesper : evening star, evening.
vespera : evening prayer, vespers.
vespillo : undertaker.
vester vestra vestrum : (pl.) your, yours.
vestigium : footstep, trace, mark.
vestio vestivi vestitum : to clothe.
vestis : clothing, garment, covering, blanket, carpet, tapestry.
vestrum vestri : your yours / you make sing about YOUR pretty gals.
vetus : old.
via : road, way, street.
vicinus : neighbor / (med.) resident.
vicissitudo: change, alteration.
victor : victor, winner.
victoria : victory.
victus : living, manner of life / nourishment, food.
videlicet : it is clear / (adv.) clearly, plainly, namely.
videlicet : (adv.) (ironically) of course, to be sure.
video vidi visum : to see, observe, understand, comprehend.
videor : to be seen, seem, appear.
viduata : deprived, widowed, bereft.
viduo : to deprive
vigilo : to be awake, watch, be vigilant / to keep vigil.
vigor : vigor, liveliness.
vilicus, villicus : pertaining to an estate, overseer, steward.
vilis : cheap, worth little.
vilitas : cheapness, low-price, worthlessness.
villa : country house, country estate / (med.) manor, village.
vinco vici victum : conquer, overcome, master, win, surpass, excel.
vinculum : bond, fetter, tie.
vindico (vindicatum) : claim, arrogate, assume, appropriate.
vindico : to liberate, deliver / punish, avenge / claim, assume.
vindico : to avenge, punish, liberate, deliver, protect.
vinitor : vine-dresser (a man who prunes grape vines).
vinum : wine.
vir : man, hero, man of courage.
virga : a green twig, rod, stick, wand, broom, streak, stripe.
virgo : maiden, virgin, young girl.
viridis : green.
viriliter : manfully.
virtus : manliness, excellence, character, worth, courage.
vis : (sing.) violence / a large number, quantity, a force / nature
vis vires : (pl.) force, power, strength, might, influence.
viscus : flesh, internal organs, bowels, entrails, heart.
vita : life, way of life.
vitiosus : vicious, full of vice, corrupt.
vitium : fault, vice, crime.
vito : to avoid, shun.
vivo vixi victum : to live, be alive.
vix : scarcely, hardly, with difficulty, barely.
vobis : (abl.) you / who knows more than YOU? I do!
vobis : (dat.) you / I'm talkin' to YOU, yeah, talkin' 'bout Cindy.
vociferor : to cry aloud, shout.
voco in dubium: to call into question.
voco : to call, summon, name invite.
volaticus : winged, flying / inconstant, unreliable / flighty.
volatilis: winged, flying / swift, rapid / fleeting, transitory.
volens : willing, favorable.
volo (sibi velle) : to mean, signify, denote.
volo : to fly, speed, move rapidly.
volo : to wish, want, will, ordain, suppose, maintain that, be willing.
volubilis : (of speech) rapid, fluent, voluble.
volubilis : rolling, revolving, turning around / changeable, inconstant.
volubiliter : fluently.
voluntarius : voluntary.
voluntas : wish, will, inclination / good will.
voluntas : last will, testament / meaning, sense.
volup : agreeably, pleasantly.
voluptarius : pleasant, one devoted to pleasure.
voluptas : pleasure.
voluptuosus : delightful, pleasurable.
volutabrum : pigsty, slough.
volva vulva : womb (particularly that of a sow).
vomer : plowshare.
vomica : ulcer, sore, boil / plague, curse.
vomito : to vomit, vomit forth, throw up.
vorago : chasm, pit, abyss.
vorax : gluttonous, voracious.
voro : to eat greedily, swallow up, consume, gorge oneself.
vos : (acc.) you / I'll fight YOU all, then ... bring me giants!
vos : you (pl) / YOU can't catch me, i'm the gingerbread man.
votum : prayer, wish, desire / promise to God.
voveo vovi votum : to promise to God, vow, pray for.
vox vocis : voice, word / (med.) power, right, authority.
vulariter : in the common way, ordinary manner.
vulgaris : common, ordinary, usual.
vulgivagus : wandering, vagrant, itinerant.
vulgo : to spread, publish, impart, make accessible.
vulgus : the common people, mob, rabble.
vulnero : to wound, injure, hurt, harm.
vulnus : wound.
vulpes volpes : fox.
vulticulus : look, aspect, appearance.
vultuosus : grimacing, affected.
vultur voltur vulturius volturius : vulture.
vultus : the face.
vultus : expression of the face, countenance, look, aspect.

Werumensium : Wittewierum.
xiphias : sword-fish.

3 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

Astaga...panjang banget dan tekun sekali kau kalau ini diketik, But, thanks info Bahasa Latinnya :)

BELAJAR BAHASA mengatakan...

Sangat bermanfaat tulisan tentang bahasa Latin ini

Irfan Alfahmi mengatakan...

Makasih Min. mantap

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